Meteor: optimistic ui and appCache - meteor

How does a meteor application deal with server-side methods for inserting and updating? especially:
if an application is temporarily offline (available through appCache-package) and a call to a server-side
method happens: is optimistic-ui possible? how does it work?
do i
need to define the (usually server-side) methods in /libs
directory instead of /server?
Thank you

You should put your collections under libs and use Collection.allowand Collection.deny to control the permission on both server and client side.
In meteor, most of the time you're dealing with client side data, Meteor will save them to the Minimongo and synchronize your update to server when available.
Regarding to method definition, it really depends on where you want to use it, only a few things you'll put on server, e,g, authentication logic, encryption salt


What are valid values for framework.session.storage_id?

In the Symfony configuration there is an entry framework.session.storage_id. This setting also appears in the default config on the Symfony configuration documentation but it is not explained. My assumption is that it defines where session data is stored on the server side.
Values I have seen for this entry include, and I am unsure of what these values exactly mean (e.g. what is the difference between a mock file and a filesystem?) and also think that this is not the complete list of possible values.
So what exactly does this configuration key control and what values are valid?
Valid values for framework.session.storage_id are following: - for testing. It doesn't start session at all. - for testing. It is an alias for - default implementation using defined session handler - for legacy apps
From developer perspective, there is a session service that abstracts working with session. session service depends on some session storage service. Session storage implements session management from PHP perspective (calling session_start() function for example). Storage also depends on some session handler. Handler is implementation of \SessionStorage and it tells how and where will be session physically stored.
This three layer design allows creating storage for testing which does not call session_start() at all and does not use handler ( Or creating of handler that can store and load session from anywhere ( solves situation when session_start() is called by external PHP code (not by Symfony session storage).
I hope it is clear to understand.
Session management in Symfony is based on two main rules.
Symfony must start the session.
The Symfony sessions are designed to replace the use of PHP native functions session_*() and $_SESSION global.
However, some exceptions exist. Sometimes it may be necessary to integrate Symfony in a legacy application, which starts the session with session_start().
With directive, you can manage the session using a special gateway that is designed to allow to Symfony working with a session that was started outside the framework.
In goal to make the code using sessions testable, directive allows to simulate the flow of a PHP session without starting it really.

Why do Meteor methods go in the models.js file?

According to this video, meteor methods should be defined in the models.js file that is available on the client and the server.
If methods are supposed to be secure procedures that the client invokes on the server, why are they defined in the models.js file? Clients call methods with, so doesn't it make sense to define our methods on the server, not in models.js?
You don't have to put methods in a "model.js" file, you can put them anywhere, they just happened to name the file model.js in the video.
Meteor.methods is an "Anywhere" method, which means that it can exist on both the server and the client. If you look at the docs, you'll see the difference explained:
Calling methods on the server defines functions that can be called remotely by clients.
Calling methods on the client defines stub functions associated with server methods of the same name.
In the video they're showing you a demo of how methods and other features of Meteor work, so they weren't concerned with specifically placing the methods in the server.
The video you posted is merely a teaser of what Meteor can do. It's not a tutorial. The documentation explains how methods do work. For clients the method will only be stubbed.
If you make the method available at the server only, the method won't be stubbed. You should also read the concepts of Meteor.

Interactive HTTP server

For manually testing an HTTP client in my application, I'd like to use a tool which starts an HTTP server my application can connect to and that lets me respond to request from my application manually. I'm basically looking for a tool with a GUI that lists all incoming requests and allows me to select a status code and type a response message. I've already tested the functionality with unit tests but I also want to verify it manually with no mocking etc.
Sounds simple but I didn't find such a tool. I've found some that can be scripted but no interactive one. Do you know one?
This can probably be written relatively easily by creating the Swing GUI dialog popup inside the servlet servicing methods. Have never seen Tomcat running this way but probably it would. Only, mind the server time out. It may be not long enough for you to make an input and require to be configured, also on the client side. Also, parallel calls will make multiple popups that may be difficult to respond but probably this is a single client app.
As a simplest solution, server GUI can be simply disposed after call and newly created as the next call arrives. This will make eveything indepenent on how servlet container is managing the servlets (does it stays, is it destroyed, maybe class is unloaded, who knows). Advanced solution could include the "server servlet" that would interact through its own JSP page but then it may be complex to update it when the new call arrives (unless maybe refresh periodically).

Platform Agnostic Way to Tell if Meteor is Running

Question says it all really. I can setup a page at a known location, and make sure the http request works, but that feels kinda hackey.
Meteor.status() is a client side function which will help for individual clients within the Meteor context. Your best bet for a platform-agnostic check is a DDP client that lives outside your Meteor environment. (True, the Meteor folks proposed the DDP client, but the intention is that it serve as a protocol for real-time platform, not a tightly coupled part of the Meteor architecture).
In practice, then, you'd need to wire up a DDP client and subscribe to a server-side publication, returning whatever defines 'running' in the context you require. This could be simply a collection of mongo documents, or some status checks based on more complex set and unset method calls within your publish function.
Here are a couple DDP clients I've found
Hope that helps.

Calling a method in an ASP.NET application from a Windows application

Other than using a web service, is there anyway to call a method in a web app from a windows application? Both run on the same machine.
I basically want to schedule a job to run a windows app which updates some file (for a bayesian spam filter), then I want to notify the web app to reload that file.
I know this can be done in other ways but I'm curious to know whether it's possible anyway.
You can make your windows app connect to the web app and do a GET in a page that responds by reloading your file, I don't think it is strictly necessary to use a web service. This way you can also make it happen from a web browser.
A Web Service is the "right" way if you want them to communicate directly. However, I've found it easier in some situations to coordinate via database records. For example, my web app has bulk email capability. To make it work, the web app just leaves a database record behind specifying the email to be sent. The WinApp scans periodically for these records and, when it finds one with an "unprocessed" status, it takes the appropriate action. This works like a charm for me in a very high volume environment.
You cannot quite do this in the other direction only because web apps don't generally sit around in a timing loop (there are ways around this but they aren't worth the effort). Thus, you'll require some type of initiating action to let the web app know when to reload the file. To do this, you could use the following code to do a GET on a page:
WebRequest wrContent = WebRequest.Create("");
Stream objStream = wrContent.GetResponse().GetResponseStream();
// I don't think you'll need the stream Reader but I include it for completeness
StreamReader objStreamReader = new StreamReader(objStream);
You'll then reload the file in the PageLoad method whenever this page is opened.
How is the web application loading the file? If you were using a dependency on the Cache object, then simply updating the file will invalidate the Cache entry, causing your code to reload that entry when it is found to be null (or based on the "invalidated" event).
Otherwise, I don't know how you would notify the application to update the file.
An ASP.NET application only exists as an instance to serve a request. This is why web services are an easy way to handle this - the application has been instantiated to serve the service request. If you could be sure the instance existed and got a handle to it, you could use remoting. But without having a concrete handle to an instance of the application, you can't invoke the method directly.
There's plenty of other ways to communicate. You could use a database or some other kind of list which both applications poll and update periodically. There are plenty of asynchronous MQ solutions out there.
So you'll create a page in your webapp specifically for this purpose. Use a Get request and pass in a url parameter. Then in the page_load event check for this paremter. if it exists then do your processing. By passing in the parameter you'll prevent accidental page loads that will cause the file to be uploaded and processed when you don't want it to be.
From the windows app make the url Get request by using the .Net HttpWebRequest. Example here:
