Spring mvc and websockets using STOMP jackson issue - spring-mvc

I have been able to get websockets working with my application using sock.js stompjs and spring 4. However I'm having jackson mapping issues when I try to send a json object and use #validated. The jackson error is:
Could not read JSON: can not deserialize instance of com.... out of START_ARRAY token
Here is the server side code:
public SimpleDemoObject add(#Payload #Validated ReqObject req, #DestinationVariable("id") Long id, Errors errors)
And the client side:
socket.stomp.send( _contextPath + "/notify/" + id, {"content-type": "application/json"}, data);
I was previously trying to use #RequestBody but I believe #Payload is the correct way here?
I can get it to work if I remove #Payload and #Validated but I would like to use spring validation on my request object. Any tips on what I'm doing wrong?


WebTestClient cannot post body to MVC controller

The RestTemplate javadoc recommends migrating to WebClient, even for traditional (non-reactive) applications. So it's logical that I would also like to use WebTestClient in my controller tests, to use a consistent API.
This works fine for GET requests for example. But when I POST with a body, the body data does not arrive at the controller. Why not?
I can test my controllers like this:
WebTestClient webTestClient = WebTestClient.bindToController(TokenController()).build
The controller code:
path = ["/post2"],
ResponseEntity<Any> post2(#RequestParam(GRANT_TYPE) String grantType) {
return ResponseEntity.ok("{\"a\": 33}")
In this example, grantType is null. If I start the application and send a standard HTTP request, then grantType contains the value "authorization_code" as expected.
(I manually translated the code from Kotlin to Java for this question, there may be syntax errors)
You are not actually parsing the body at all in your controller, you are only looking for a URL parameter.
#RequestParam("grant_type") will map a parameter like /someUrl?grant_type=something
But you are sending the data in the body of the request, so you should use
#RequestBody String grantType in your controller instead. Note that the input will be the whole String "grant_type=authorization_code".

400 when passing url in #PathVariable to Spring MVC controller method

I'm trying to pass a url in to a Spring MVC controller method in a #PathVariable but am getting a 400 http response code, and the request is rejected before it reaches the controller method.
My request is being issued as:
curl '' -k -w "\nResponse code: %{http_code}\n"
The controller method, and UTF-8 filter, is:
public FilterRegistrationBean filterRegistrationBean()
CharacterEncodingFilter filter = new CharacterEncodingFilter();
FilterRegistrationBean registrationBean = new FilterRegistrationBean();
return registrationBean;
#RequestMapping(value = {"/myapi/page/{url}/info"}, method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ResponseEntity<?> test(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, #PathVariable("url") String webPage)
ResponseEntity<?> results = new ResponseEntity<Map<String, Object>>(HttpStatus.OK);
// Do something here
return results;
I am using Tomcat 8.5.5, and nothing is present in the log files (logging has been set at DEBUG level) except for the following entry in localhost_access_log.2016-10-04.txt: - - [04/Oct/2016:09:04:24 +0100] "GET //myapi/page/http%/info HTTP/1.1" 400 -
In my test code, the url being passed into is being encoded using URLEncoder.encode(), so should be being encoded correctly.
In the remote debugger, I can see that the CharacterEncodingFilter registration code above is being entered so the filter should be being registered.
I have also addedURIEncoding="UTF-8" to each of the Connectors in the server.xml file in $CATALINA_HOME/conf.
I am going round in circles with this and keep on thinking there's something obvious I'm missing. I've never had any issues using a #PathVariable before so I presume I'm encountering some sort of encoding issue, probably relating to the % sign.
I'd be grateful for any help with this!
I think the issue is that Spring, inside AbstractHandlerMethodMapping and UriUtils, is decoding the entire url, including the #PathVariable portion. It then cannot find a request mapping for the decoded url which is unsurprising since the decoded url includes the decoded url in the #PathVariable. I need to find some way of telling Spring not to decode the application/x-www.form-urlencoded portion of the url.
Any ideas?

Spring MVC binding request parameters

I wrote a spring-mvc controller method to get an array of values in the request parameter.The method looks like below
Trying to get the value for request param foo which passes multiple values
public void performActionXX(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response,
#RequestParam("foo") String[] foo) {
The above method works fine when the request url is in below format
However when the request url is in below format the server returns 400 error
Any idea how to fix the method to cater to the second format request url?
This is not possible with #RequestParam. What you can do is implement and register your own HandlerMethodArgumentResolver to perform to resolve request parameters like
into an array. You can always checkout the code of RequestParamMethodArgumentResolver to see how Spring does it.
Note that I recommend you change how the client creates the URL.
The server is supposed to define an API and the client is meant to follow it, that's why we have the 400 Bad Request status code.
I resolved this issue using the request.getParameterMap().Below is code.
Map<String,String> parameterMap= request.getParameterMap();
for(String key :parameterMap.keySet()){

Does JSON always have to match a POJO/Bean and vice versa in spring-mvc Rest?

Every time I call my REST API sending a JSON through PUT, for instance, and there is some different property on it, I got 400 (Bad Request) as a result.
Is there any way to configure spring-mvc to ignore no existent properties when JSON and my Class do not perfectly match?
Here is a sample of a method on my controller:
#RequestMapping(method=RequestMethod.PUT, value="/include",
public #ResponseBody ResponseEntity<Client>
inserirClienteSemRedeSocial(#RequestBody Client client) {
return new ResponseEntity<Client>(client, HttpStatus.OK);
you can add to your Pojo:
which will ignore unknown fields

Customize HTTP codes and error message in JBoss AS 7

can anyone tell me how i can customize http codes and reasonphrase in JBoss AS 7?
basically i have a REST webservice that returns a nonstandard status code '499' with reasonphrase 'app error'
In standalone.xml, I set the org.apache.coyote.Constants.USE_CUSTOM_STATUS_MSG_IN_HEADER to true under systemproperties, but AS still overrides the HTTP error message.
There seems to be a mistake in JBoss documentation, the correct property name is:
So in the standalone you should have something like this:
<property name="org.apache.coyote.USE_CUSTOM_STATUS_MSG_IN_HEADER" value="true"/>
I assume that the REST service is interpretted using RestEasy.
That provides a nice feature of injecting a HTTP response object using #Context:
The #Context annotation allows you to inject instances of javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders, javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo, javax.ws.rs.core.Request, javax.servlet.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.HttpServletResponse, javax.servlet.ServletConfig, javax.servlet.ServletContext, and javax.ws.rs.core.SecurityContext objects.
public class MyService {
#Context org.jboss.resteasy.spi.HttpResponse response;
#GET #Path("/") public void myMethod(){
response.sendError(499, "The file was censored by NSA.")
But maybe you should rather consider using a proprietary HTTP header:
"499 Our server is down and admin is on holiday. MaƱana.");
