Meteor new boilerplate app via "meteor create" how to make it? - meteor

I wonder is there a way to create a new boilerplate app template and then use it like this:
meteor create simple-with-iron-router

yeoman generator for meteor
iron-cli by Evented Mind
Meteor Kitchen - code generator for Meteor
"installer" atmosphere package


Can a node module consisting of Facebook React code work within ASP.NET Core?

ASP.NET has a nuget package called which is capable of running Facebook React v16+ code.
I'd like to integrate Office UI Fabric, but the react package is only available as an NPM package, where I'd run
npm install office-ui-fabric-react --save
Is it possible to take the contents of this code and integrate it into ASP.NET (MVC/Core)?
Should I "do something" with the github source and add it to my code? (e.g. rename the necessary files to jsx)
Should I create a temporary node project, install the package, and manually copy data over?
Is there another way I'm not listing (a utility, etc)
I have not used the ASP.NET Plugin, but from what I can gather it requires you to generate a bundle that contains all the dependencies you want to use with it and include in your template.
To create a bundle that excludes react from the office-ui-fabric-react module, I would use webpack to build the bundle and the exclude react as a dependency bundled in the bundle.

How to build and Use a Basic/Simple Meteor package that uses react-meteor

I am new to Meteor and learning Meteorjs with Reactjs. I want to know how one can build a simple (eg. Todo App's package) meteor package that uses react-meteor, and how can I use it in our project.
There is a Meteor - React tutorial for beginners in the official Meteor page here. You should also read the official Meteor Guide for more information about React in Meteor after completing the tutorial.

meteor integrate with jsplumb

I am doing a project and want to integrate with jsplumb meteor , and install jsplumb with meteor, but not to call it I've read some of the documentation jsplumb but nothing related to meteor , I just need like using nothing more
jsPlumb is available as a Meteor package so it should be easy to use them together. You'll still have to learn Meteor. You can start with Discover Meteor or with the tutorial.

Management packages. What tool should I use?

I'm starting new app with meteor and I'm confuse when I have to install packages.
Meteor gives the possibility to install packages just like that:
meteor add <username>:<packagename>
Ok, very easy. The problem is that I would like use bower then, How I have to install the packages? For example angular.
meteor add urigo:angular
is the same as? what is the difference*? How I have to perform?
bower install angular
The logical conclusion could be use one of them, but I have seen in examples that they can be toguether.
*the package is recorded in different places, but the operation is the same?
meteor add <developer>:<packagename>
you add packages from the Meteor specific package database. Meteor packages are completely integrated into the Meteor eco-system and may contain both server and client side code.
You should use "meteor add" whenever possible.
To find Meteor packages you can use Atmosphere
Bower on the other hand is a framework independent package system for client side (mostly) JavaScript packages. It's not well integrated with Meteor - Although community packages exists to simplify usage of Bower packages with Meteor.
To answer you specific example:
meteor add urigo:angular
This command adds the Angular package of the Angular-Meteor project to your Meteor application. It's not only Angular but does also include some Angular services ($meteor) to provide integration of Meteor with Angular.
It even adds Angular support to the server side to some degree.
bower install angular
only downloads the official minified and non-minified javascript file of the latest Angular version for client side use.
You could use the Bower version with Angular but you wouldn't get the benefits of the integration.
While I don't use Bower myself, check out this package: I think it may help answer your question.

No sure how to create the Todo app using Meteor Framework

I tried replicating the todos application without using the example meteor terminal commentlets
Steps, i followed, (I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 build)
In terminal - meteor create todos
-- created the todos
a default *.html, *.css, *.js create underneath to the todos folder,
i deleted and replaced the actual todo artifacts into to it (e.g. client, server, public folders to the root) -> tried running the app - UI appears but the functionality breaks
I just wanna know what is ideal way create a app something similar structure as todos app.
This might help other folks to create a larger applications... currently i stuck in single *.js.
There's also a .meteor directory per project. Did you copy that too?
I've used a vagrant ( to install all of the dependencies and have an app running fine.
I just used 'meteor create myapp' like the docs say.
My bad i found it, just use this commentlet on terminal
meteor list --using
the above commentlet will list you out all the packages used for the current meteor project
Just add those project to the newly create meteor project and write your own structure, i found another way struture the project which i post as soon as possible...
meteor list --using
intersting fact is todo example comes two version one with secure and non secure packages - out-of-box build release with 0.4.2, and 0.5.0 respectively...
