Specify regression line intercept (R & ggplot2) - r

My current plot looks like this:
I want to force the regression line to start at 1 for station_1.
var_x = c(2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011)
var_y = c(1.000000,1.041355,1.053106,1.085738,1.126375,1.149899,1.210831,1.249480,1.286305,1.367923,1.486978,1.000000,0.9849343,0.9826141,0.9676000,0.9382975,0.9037476,0.8757748,0.8607960,0.8573634,0.8536138,0.8258877)
var_z = c('Station_1','Station_1','Station_1','Station_1','Station_1','Station_1','Station_1','Station_1','Station_1','Station_1','Station_1','Station_2','Station_2','Station_2','Station_2','Station_2','Station_2','Station_2','Station_2','Station_2','Station_2','Station_2')
df_data = data.frame(var_x,var_y,var_z)
out = ggplot(df_data,aes(x=var_x,y=var_y,group=var_z))
out = out + geom_line(aes(linetype=var_z),size=1)
out = out + theme_classic()
out = out+ stat_smooth(data = PFI_data,
formula = y~x,
se=T,size = 1.4,colour = "blue",linetype=1)
Any help would be appreciated - this has been driving me crazy for too long!

First of all, you should be careful when forcing a regression line to some fixed point. Here's a link to a discussion why.
Now, from a technical perspective, I'm relying heavily on these questions and answers: one, two. The outline of my solution is the following: precompute the desired intercept, run a regression without it, add the intercept to the resulting prediction.
I'm using an internal ggplot2:::predictdf.default function to save some typing. The cbind(df, df) part may look strange, but it's a simple hack to make geom_smooth work properly, since there are two factor levels in var_z.
# Previous code should remain intact, replace the rest with this:
names(PFI_data) <- c("x", "y", "z")
x0 <- df_data[df_data$var_z == "Station_1", "var_x"][1]
y0 <- df_data[df_data$var_z == "Station_1", "var_y"][1]
model <- lm(I(y-y0) ~ I(x-x0) + 0, data = PFI_data)
xrange <- range(PFI_data$x)
xseq <- seq(from=xrange[1], to=xrange[2])
df <- ggplot2:::predictdf.default(model, xseq, se=T, level=0.95)
df <- rbind(df, df)
df[c("y", "ymin", "ymax")] <- df[c("y", "ymin", "ymax")] + y0
out + geom_smooth(aes_auto(df), data=df, stat="identity")


Plotting output of GAM model

Edit: following interactions in the responses below, I believe there may be some issues with the plot() or plot.gam() functions when dealing with gam outputs. See responses below.
I am running a non parametric regression model <- gam(y ~ x, bs = "cs", data = data).
My data looks like what follows, where x is in logs. I have 273 observations
y x
[1,] 0.010234756 10.87952
[2,] 0.009165001 10.98407
[3,] 0.001330975 11.26850
[4,] 0.008000957 10.97803
[5,] 0.008579472 10.94924
[6,] 0.009746714 11.01823
I would like to plot the output of the model, basically the fitted curve. When I do
# graph
ggplot(data = data, mapping = aes(x = x y = y)) +
geom_point(size = 0.5, alpha = 0.5) +
geom_smooth(method="gam", formula= y~s(x, bs = "cs") )
I get the desired output graphs (apologies for the original labels):
However, the two plotted curves are not exactly the same and I did not manage to find the parameters to tweak to remove the differences. Therefore I would like to plot the curve manually.
Here it's my current attempt.
model <- gam(y~ s(x), bs = "cs", data = data)
# summary(model)
model_fit <- as.data.frame(cbind(model$y, model$fitted.values,
model$linear.predictors, data$x,
names(model_fit) <- c("y", "y_fit", "linear_pred", "x", "res")
### here the plotting
ggplot(model_fit) +
geom_point(aes(x = x, y = y_fit), size = 0.5, alpha = 0.5) +
geom_line(aes(x = x, y = y_fit))
However I get the following warning
geom_path: Each group consists of only one observation. Do you need to adjust the group aesthetic?
and wrong output graph
I do not seem to be able to fix the last graph (it seems the error is in geom_point() ) and add the confidence intervals, nor to find where to tweak the first two to make them exactly the same.
The difference is likely due to you using different fitting algorithms. The default in gam() is (currently) method = "GCV.Cp" even through the recommended option is to use method = "REML". stat_smooth() uses method = "REML". GCV-based smoothness selection is known to undersmooth in some circumstances and this seems to be the case here with the REML solution being a much smoother curve.
If you change to method = "REML" in your gam() call, the differences should disappear.
That said, you really shouldn't be ripping things out of model objects like that - for a set off $residuals is not what you think it is - it's not useful in this context as those are the working residuals for PIRLS algorithm. Use the extractor functions like fitted(), residuals() etc.
The easiest way to plot your own version of that drawn by plot.gam() is to capture the object returned by plot.gam() and then use that object to draw what you need.
Via plot.gam()
df <- data_sim("eg1", seed = 2)
m <- gam(y ~ s(x2), data = df, method = "REML")
p_obj <- plot(m, residuals = TRUE)
p_obj <- p_obj[[1]] # just one smooth so select the first component
sm_df <- as.data.frame(p_obj[c("x", "se", "fit")])
data_df <- as.data.frame(p_obj[c("raw", "p.resid")])
## plot
ggplot(sm_df, aes(x = x, y = fit)) +
geom_rug(data = data_df, mapping = aes(x = raw, y = NULL),
sides = "b") +
geom_point(data = data_df, mapping = aes(x = raw, y = p.resid)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = fit - se, ymax = fit + se, y = NULL),
alpha = 0.3) +
geom_line() +
labs(x = p_obj$xlab, y = p_obj$ylab)
Which produces
Alternatively, you might look at my {gratia} package or the {mgcViz} package of Matteo Fasiolo as options that will do this all for you.
{gratia} example
For example with {gratia}
draw(m, residuals = TRUE)
which produces
The solution provided by #Gavin Simpson here partially solves the issue, meaning that to make the two curves equal, one needs to add the method = "REML". The two curves then have the same slope.
However, for some reason, when plotting the output of a gam() model using either plot() or plot.gam(), the curve does not fit properly the original data as it should. The same happens by manually plotting the graph by extracting the elements from the object returned by plot.gam(). I am not sure why this happens. In my case, the fitted curve is shifted downwards, clearly "missing" the data points it is supposed to fit. Below the code and the corresponding output graph, the latter being the same you get in plot() or plot.gam() with the addition of the original data points to the plots.
# or plot.gam(model_1)
data.plot = as.data.frame(cbind(b[[1]]$x, b[[1]]$fit, b[[1]]$se))
ggplot(data=data.plot, mapping = aes(x= data.plot$V1, y= data.plot$V2)) +
geom_line(aes(x = V1, y = V2)) +
geom_line(aes(x= V1, y = V2 + V3 ), linetype="dashed") +
geom_line(aes(x= V1, y = V2 - V3 ), linetype ="dashed") +
geom_point(data= df_abs, aes(x= log(prd_l_1999), y=prd_gr), size = 0.5, alpha = 0.5)
Misplaced graphs
To note that the ggplot function makes the plot properly. Therefore, my ignorant guess is that this may be an issue with the plotting method.
Working solution
I am not able to prove that the issue is with the plotting functions, but it turns out that this is the same issue as in this question and the partial solution provided by the OP fixes the plotting while still using the gam() function. Below (his) code adapted to my case and the corresponding output graph. As you can see, the graph is plotted properly and the curve fits the data as it is supposed to do. I'd say this may corroborate my hypothesis even though I cannot prove it as I am not knowledgeable enough.
model_1 <- gam(prd_gr ~ s(log(prd_l_1999)), bs = "cs", data = df_abs, method = "REML")
preds <- predict(model_1,se.fit=TRUE)
my_data <- data.frame(mu=preds$fit, low =(preds$fit - 1.96 * preds$se.fit), high = (preds$fit + 1.96 * preds$se.fit))
geom_line(data = my_data, aes(x=log(df_abs$prd_l_1999), y=mu), size=1, col="blue")+
geom_smooth(data=my_data,aes(ymin = low, ymax = high, x=log(df_abs$prd_l_1999), y = mu), stat = "identity", col="green")

Compact letter display from pairwise test

I would like to create a compact letter display from a post-hoc test I did on a linear mixed effect model (lmer)
Here is an example of what I would like when I do a pairwise t.test
df <- read.table("https://pastebin.com/raw/Dzfh7b2f", header=T,sep="")
PT <- pairwise.t.test(df$fit,df$treatment, method=bonferroni)
PT = PT$p.value
PT1 = fullPTable(PT)
reversed = FALSE)
This works our great, because from the pairwise.t.test, it is easy to simply extract the p values, and create the table I would like.
Now lets say I run a linear model, do a pairwise comparison, and would like to also create a table, as I did above, that creates a compact letter display for me from the extracted pvalues
mult<- summary(glht(model, linfct = mcp(treatment = "Tukey")), test = adjusted("holm"))
I can see the p values, but have spent the last 2-3 hours trying to figure out how to just extract those values (as I did above with the pairwise.t.test), and subsequently, create a compact letter display table.
Any help is much appreciated. All the best
Find more details here.
mod <- lm(Sepal.Width ~ Species, data = iris)
mod_means_contr <- emmeans::emmeans(object = mod,
pairwise ~ "Species",
adjust = "tukey")
mod_means <- multcomp::cld(object = mod_means_contr$emmeans,
Letters = letters)
### Bonus plot
ggplot(data = mod_means,
aes(x = Species, y = emmean)) +
geom_point() +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = lower.CL,
ymax = upper.CL),
width = 0.2) +
geom_text(aes(label = gsub(" ", "", .group)),
position = position_nudge(x = 0.2)) +
labs(caption = "Means followed by a common letter are\nnot significantly different according to the Tukey-test")
Created on 2021-06-03 by the reprex package (v2.0.0)
Thanks to the suggestion by #roland, the answer is simply:
mult<- summary(glht(model, linfct = mcp(treatment = "Tukey")), test = adjusted("holm"))
letter_display <- cld(mult)

How to delete outliers from a QQ-plot graph made with ggplot()?

I have a two dimensional dataset (say columns x and y). I use the following function to plot a QQ-plot of this data.
# Creating a toy data for presentation
df = cbind(x = c(1,5,8,2,9,6,1,7,12), y = c(1,4,10,1,6,5,2,1,32))
# Plotting the QQ-plot
df_qq = as.data.frame(qqplot(df[,1], df[,2], plot.it=FALSE))
ggplot(df_qq) +
geom_point(aes(x=x, y=y), size = 2) +
geom_abline(intercept = c(0,0), slope = 1)
That is the resulting graph:
My question is, how to avoid plotting the last point (i.e. (12,32))? I would rather not delete it manually because i have several of these data pairs and there are similar outliers in each of them. What I would like to do is to write a code that somehow identifies the points that are too far from the 45 degree line and eliminate them from df_qq (for instance if it is 5 times further than the average distance to the 45 line it can be eliminated). My main objective is to make the graph easier to read. When outliers are not eliminated the more regular part of the QQ-plot occupies a too small part of the graph and it prevents me from visually evaluating the similarity of two vectors apart from the outliers.
I would appreciate any help.
There is a CRAN package, referenceIntervals that uses Cook's distance to detect outliers. By applying it to the values of df_qq$y it can then give an index into df_qq to be removed.
out <- cook.outliers(df_qq$y)$outliers
i <- which(df_qq$y %in% out)
ggplot(df_qq[-i, ]) +
geom_point(aes(x=x, y=y), size = 2) +
geom_abline(intercept = c(0,0), slope = 1)
Following the OP's comment,
But as far as I understand this function does not look at
the relation between x & y,
maybe the following function is what is needed to remove outliers only if they are outliers in one of the vectors but not in both.
cookOut <- function(X){
out1 <- cook.outliers(X[[1]])$outliers
out2 <- cook.outliers(X[[2]])$outliers
i <- X[[1]] %in% out1
j <- X[[2]] %in% out2
w <- which((!i & j) | (i & !j))
if(length(w)) X[-w, ] else X
Test with the second data set, the one in the comment.
The extra vector, id is just to make faceting easier.
df1 <- data.frame(x = c(1,5,8,2,9,6,1,7,12), y = c(1,4,10,1,6,5,2,1,32))
df2 <- data.frame(x = c(1,5,8,2,9,6,1,7,32), y = c(1,4,10,1,6,5,2,1,32))
df_qq1 = as.data.frame(qqplot(df1[,1], df1[,2], plot.it=FALSE))
df_qq2 = as.data.frame(qqplot(df2[,1], df2[,2], plot.it=FALSE))
df_qq_out1 <- cookOut(df_qq1)
df_qq_out2 <- cookOut(df_qq2)
df_qq_out1$id <- "A"
df_qq_out2$id <- "B"
df_qq_out <- rbind(df_qq_out1, df_qq_out2)
ggplot(df_qq_out) +
geom_point(aes(x=x, y=y), size = 2) +
geom_abline(intercept = c(0,0), slope = 1) +
facet_wrap(~ id)

How do I plot a single numerical covariate using emmeans (or other package) from a model?

After variable selection I usually end up in a model with a numerical covariable (2nd or 3rd degree). What I want to do is to plot using emmeans package preferentially. Is there a way of doing it?
I can do it using predict:
m1 <- lm(mpg ~ poly(disp,2), data = mtcars)
df <- cbind(disp = mtcars$disp, predict.lm(m1, interval = "confidence"))
df <- as.data.frame(df)
ggplot(data = df, aes(x = disp, y = fit)) +
geom_line() +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lwr, ymax = upr, x = disp, y = fit),alpha = 0.2)
I didn't figured out a way of doing it using emmip neither emtrends
For illustration purposes, how could I do it using mixed models via lme?
m1 <- lme(mpg ~ poly(disp,2), random = ~1|factor(am), data = mtcars)
I suspect that your issue is due to the fact that by default, covariates are reduced to their means in emmeans. You can use theat or cov.reduce arguments to specify a larger number of values. See the documentation for ref_grid and vignette(“basics”, “emmeans”), or the index of vignette topics.
Using sjPlot:
plot_model(m1, terms = "disp [all]", type = "pred")
gives the same graphic.
Using emmeans:
em1 <- ref_grid(m1, at = list(disp = seq(min(mtcars$disp), max(mtcars$disp), 1)))
emmip(em1, ~disp, CIs = T)
returns a graphic with a small difference in layout. An alternative is to add the result to an object and plot as the way that I want to:
d1 <- emmip(em1, ~disp, CIs = T, plotit = F)

R: Loess regression produces a staircase-like graph, rather than being smoothed, after the value 10

What are possible reasons as to why this is happening? It always happens after the value 10.
A subset of the dataset around the area of interest before and after the regression was applied:
Dataset to reproduce graph
This is the ggplot2 call that I am using to generate the graph. The smoothing span used is 0.05.
dat <- read.csv("before_loess.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
smoothed.data <- applyLoessSmooth(dat, 0.05) # dat is the dataset before being smoothed
scan.plot.data <- melt(smoothed.data, id.vars = "sample.diameters", variable.name = 'series')
scan.plot <- ggplot(data = scan.plot.data, aes(sample.diameters, value)) +
geom_line(aes(colour = series)) +
xlab("Diameters (nm)") +
ylab("Concentration (dN#/cm^2)") +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
Function used to apply the loess filter:
applyLoessSmooth <- function(raw.data, smoothing.span) {
raw.data <- raw.data[complete.cases(raw.data),]
## response
vars <- colnames(raw.data)
## covariate
id <- 1:nrow(raw.data)
## define a loess filter function (fitting loess regression line)
loess.filter <- function (x, given.data, span) loess(formula = as.formula(paste(x, "id", sep = "~")),
data = given.data,
degree = 1,
span = span)$fitted
## apply filter column-by-column
loess.graph.data <- as.data.frame(lapply(vars, loess.filter, given.data = raw.data, span = smoothing.span),
col.names = colnames(raw.data))
sample.rows <- length(loess.graph.data[1])
loess.graph.data <- loess.graph.data %>% mutate("sample.diameters" = raw.data$sample.diameters[1:nrow(raw.data)])
The first problem is simply that your data is rounded to three significant figures. Below 10, the values on your x axis scan.plot.data$sample.diameters increase in 0.01 increments, which produces a smooth curve on the chart, but after 10 they increase in 0.1 increments, which shows up as visible steps on the chart.
The second problem is that you should be regressing against the values of sample.diameters, rather than against the row numbers id. I think this is causing there to be multiple smoothed values for each distinct value of x - hence the steps. Here are a couple of suggested small modifications to your function...
applyLoessSmooth <- function(raw.data, smoothing.span) {
raw.data <- raw.data[complete.cases(raw.data),]
vars <- colnames(raw.data)
vars <- vars[vars != "sample.diameters"] #you are regressing against this, so exclude it from vars
loess.filter <- function (x, given.data, span) loess(
formula = as.formula(paste(x, "sample.diameters", sep = "~")), #not 'id'
data = given.data,
degree = 1,
span = span)$fitted
loess.graph.data <- as.data.frame(lapply(vars, loess.filter, given.data = raw.data,
span = smoothing.span),
col.names = vars) #final argument edited
loess.graph.data$sample.diameters <- raw.data$sample.diameters #simplified
All of which seems to do the trick...
Of course, you could have just done this...
dat.melt <- melt(dat, id.vars = "sample.diameters", variable.name = 'series')
ggplot(data = dat.melt, aes(sample.diameters, value, colour=series)) +
geom_smooth(method="loess", span=0.05, se=FALSE)
