how to change home page logo imge in peopletools8.54 - peoplesoft

how to change home page logo image in pepleSoft ?
I had created new "PT_ORACLELOGO_CSS" image in Application Designer,and then restart app server,web Server and purge app cache,but it still show oracle logo。
this is our peoplesoft environment :
peopleTools release is 8.54.08 &
Application Release:

I had to do this just the other day, real easy to accomplish.
Navigate to Main Menu > PeopleTools > Portal > Branding > Branding Objects then click on the 'Image' tab. Click 'Upload Image Object' then upload your image. Then you will want to open up App Designer: App Designer > File > Open > Page > Select: PTNUI_LP_HEADER. Double click on the square button right next to the Cancel button. When the properties box opens click the label tab and under 'Label Image' upload your image. Click OK then save the page and your image should appear in the header. Here is some documentation I found that could help you out a lot.
BRANDING (8.54):
Follow along with this article, it is very good at describing the steps you need to take to change the page logo.


Xamarin Forms Shell Tab Bar - Load default view for that Tab

I'm looking for a way to reset back to the default page for the tab when a user switches between tabs in a Xamarin Forms Shell based app.
Currently, my app has a number of tabs at the bottom, and a few of them can navigate to other pages (in a wizard type of scenario). Now, currently when a user clicks on a different tab and then returns to that tab - the last page the user navigated to in that tab is displayed - and I need the navigation to be reset to the default page for that tab.
Any pointers are greatly appreciated

Xamarin.Forms iOS shows "Master" and "Detail" instead of just back icon or menu icon

on Android, my app shows a little arrow in the navigation bar up top that, once clicked on, brings you back one screen. But iOS, ofc is special, shows the word "DETAL" and "MASTER".
The do the same (open the menu, go back) but its wierd.
THis is how I open the page:
button_test.Clicked += delegate
Application.Current.MainPage = new Screen_MainMenu();
Can someone tell me, what is going on and how to just make it show the arrow and not the words?
Find the code where you set the icon on Page.IconImageSource , you have to ensure the image(back icon) already exists under the resource folder or image assets in iOS project .

Have the Elementor Addon 'Table of Content' feature initially display as the button, not the opened panel

I really like the EA 'Table of Content'. Info on it here:
The problem is that when a person visits the page with the TOC enabled, the TOC opens fully which covers the text on the page. So the user has to close the TOC to read the content. Depending on your site design, this is not a problem on desktops.
But it is a real problem on mobile devices - most of the page gets covered.
All I want is the TOC to display as the standard collapsed button on the side. Then, if the user wants to look at the TOC, they can click on the button and it will open as normal.
That is, the initial state of the TOC should be closed (showing just the button on the side).
Is this possible?
This is how I want the control to initially display on the page
Here is a possibility using HTML5:

Window PopUp And Robot Framework

I have a case where I have to validate if I click on upload button, window popup appears to select the file.
Can anyone please help me in doing this using robot framework.
If you only use a Windows interface, you can use AutoIt Library that provide keyword that can do what you need to do, here are the steps to install it:
Install Pywin from this link
Download the AutoIt Zipfile from here:
Install it as Library (If you don't know how, come back to me and i'll give you the steps)
Now you can use this keywords to upload your file:
wait for active window |WindowTitle="title of the upload window"
win active | "title of the upload window" | Open
send | "yourfile.extesion"
sleep | 1
control click | "title of the upload window" | Open | [CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:1] | LEFT
Hope this helped you.
I'd recommend using Choose File. Here's a manual example of a File Upload that I had to do with Robot Framework.
Click Add File button on website.
Click Upload File button on website popup menu.
Click [fileName] on the OS GUI popup.
Click Upload on the OS GUI popup.
Click Upload on the website popup menu.
Click Cancel on the website popup menu.
Here's the code I used to do it.
Click Button ${ADD_FILE}
Click Button ${UPLOAD_BUTTON}
Click Button ${CANCEL_BUTTON}
Notice that Choose File saved me two steps, including going outside the DOM. A huge advantage of this is that you can run this in one window while your focus is on a different window.

How to show modal dialog or popup of FMElfinderBundle integrated with TrsteelCkeditorBundle?

I want to use FMElfinderBundle on modal dialog. Now when i click on Browse server botton on Ckeditor new tab on my browser opened and I should work on it to upload image or select one image that is existing on server directory.
As i know current version of CKEditor doesn't support modal/iframe based calls, you can use TinyMCE, that opens filebrowser in iframe.
