custom theme to wordpress roots theme - wordpress

I am new to roots theme and want to change my custom wordpress theme to roots theme.
What are the steps that i should follow so that finally m able to get my theme in roots.
I would be glad if there is such tutorials that help me getting started to roots and converting my theme to roots.
Any link please help

Roots has some dependencies, so you would need to use Grunt.
My answer is based on a Windows local environment.
Make sure you set your wp-config file for Roots for development or you’ll notice nothing changes in your css when you update: define('WP_ENV', 'development');.
Make a new folder in your WordPress theme directory.
Grab the latest ZIP from the Github for Roots and take the guts to set up in your theme.
Extract the zip. Contents should all be saved in the folder of your new theme. As you can see if you look around, some of the assets are missing because you really do need to use Grunt for this to work.
Download and install Node.js
Install grunt (go to the Node.js command prompt and type in npm install -g grunt-cli to install Grunt globally on your system so you can access from a project folder anywhere. You can use the command where grunt to make sure the path is under user > AppData > Roaming > npm.
Install Git Bash
Right click in your new roots theme folder and click Git Bash Here and then type in npm install.
Install Roots dependencies by running grunt dev. Run grunt watch to watch the folder for code changes. Edit your code to style accordingly and ass needed (assets/less is where the style mods should live (global, and in layouts folder) and lib/extras.php for function overrides).
Run grunt built command to create minified asses for a live environment (and then change your wp-config to define('WP_ENV', 'production'); so it uses those assets.
After that you can port the theme out (minus the node_modules folder since it's added bloat you don't need) and install.


Fontello - how to add fonts to existing project?

How can I add more fonts to an existing Fontello directory?
I know I can re-import my config.json into the Fontello website, then select new fonts, then re-download the config file.
This updates the config file but not, of course, the actual .css files.
So short of downloading the entire ZIP again (which is annoying as it has a different random suffix in the filename each time), how can this be done?
I've also tried via CLI but there's basically no documentation on how this might be achieved, if it even can.
cd /path/to/my/fontello/dir
npm run-script build
After some more digging I found a few ways to do this. My preference was from CLI. Although the Fontello-CLI docs on Github are bare, Fontello's own docs discuss updating projects via CLI.
Install the Node package manager (NPM)
Open a command line interface (CMD)
Install the Fontello-CLI via npm install fontello-cli -g
cd to the directory your Fontello folder lives in - NOT the directory itself
Run fontello-cli --config <fontello-dir-name>/config.json open to open your project on the Fontello website. Your project's existing fonts will already be selected. You can now add more fonts.
When done, go back to CMD and run fontello-cli --config {fontello-dir-name}/config.json install - this will update your project with the revised choices.

Wordpress plugin path configuration

I am working on a local environment and I am pulling down a plugin that has its own git repository that is linked to the production server (also staging server). The only problem is that the plugin folder itself is in a folder like so:
And my plugins directory looks like so:
Is there a way to define a new path for this one particular plugin so that it will show up in my local environment and so I can edit it while keeping the plugin git repository structure in contact so I can push up to that repository? (some sort of path definition in wp-config.php?).
I think Git submodules might be the answer? But honestly I don't have time to tinker with it:
Why don't you just start your repo in "repository-folder" ? You don't need to follow the same parent folder in git.
I hope it helps you at least a clarification here
If you are on a Linux environment, setup a symlink for the plugin:
cd plugins
mkdir real-plugin-folder
ln -s respository-folder/real-plugin-folder/plugin.php real-plugin-folder/plugin.php

How to customize DSpace theme?

I have installed DSpace on my PC. I am using Mirage as a default theme and now I want to customize it for my DSpace. I want to change CSS files (redesign it), but I don't know the steps to properly set my customizations. I can edit my CSS files in [dspace]/webapps/themes/Mirage/lib/css/ folder, but after rebuilding DSpace they will be removed. What is the correct way doing customizations over already installed theme? Should I edit CSS files and add them to [dspace-source]/dspace/modules/src/main/ folder and then rebuild my webapps? I have read official documentation about that, but I couldn't find proper answer to my question.
Create a folder for your theme in [dspace-src]/dspace/modules/xmlui/src/main/webapps/theme/[yourTheme]
Copy the CSS (or js or xsl) files you wish to modify into that directory - you can find a copy of the source files in [dspace-install] as you have referenced, or you can find them on the project github page
Edit your changes
Run the maven build in [dspace-src]/dspace: "dspace package" - this command will pull the source files for the theme and overlay your customizations. The results are built into the "target" folder.
cd into [dspace-src]/dspace/target/dspace-installer
Run "ant update" - this command will take the built files and install them into [dspace-install]
Restart tomcat
The following page has some resources that might be useful.

Change Meteor Up template

Due to install Graphicsmagick at Meteor Up Docker, I need to edit the (link this: Meteor Up Docker and Graphicsmagick).
I done that at the server and works, but every time I run mupx deploy, my /opt/<appName>/config/ file change to original. I need to change the template, but I don't know how to do that, how can I change it?
You have to change the file from your local meteor-up template. not sure about mupx, it might be in your global .npm installation folder.
I'm using kadira meteor-up so mine is located at the git cloned folder.

Sass Foundation Underscores Project Structure, removing git folder and package.json file

I am attempting a test dev setup of a foundation/underscores wordpress theme.
I have a wordpress install, and to that I added an underscores theme. I then made a folder in this called foundation and installed foundation ( sass using bower ) into that.
I will get it all working and hooked up using gulp, but I notice that Foundation placed a git file in the foundation folder. I have used git in the past but I'm unsure of what options I have here. Ideally I want to remove the git repo. Then at that point I would be doing a git init from the main theme folder ( the foundation sub folder I intend to only use for the sass source files). My quesion is ... Is there any issue with doing it this way. I essentially want to get rid of the git repo that came down with the foundation install and setup my own git repo manually; ( which will also cover the underscores and my own custom files in the parent directory)
My directory structure looks like this:
my_theme ( underscores) ( new git repo here )
foundation folder ( git repo here which I want to remove )
I also want to remove the package.json file and gruntfile because I hope to use gulp instead ( again from the main theme folder not the foundation directory )
Unless you're planning on hacking on the foundation code I wouldn't recommend this. There will be issues if you decide to upgrade to a newer version of foundation using bower. If you are working on this with another developer and choose to pursue this route I'd recommend removing the dependency from your bower.json file.
