Wordpress website responsive won't show revolution slider on mobile version - wordpress

I just finished creating this website from a theme I purchased on ThemeForest. It said to be Full-responsive, but somehow it won't display the Slider and the video on mobile, as it does in the desktop version.
I've tried looking at the css file and try to figure what might cause this, but I don't have much experience with #media. The website's address is http://topnotchweddingvideos.com/. I've also went over the documentation for the Revolution Slider and couldn't figure it out. If someone could take a look at it and suggest what I could do would me much appreciated. I don't expect anyone to do the work for me, I'm just trying to get some feedback or ideas.
P.S. It would also be good enough if I could have the video only display before About Us in the mobile version.

Change The theme!!
or reach to developers of the theme. There's problem in theme. i also have used the revolution slider in my wordpress site working 100% in mobile. your Theme is not 100% responsive


Is there a way to get HTML 5 video to work on mobile safari | WP CMS with Slider Revolution

I have a website that is using the slider revolution plugin to run an HTML5 video in the background of the hero (no sound) and it works fine on desktop. I'm trying to make it work on mobile as well, and I know there was a previously referenced code here that makes this work, however I'm not sure of how to implement this using the plugin.
Nothing yet, I tried looking up previous threads with this topic but none were geared towards WP

Moving blog info in nav bar mobile in WP-Forge

I'm using the WP-Forge theme for Wordpress and I would like to move the blog title on mobile into the menu bar. I've done this loads of times in plain Foundation but am struggling like nobody's business to work out how to do it.
If anyone has any experience or advice on how to do this, I'd be very grateful. I'm using the default WP-Forge theme, which is running on Foundation
I've uploaded an exact copy of the theme here http://ppgdev.com/ross/imagepress/
If you need anything else please do not hesitate to ask - something I can normally do in five minutes is driving me nuts. Already spent a full day at work on this :(
Thanks in advance,

Trouble making WP slideshow responsive

Although I just launched my website, there is only one publicly visible bug (that I know of) that I need to fix and I haven't managed on my own.
I'm running Wordpress 4.4.1 with the Corpo theme and toolkit, the latter which comes with a nice slideshow on the front page and portfolio project pages. Unfortunately, the author of the theme+plugin vanished from the earth: no longer active on the WP forums and her website/domain name is no longer renewed.
Long story short: the slider code is working responsively on the front page, but not on the project pages.
My website is located at http://www.jurjenbarel.com/
The project slider gets really ugly when you get under 540px width, because the container div is set at 540px. I can't set the container at max-width: 540px; because it will make the slideshow ridiculously small.
If someone with better knowledge of CSS has any idea on a fix, I would be very grateful!
Thanks in advance!

Wordpress Themify Responsiveness Issue

I am running a WordPress site using the Themify Basic theme. When I enable the responsive feature, the social links cover my logo and current posts appear before my content, which is seriously hurting my bounce rate.
If I turn it off, it looks awesome, but doesn't pass google mobile friendly tests. Any fix recommendations?
To my understanding this is a common issue with responsive themes.
(I am not super code savvy)
with responsive
without responsive

Pinterest not seeing images

I'm using a Wordpress Theme by Elegantia in combination with NextGen Pro. I'm having an issue - Pinterest does not see any images in the NextGen Gallery.
Pinterest picks up any other images on my side just fine. And it also seems to work fine on NextGen installed on other Wordpress sites. So it seems like there is a conflict between my theme and NextGen.
I contacted NextGen, since I pay them for support, and unfortunately they are being fairly useless.
I tested the issue using sharing plugins, Pinterest's button and also Pinterest Safari extension - same result on all of them.
I also tried turning off all other plugins - made no difference.
I'm trying to figure how to trace down what is causing this issue with NextGen and Pinterest on my site and fix it.
Please let me know if you have any ideas. Thank you.
Here is my link: http://abclandscaping.com/outdoor-living/
I'm not entirely familiar with NextGen Gallery but it looks like it is using Flash to present the images and Pinterest does not play well with Flash. You should look for a Wordpress slideshow plugin that is CSS and Javascript. You might look into BxSlider or Flexslider for Wordpress. I hope this is helpful!
