R : How to suppress a persistent warning message from alpha() function in my Rmd output? - r

Program : R 3.2.1 for Mac OSX
IDE : RStudio
Output : rmkd > html
Package : "psych"
Function : alpha()
Problem :
While using alpha(data, na.rm=F, check.keys=F, delete=F), because portions of the input-data is negatively correlated and because I have check.keys = FALSE, I get the following message :
Some items XXX were negatively correlated with the total scale and
probably should be reversed. To do this, run the function again with
the 'check.keys=TRUE' option
Question :
My check.keys is set intentionally. Fully understanding the implications of the warning & mostly for aesthetic and educational reasons, how can I suppress it in my output?
Attempts so far :
1. I've tried suppressWarnings() & suppressMessages().
2. I've tried invisible() & sink(., type="message").
3. In the Rmd block, I've tried : ```{r warning=F, message=F}
4. Exploring print(alpha) I found what I think is the origin. Maybe someone understands how to suppress this part of the code? :
`p1 <- principal(x)
if (any(p1$loadings < 0)) {
if (check.keys) {
warning("Some items were negatively correlated with total scale and were automatically reversed.\n This is indicated by a negative sign for the variable name.")
keys <- 1 - 2 * (p1$loadings < 0)
else {
warning("Some items were negatively correlated with the total scale and probably should be reversed. To do this, run the function again with the 'check.keys=TRUE' option")
cat("Some items (", rownames(p1$loadings)[(p1$loadings < 0)], ") were negatively correlated with the total scale and probably should be reversed. To do this, run the function again with the 'check.keys=TRUE' option")

The culprit here is cat, which will not heed suppressMessages etc.
To catch it, you can use capture.output instead:
invisible(capture.output(alpha(data, na.rm=F, check.keys=F, delete=F)))
capture.output calls sink(…, type = "output") internally and discards/returns the result.


Error in if (more || nchar(output) > 80) when using mgcv

I have the same problem with this one but no solutions found yet
Error in if (more || nchar(output) > 80) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
I am conducting analysis using the mgcv package.
model1<-gam(fm_xsetz~total_pm2.5, data=analysis)
I can get the results by using the summary(). But when I try to open the model in the global environment, I get the warning:
Error in if (more || nchar(output) > 80) { : missing value where
Is anyone has the same problem?
FYI,when you use the following code:
same problem happens!
I have/had a similar problem when I tried to view a List generated trough a function that computes the intersect/difference of two sets of 23000 observations each.
The function in question:
names(result)<-c("Union of SetX and SetY",
"Unique in SetX",
"Unique in SetY")
It gave me this error:
Error in if (more || nchar(output) > 80) { :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
Nevertheless I could view the elements individually with
I had a similar problem yet I could view it with:

Select any character string over an NA in an If statement in R

I am trying to create a function which will look at two vectors of character labels, and print the appropriate label based on an If statement. I am running into an issue when one of the vectors is populated by NA.
I'll truncate my function:
eventTypepriority=function(a,b) {
if(is.na(a)) {print(b)}
if(is.na(b)) {print(a)}
if(a=="BW"& b=="BW",) {print("BW")}
if(a=="?BW"& b=="BW") {print("?BW")}
...#and so on
Some data:
a=c("Pm", "BW", "?BW")
c=mapply(eventTypepriority, a,b, USE.NAMES = TRUE)
The function works fine for the first two, selecting the label I've designated in my if statements. However, when it gets to the third pair I receive this error:
Error in if (a == "?BW" & b == "BW") { :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
I'm guessing this is because at that place, b=NA, and this is the first if statement, outside of the 'is.na' statements, that need it to ignore missing values.
Is there a way to handle this? I'd really rather not add conditional statements for every label and NA. I've also tried:
-is.null (same error message)
-Regular Expressions:
if(a==grepl([:print:]) & b==NA) {print(a)}
In various formats, including if(a==grepl(:print:)... No avail. I receive an 'Error: unexpected '[' or whatever character R didn't like first to tell me this is wrong.
All comments and thoughts would be appreciated. ^_^
if all your if conditions are exclusives, just call return() to avoid checking other conditions when one is met:
eventTypepriority=function(a,b) {
if(is.na(a)) {print(b);return()}
if(is.na(b)) {print(a);return()}
if(a=="BW"& b=="BW",) {print("BW");return()}
if(a=="?BW"& b=="BW") {print("?BW");return()}
...#and so on
You need to use if .. else statements instead of simply if; otherwise, your function will evaluate the 3rd and 4th lines even when one of the values is n/a.
Given you mapply statement, I also assume you want the function to output the corresponding label, not just print it?
In that case
eventTypepriority<-function(a,b) {
if(is.na(a)) b
else if(is.na(b)) a
else if(a=="BW"& b=="BW") "BW"
else if(a=="?BW"& b=="BW") "?BW"
else "..."
a=c("Pm", "BW", "?BW")
c=mapply(eventTypepriority, a,b, USE.NAMES = T)
"..." "..." "?BW"
If you actually want to just print the label and have your function return something else, you should be able to figure it out from here.

HMM Error in if (d < delta) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

I have some problems with the viterbiTraining function from the HMM package.
I tried using it on a pretty straightforward hmm and a vector of observations.
Here's the code:
The Emisije vector looks like this:
[1] "IntervalA" "IntervalA" "IntervalA" "IntervalC" "IntervalB" "IntervalA"
transProbs<-matrix(c(0.8, 0.7, 0.2,0.3),ncol=2)
stanji<-initHMM(c("NizkaVar", "VisokaVar"), c("IntervalA", "IntervalB",
"IntervalC"), startProbs, transProbs, emissionProbs)
After running this everything works, except for the viterbiTraining function, which gives the following result:
Error in if (d < delta) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
Even the similar function baumWelch, which takes the exact same parameters, works without errors, so I really don't understand what's wrong here.
Can anyone please explain to me what I am doing wrong? Thank you in advance.

removeSource() with `[` subset fails on empty j argument

This is a follow-up to removeSource() returning error on internal package function.
In that question, it was pointed out that there may be a bug in removeSource() when the function uses [ subsetting. I want to focus on that issue, so I wrote a new question here.
When the j argument in [ is empty, removeSource() fails.
Here's an example.
foo <- function(x) { x[1, ] }
# Error in recurse(part[[i]]) : argument "part" is missing, with no default
bar <- function(x) { x[1, seq_along(x)] }
# function (x)
# {
# x[1, seq_along(x)]
# }
I'm hesitant to call it a bug, so I'll first ask if this was done intentionally? Also, suppose I submitted the foo() function in a package to CRAN. Would it pass the testing?
Sept 1, 2014: Bug report filed https://bugs.r-project.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=15957
Sept 21, 2014: This was indeed a bug and according to the confirmed bug report is "soon to be fixed in R-devel and R-patched."
Fixed in version R 3.1.2
I'd say it was a bug. No sign of it reported here though:
Interestingly you get a different error once you try and debug the function by making a local copy.
> dput(removeSource,file="rs.tmp.R")
> rs = dget("rs.tmp.R")
rs is now a copy of removeSource, but not in the environment of the utils package.
> foo = function(x){x[1,]}
> rs(foo)
Error in `attr<-`(`*tmp*`, "srcref", value = NULL) : '*tmp*' is missing
> removeSource(foo)
Error in recurse(part[[i]]) : argument "part" is missing, with no default
rs works fine on a function without missing subs:
> bar = function(x){x[1]}
> rs(bar)
function (x)
If you want a really minimal failing example, you don't need any subscripts or commas:
> foo = function(x){x[]}
> removeSource(foo)
Error in recurse(part[[i]]) : argument "part" is missing, with no default
I doubt this will trigger any CRAN flags since missing dimensions in subscripts probably occur in 90% of the packages currently on there...
Suggest you report it on the bug tracker, or ask on R-devel mailing list.

R numeric variable, non null, non na but empty

Hi eveyrone ##.
I got some problem with R that I can't fix: Currently i'm working with GEOquery package and I want to retrieve some informations in metadata of gse files.
More precisely I'm looking for the channel label (for exemple Cye3). Here's a sample of my code :
Levels: According to Affymetrix protocol (biotin)`
And here's my problem
`> is.na(gse$label_ch1[1])
> is.null(gse$label_ch1[1])
[1] FALSE`
This GSE file is a text file and in the line corresponding to the label (!Sample_label_ch1) there is no value.So, here's what I'v done for my work:
color<-"Non specified"
} else {
So, if I got no informations for the channel I just say "non specified", else, I return the value. But I'v got error with this if/else statement in my script:
Error in if (file == "") file <- stdout() else if (is.character(file)) { :
the length of argument is null
Sorry if the error traduction is not exact, my R version is in French ^^.
I tried
But it doesn't work either
If someone has an idea to help me ^^
Thanks in advance!
for(i in 1:length(series_matrix)){
color<-"Non specified"
} else {
print (color)
for(i in 1:lenght(liste)){
Don't hesitate if you want explication about lines in this script
Yes, in R you can create a zero-length object:
Then change it:
It's confusing at first, but if you ever took some abstract algebra, you may remember the difference between the "empty set" and a set whose only element is the "empty set."
Asking on other forum I finally get a solution for this non NULL/non NA problem:
the gse$label_ch1[1] is numeric of length 1
> length(gse$label_ch1[1])
[1] 1
but we can transform this variable in character:
> as.character(gse$label_ch1[1])
[1] ""
and with this line
> nchar(as.character(gse$label_ch1[1]))
[1] 0
we can see that I can see if the gse$label_ch1[1] value is really empty or not
Thank you all for your help!
