removeSource() with `[` subset fails on empty j argument - r

This is a follow-up to removeSource() returning error on internal package function.
In that question, it was pointed out that there may be a bug in removeSource() when the function uses [ subsetting. I want to focus on that issue, so I wrote a new question here.
When the j argument in [ is empty, removeSource() fails.
Here's an example.
foo <- function(x) { x[1, ] }
# Error in recurse(part[[i]]) : argument "part" is missing, with no default
bar <- function(x) { x[1, seq_along(x)] }
# function (x)
# {
# x[1, seq_along(x)]
# }
I'm hesitant to call it a bug, so I'll first ask if this was done intentionally? Also, suppose I submitted the foo() function in a package to CRAN. Would it pass the testing?
Sept 1, 2014: Bug report filed
Sept 21, 2014: This was indeed a bug and according to the confirmed bug report is "soon to be fixed in R-devel and R-patched."
Fixed in version R 3.1.2

I'd say it was a bug. No sign of it reported here though:
Interestingly you get a different error once you try and debug the function by making a local copy.
> dput(removeSource,file="rs.tmp.R")
> rs = dget("rs.tmp.R")
rs is now a copy of removeSource, but not in the environment of the utils package.
> foo = function(x){x[1,]}
> rs(foo)
Error in `attr<-`(`*tmp*`, "srcref", value = NULL) : '*tmp*' is missing
> removeSource(foo)
Error in recurse(part[[i]]) : argument "part" is missing, with no default
rs works fine on a function without missing subs:
> bar = function(x){x[1]}
> rs(bar)
function (x)
If you want a really minimal failing example, you don't need any subscripts or commas:
> foo = function(x){x[]}
> removeSource(foo)
Error in recurse(part[[i]]) : argument "part" is missing, with no default
I doubt this will trigger any CRAN flags since missing dimensions in subscripts probably occur in 90% of the packages currently on there...
Suggest you report it on the bug tracker, or ask on R-devel mailing list.


Is there a way to manually attach packages and globals with `future.apply::future_apply`

I am using R's excellent future package. And in the documentation it mentions %global% and %packages% for assigning global variables and packages to be evaluated in the future environment. But those seem to only work with %<-%.
My question is: is there away to do that with future_apply as well. I tried
x = 1
future.apply::future_sapply(1:50, function(y) {
}) %packages% "glue" %globals% "x"
and It doesn't work
If you look at the help page for future_sapply, you'll see that future_lapply has the arguments future.packages and future.globals, and if you read carefully, these are also used in future_sapply. So this works:
x = 1
future.apply::future_sapply(1:50, function(y) {
}, future.packages = "glue", future.globals = "x")

R numeric variable, non null, non na but empty

Hi eveyrone ##.
I got some problem with R that I can't fix: Currently i'm working with GEOquery package and I want to retrieve some informations in metadata of gse files.
More precisely I'm looking for the channel label (for exemple Cye3). Here's a sample of my code :
Levels: According to Affymetrix protocol (biotin)`
And here's my problem
> is.null(gse$label_ch1[1])
[1] FALSE`
This GSE file is a text file and in the line corresponding to the label (!Sample_label_ch1) there is no value.So, here's what I'v done for my work:
color<-"Non specified"
} else {
So, if I got no informations for the channel I just say "non specified", else, I return the value. But I'v got error with this if/else statement in my script:
Error in if (file == "") file <- stdout() else if (is.character(file)) { :
the length of argument is null
Sorry if the error traduction is not exact, my R version is in French ^^.
I tried
But it doesn't work either
If someone has an idea to help me ^^
Thanks in advance!
for(i in 1:length(series_matrix)){
color<-"Non specified"
} else {
print (color)
for(i in 1:lenght(liste)){
Don't hesitate if you want explication about lines in this script
Yes, in R you can create a zero-length object:
Then change it:
It's confusing at first, but if you ever took some abstract algebra, you may remember the difference between the "empty set" and a set whose only element is the "empty set."
Asking on other forum I finally get a solution for this non NULL/non NA problem:
the gse$label_ch1[1] is numeric of length 1
> length(gse$label_ch1[1])
[1] 1
but we can transform this variable in character:
> as.character(gse$label_ch1[1])
[1] ""
and with this line
> nchar(as.character(gse$label_ch1[1]))
[1] 0
we can see that I can see if the gse$label_ch1[1] value is really empty or not
Thank you all for your help!

r devtools test() errors but testthat test_file() works

I have a function in a package I'm building that assigns a hex-code to the global environment for use by analysts...
value=rgb(red=129,green=61,blue=114, maxColorValue = 255),
My unit test code is:
test_that("optiplum - produces the correct hex code",{
When I run the code manually, there isn't an error:
> str(optiplum)
chr "#813D72"
> str("#813D72")
chr "#813D72"
> identical("#813D72",optiplum)
[1] TRUE
> expect_true(identical(optiplum,"#813D72"))
When I run a test_file() is also does not error
> test_file("./tests/testthat/test-optiplum.R")
optiplum : .
However, when I run the test as part of my devtools workflow:
> test()
Testing optINTERNAL
Loading optINTERNAL
optiplum : 1
1. Failure: optiplum - produces the correct hex code --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
identical(optiplum, "#813D72") isn't true
Anyone have any ideas on why this might be occurring and how I can resolve the situation?
Assignment to the global environment is a no-no, see R Inferno and testthat isolates tests as much as possible (see test_that() details). As a consequence, the optiplum() assignment to the global environment would not succeed because the testthat function strictly prohibits such behaviour.
#Hadley rightly points out that the function should just return the string instead of assigning it, particularly since it is just two extra characters for each use.
So not
value=rgb(red=129,green=61,blue=114, maxColorValue = 255),
optiplum <- function() rgb(red=102,green=17,blue=109, maxColorValue = 255)

What can be reasons for `Error in .local(conn, statement, ...)´ in dbWriteTable from package MonetDB.R?

I get the error, after I set up MonetDB and try to write a large data.frame as a new table in the default database (demo):
>dbWriteTable(conn, "table1", df)
Error in .local(conn, statement, ...) :
Unable to execute statement 'INSERT INTO table1 VALUES([...])
The data.frame has dimensions:
[1] 148767 618
And has all columns formatted as character:
[1] TRUE
The error seems to stem from a string value being too long (Thanks #Hannes Mühleisen):
[1] 22001
[1] "value too long for type (var)char(255)"
How does MonetDB set upper bounds of new (VAR)CHAR variables (I did not find any info on upper bounds in the documentation)? Can a global upper bound be set or can the upper bound be set interactively when creating tables from R via MonetDB.R?
It might be a timeout issue (parameter to dbConnect()). If you'd like to debug, you can run
before connecting. If you post the output here, I can give you a better idea what could be going wrong. Finally, have you tried looking at the output of
Sorry for that, the reason for this is that dbWriteTable uses the wrong SQL type for character data. At the moment, a VARCHAR(255) is used, which is limited to 255 characters indeed. What it should use is STRING, which has no limits. It is noted as a bug and will be fixed in the next release. Since this might take a while, here is a workaround: If you install from source, you may fix this by changing
setMethod("dbDataType", signature(dbObj="MonetDBConnection", obj = "ANY"), def=function(dbObj, obj, ...) {
if (is.logical(obj)) "BOOLEAN"
else if (is.integer(obj)) "INTEGER"
else if (is.numeric(obj)) "DOUBLE PRECISION"
else if (is.raw(obj)) "BLOB"
else "VARCHAR(255)"
}, valueClass = "character")
setMethod("dbDataType", signature(dbObj="MonetDBConnection", obj = "ANY"), def=function(dbObj, obj, ...) {
if (is.logical(obj)) "BOOLEAN"
else if (is.integer(obj)) "INTEGER"
else if (is.numeric(obj)) "DOUBLE PRECISION"
else if (is.raw(obj)) "BLOB"
else "STRING"
}, valueClass = "character")
in src/monetdb.R before installing the package using R CMD INSTALL. The R-forge builds will also be updated shortly, look for version 0.8.1 at

Which library is the pr_DB object defined in?

I am completely new to R.
I am trying to use the dist object with a custom function based on the specification here, but I was unable to pass the custom function directly by name, so I tried to add it using the registry described here, but it appears that I am missing a library.
However, I'm not sure which library I need and cannot find a reference to find the name of the library.
Here's a code sample that I'm trying to run:
myfun <- function(x,y) {
numDiffs <- 0;
for (i in x) {
if (x[i] != y[i])
numDiffs <- numDiffs + 1;
pr_DB$set_entry(FUN = myfun, names = c("myfun", "vectorham"))
Here's the error:
Error in summary(pr_DB) : object 'pr_DB' not found
Execution halted
You need to learn the conventions used by R help pages. That "{proxy}" at the top of the page you linked to is really the answer to your question. The convention for the help page construction is "topic {package_name}".
