R Quickly merge list of dataframes with datatable - r

I have a datatable called csv_t with around 4.5m rows. I have a list of data.frames called binded2 which has 1,874 list elements. I'm trying to merge both by the column index in binded2 and tpl in csv_t.
Because these datasets are so large, I am having trouble trying to merge csv_t with each data.table of binded2 quickly.
This is what I'm trying right now:
func <- function(x,y){merge(x, y, by.x=names(x)[4], by.y=names(y)[1])}
binded3 <- lapply(binded2, func,csv_t)
What binded2 and csv_t looks like
> binded2 # only first 3 elements shown
start end tpl index
1 1 1 2222733 2222733
2 6 6 2222733 2222738
start end tpl index
1 1 1 2222736 2222736
2 6 6 2222736 2222741
start end tpl index
1 4 4 2222750 2222753
> head(csv_t)
tpl strand base score ipdRatio
1: 3239 0 G 6 2.684
2: 3240 0 C 6 1.764
3: 3241 0 T 7 1.861
4: 3243 0 C 13 1.410
5: 3244 0 A 0 0.238
6: 3245 0 C 6 1.261
I would like to merge these two by matching up column tpl in csv_t and column index in binded2. I appreciate your help
dropbox link to csv_t.csv


Assign column name based on key in preceding column

I am importing a data set from a csv
the top two lines are key value pairs
Then the data below this has a column containing the value and then the corresponding data. for example
I want it to become
I tried putting the key value pairs in a list
test <- read.csv("my.csv",
nrows=2, header=FALSE)
key <- as.character(test[1,])
value <- as.numeric(test[2,])
mylist <- list()
for(i in 1:length(key)){
mylist[key[i]] <- value[i]
And then I was trying to match or reference the previous column with the values in the list. I have not managed to do.
Any help much appreciated

Column-specific arguments to lapply in data.table .SD when applying rbinom

I have a data.table for which I want to add columns of random binomial numbers based on one column as number of trials and multiple probabilities based on other columns:
DT = data.table(
ID = letters[sample.int(26,10, replace = T)],
prob.vecs <- LETTERS[1:5]
DT[,(prob.vecs):=lapply(.SD, function(x){runif(.N,0,0.2)}), .SDcols=prob.vecs]
ID Quantity A B C D E
1: b 66 0.05751550 0.191366669 0.17790786 0.192604847 0.02856000
2: l 9 0.15766103 0.090666831 0.13856068 0.180459809 0.08290927
3: u 38 0.08179538 0.135514127 0.12810136 0.138141056 0.08274487
4: d 27 0.17660348 0.114526680 0.19885396 0.159093484 0.07376909
5: o 81 0.18809346 0.020584937 0.13114116 0.004922737 0.03048895
6: f 44 0.00911130 0.179964994 0.14170609 0.095559194 0.02776121
7: d 81 0.10562110 0.049217547 0.10881320 0.151691908 0.04660682
8: t 81 0.17848381 0.008411907 0.11882840 0.043281587 0.09319249
9: x 79 0.11028700 0.065584144 0.05783195 0.063636202 0.05319453
10: j 43 0.09132295 0.190900730 0.02942273 0.046325157 0.17156554
Now I want to add five columns Quantity_A Quantity_B Quantity_C Quantity_D Quantity_E
which apply the rbinom with the correspoding probability and quantity from the second column.
So for example the first entry for Quantity_A would be:
> 2
This problem seems very similar to this post: How do I pass column-specific arguments to lapply in data.table .SD? but I cannot seem to make it work. My try:
DT[,(paste0("Quantity_", prob.vecs)):= mapply(function(x, Quantity){sum(rbinom(Quantity, 1 , x))}, .SD), .SDcols = prob.vecs]
Error in rbinom(Quantity, 1, x) :
argument "Quantity" is missing, with no default
Any ideas?
I seemed to have found a work-around, though I am not quite sure why this works (probably has something to do with the function rbinom not beeing vectorized in both arguments):
first define an index:
and then do it by index:
DT[,(paste0("Quantity_", prob.vecs)):= lapply(.SD,function(x){sum(rbinom(Quantity, 1 , x))}), .SDcols = prob.vecs, by=Index]
ID Quantity A B C D E Index Quantity_A Quantity_B Quantity_C Quantity_D Quantity_E
1: c 37 0.05751550 0.191366669 0.17790786 0.192604847 0.02856000 1 0 4 7 8 0
2: c 51 0.15766103 0.090666831 0.13856068 0.180459809 0.08290927 2 3 5 9 19 3
3: r 7 0.08179538 0.135514127 0.12810136 0.138141056 0.08274487 3 0 0 2 2 0
4: v 53 0.17660348 0.114526680 0.19885396 0.159093484 0.07376909 4 8 4 16 12 3
5: d 96 0.18809346 0.020584937 0.13114116 0.004922737 0.03048895 5 17 3 12 0 4
6: u 52 0.00911130 0.179964994 0.14170609 0.095559194 0.02776121 6 1 3 8 6 0
7: m 43 0.10562110 0.049217547 0.10881320 0.151691908 0.04660682 7 6 1 7 6 2
8: z 3 0.17848381 0.008411907 0.11882840 0.043281587 0.09319249 8 1 0 2 1 1
9: m 3 0.11028700 0.065584144 0.05783195 0.063636202 0.05319453 9 1 0 0 0 0
10: o 4 0.09132295 0.190900730 0.02942273 0.046325157 0.17156554 10 0 0 0 0 0
numbers look about right to me
If someone finds a solution without the index would still be appreciated.

Merge columnwise from file_list

I have 96 files in file_list
file_list <- list.files(pattern = "*.mirna")
They all have the same columns, but the number of rows varies. Example file:
> head(test1)
seq name freq mir start end mism add t5 t3 s5 s3 DB
1 TGGAGTGTGATAATGGTGTTT seq_100003_x4 4 hsa-miR-122-5p 15 35 11TC 0 0 g GCTGTGGA TTTGTGTC miRNA
2 TGTAAACATCCCCGACCGGAAGCT seq_100045_x4 4 hsa-miR-30d-5p 6 29 17CT 0 0 CT TTGTTGTA GAAGCTGT miRNA
3 CTAGACTGAAGCTCCTTGAAAA seq_100048_x4 4 hsa-miR-151a-3p 47 65 0 I-AAA 0 gg CCTACTAG GAGGACAG miRNA
4 AGGCGGAGACTTGGGCAATTGC seq_100059_x4 4 hsa-miR-25-5p 14 35 0 0 0 C TGAGAGGC ATTGCTGG miRNA
5 AAACCGTTACCATTACTGAAT seq_100067_x4 4 hsa-miR-451a 17 35 0 I-AT 0 gtt AAGGAAAC AGTTTAGT miRNA
6 TGAGGTAGTAGCTTGTGCTGTT seq_10007_x24 24 hsa-let-7i-5p 6 27 12CT 0 0 0 TGGCTGAG TGTTGGTC miRNA
precursor ambiguity
1 hsa-mir-122 1
2 hsa-mir-30d 1
3 hsa-mir-151a 1
4 hsa-mir-25 1
5 hsa-mir-451a 1
6 hsa-let-7i 1
second file
> head(test2)
seq name freq mir start end mism add t5 t3 s5 s3 DB
1 ATTGCACTTGTCCTGGCCTGT seq_1000013_x1 1 hsa-miR-92a-3p 49 69 14TC 0 t 0 AAAGTATT CTGTGGAA miRNA
2 AAACCGTTACTATTACTGAGA seq_1000094_x1 1 hsa-miR-451a 17 36 11TC I-A 0 tt AAGGAAAC AGTTTAGT miRNA
3 TGAGGTAGCAGATTGTATAGTC seq_1000169_x1 1 hsa-let-7f-5p 8 28 9CT I-C 0 t GGGATGAG AGTTTTAG miRNA
4 TGGGTCTTTGCGGGCGAGAT seq_100019_x12 12 hsa-miR-193a-5p 21 40 0 0 0 ga GGGCTGGG ATGAGGGT miRNA
5 TGAGGTAGTAGATTGTATAGTG seq_100035_x12 12 hsa-let-7f-5p 8 28 0 I-G 0 t GGGATGAG AGTTTTAG miRNA
6 TGAAGTAGTAGGTTGTGTGGTAT seq_1000437_x1 1 hsa-let-7b-5p 6 26 4AG I-AT 0 t GGGGTGAG GGTTTCAG miRNA
precursor ambiguity
1 hsa-mir-92a-2 1
2 hsa-mir-451a 1
3 hsa-let-7f-2 1
4 hsa-mir-193a 1
5 hsa-let-7f-2 1
6 hsa-let-7b 1
I would like to create a unique ID consisting of the columns mir and seq:
Then I would like to merge all the 96 files based in this ID and take the column freq form each file.
ID freq_file1 freq_file2 ...
If an ID is not pressent in a specific file the freq should be NA
We can use Reduce with merge on a list of data.frames.
lst <- lapply(mget(ls(pattern="test\\d+")),
function(x) subset(transform(x, ID=paste(precursor,
seq)), select=c("ID", "freq")))
Reduce(function(...) merge(..., by = "ID"), lst)
NOTE: In the above, I assumed that the "test1", "test2" objects are already created in the global environment by reading the files in 'file_list'. If not, we can directly read the files into a list instead of creating additional data.frame objects i.e.
lst <- lapply(file_list, function(x)
fread(x, select=c("precursor", "seq", "freq"))[,
list(ID=paste(precursor, seq), freq=freq)])
Reduce(function(x,y) x[y, on = "ID"], lst)
Or instead of fread (from data.table) use read.csv/read.table and use merge as before on 'lst'

Assign industry codes according to ranges in R

I would like to assign overall industry/parent codes to a data.frame (df below) containing more detailed/child codes (called ChildCodes below). The following data serves to illustrate my data.frame containing the detailed codes:
> df <- as.data.frame(cbind(c(1,2,3,4,5,6),c(110,101,200,2041,3651,2102)))
> names(df) <- c('Id','ChildCodes')
> df
Id ChildCodes
1 1 110
2 2 101
3 3 200
4 4 2041
5 5 3651
6 6 2102
The industry/parent codes are in the .csv file here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5qtb7ysys1ar0lj/IndustryCodes.csv
The problem for me is the format of the .csv file. The file shows the parent/industry code in column 1 and ranges of child/detailed codes in the next 2 columns. Here is a subset:
> IndustryCodes <- as.data.frame(cbind(c(1,1,2,5,6),c(100,200,2040,2100,3650),c(199,299,2046,2199,3651)))
> names(IndustryCodes) <- c('IndustryGroup','LowerRange','UpperRange')
> IndustryCodes
IndustryGroup LowerRange UpperRange
1 1 100 199
2 1 200 299
3 2 2040 2046
4 5 2100 2199
5 6 3650 3651
So that ChildCode 110 corresponds industry group 1, 2041 to industry code 2 etc. How do best assign the industry/parent codes (IndustryGroup) to df in R?
You can use sapply to get the Industry code for every child code:
function(x) IndustryCodes$IndustryGroup[IndustryCodes$LowerRange <= x &
x <= IndustryCodes$UpperRange])
# [1] 1 1 1 2 6 5

Short(er) notation of selecting a part of a data.frame or other objects in R

I always get angry at my R code when I have to process dataframes, i.e. filtering out certain rows. The code gets very illegible as I tend to choose meaningful, but long, names for my objects. An example:
all.mutations.extra.large.name <- read.delim(filename)
id gene pos aa consequence V
ENSG00000105732 ZN574_HUMAN 81 x/N missense_variant 3
ENSG00000125879 OTOR_HUMAN 7 V/3 missense_variant 2
ENSG00000129194 SOX15_HUMAN 20 N/T missense_variant 3
ENSG00000099204 ABLM1_HUMAN 33 H/R missense_variant 2
ENSG00000103335 PIEZ1_HUMAN 11 Q/R missense_variant 3
ENSG00000171533 MAP6_HUMAN 39 A/G missense_variant 3
all.mutations.extra.large.name <- all.mutations.extra.large.name[which(all.mutations.extra.large.name$gene == ZN574_HUMAN)]
So in order to kick out all other lines in which I am not interested I need to reference 3 times the object all.mutations.extra.large.name. And reating this kind of step for different columns makes the code really difficult to understand.
Therefore my question: Is there a way to filter out rows by a criterion without referencing the object 3 times. Something like this would be beautiful: myobj[,gene=="ZN574_HUMAN"]
You can use subset for that:
subset(all.mutations.extra.large.name, gene == "ZN574_HUMAN")
Several options:
all.mutations.extra.large.name <- data.frame(a=1:5, b=2:6)
within(all.mutations.extra.large.name, a[a < 3] <- 0)
a b
1 0 2
2 0 3
3 3 4
4 4 5
5 5 6
transform(all.mutations.extra.large.name, b = b^2)
a b
1 1 4
2 2 9
3 3 16
4 4 25
5 5 36
Also check ?attach if you would like to avoid repetitive typing like all.mutations.extra.large.name$foo.
