BOSH doesn't recognize deleted VM - openstack

I'm working with BOSH on Openstack. I called bosh -n deploy to have BOSH update an existing deployment. The update required some slave machines to be brought down. As far as I can tell on the Openstack Horizon Web GUI and through command line calls to the Openstack tenancy I'm working on the VMs that should have been brought down have been. However, BOSH seems to think all but one have been brought down.
Is there a way to go into my MicroBOSH VM to edit an entry somewhere that will fix this error?
I can't be positive that the error is completely due to BOSH because the Openstack cloud that I'm working on is going to be completely rebuilt soon and therefore there could be any number of things happening behind the scenes that I don't know about. As such I just want to be able to stop BOSH from complaining about a VM that it can't delete (because it's already gone).

Running bosh cck should take care of it.


Openstack noVNC console is slow

I am running some VMs on my openstack packstack train release, when i run a vm without GUI everything works fine, once i use a vm with a GUI (like ubunut, centos) i don't know why it becomes extremely slow and it's blocking me from advancing on my work, i checked the resource of each vm, of my server too, and they all have sufficient resources. is this a problem with noVNC ? or what ? note that i tried to access with all the nvaigators but the problem is always not solved !
Is there any help, please ?

Airflow background tasks

I have started to work with Airflow recently and I have two questions. I am currently using it as background on Ubuntu as I have created the two following services:
sudo touch /etc/systemd/system/airflow-webserver.service
sudo touch /etc/systemd/system/airflow-scheduler.service
It work well but, my questions are:
Is there a way to use the GUI when not connected to the VM? (It is currently impossible for me)
The scheduler does not work as soon as I stop the VM local forwarding. Is there a way to have it enables 24/7, whatever if my computer is on or off?
Any kind of explanation would be appreciated.
According to this post How do you keep your airflow scheduler running in AWS EC2 while exiting ssh?
running as a service seems to be enough to have the scheduler set even when not doing ssh. But in my case it is not working. Could it be because of the user name in the .service file? What should be the user name in the file?

OpenStack - KeyPair extension is sometimes unavailable

I have a Java application that uses jclouds to launch new VMs. Lately, I've been getting a message from jclouds that says Key Pairs are required by options, but the extension is not available!. Interestingly (and very annoyingly), this is an intermittent thing. After some (varying) number of this error occurring, the application will succeed in its request and things will continue as normal.
If I request a list of extensions from the OpenStack environment ($Our_openstack_server/v2.1/$tenant_id/extensions) I do see os-keypairs there.
I do know that there were some upgrades done on OpenStack in the last few months, but I don't know the scope of them.
Has anyone ever seen anything like this? I'm not very experienced with OpenStack and I'm not even sure how to continue debugging this!
(jclouds version is 1.9.2, OpenStack I think is 2.1)

openstack how to prevent losing vms

I am using "devstack" to play with the openstack in my desktop.
I had configured several vms in my instance. What happened was couple of days ago there was a power failure which caused my desktop to power down(I didnt have a UPS) attached to it. This resulted in my losing all the vms since i didnt unstack.
One of the solution to prevent this from happening next time is using a UPS. Are there any other solutions that I can use to back the vms so that even if there is a power loss the vms will run if i just restart and do ./
Create snapshot of VM
Instance snapshots are uploaded to Glance which will store them in /var/lib/glance/images on the controller node.
Backup this folder.
When there is a data lose occurs , just restore this folder and Launch new instance by boot from image. select the snapshot and click launch.
Devstack is a developer environment, it is not meant to recover from power losses.
You should consider using another all-in-one openstack installer which should support restarting the openstack services without losing state. For instance, you can use Redhat's packstack -

Plone 4.2: How to start a new installed instance in the same server?

Plone 4.2.5 with ZEO
There is a running instance in /cms/plone4. Today I install another instance in /opt/plone4. When I start the instance in /opt/plone4 (plonectl start) after stopped the instance in /cms/plone4, I find that the running one is still the one in /cms/plone4 even after server reboot.
How can I start the new one?
Best regards.
"even after server reboot" may be the key clue to your problem. You've got some init routine that is starting /cms/plone4. There's a good chance that it's a monitoring routine that watches the Plone process and restarts it if it stops. An example of that kind of process monitor (and one that's very popular among Plone integrators) is supervisor.
So, track down the routine that's starting /cms/plone4 on system restart. Change its setup to exclude /cms/plone4 and replace it with the new one.
Have you changed the port number in the buildout.cfg ?
By default plone is running on 8080, change one to another port.
