Open ggplot2 chart directly into SVG-edit application in browser? - r

So I was thinking it would be really awesome if you could pass a basic ggplot2 plot into SVG-edit by Google and tidy it up in there rather than messing around with to much code. I'm sure this is possible but I'm interested in how I might get started with a project like this. What tools (languages) do I need? My thought was to send the basic ggplot as an SVG with some function directly into a customized version of SVG-edit I had hosted as a web app. Anyway I would appreciate any direction on this project since it would be totally awesome to have!


Implement Open Graph Protocol in my web application

I am interested to implement Facebook way of link sharing feature in my web application. In FB when we paste a link it shows the content of link as thumbnail,few text etc.
How can I do that?
I know its Open Graph Protocol but how to implement it in my web application(based on spring MVC)?
What are the technology needed for this? I am a java,jquery guy.
Is it necessary to use facebook for this?
Open Graph isn't a library or a script you can use to build an application that is capable of doing what you want. Open Graph is a Protocol that follows a set of rules that provide a convinient scheme of building social applications.
By doing so, it's made sure that there is a standarized way to work with that data.
So the short answer: OG does not provide such a functionality, you have to build it by yourself (though there are pretty good links and scripts that make your life much easier: scroll to the very bottom). Instead by using OG, you make sure that every application that works with OG (facebook and google to name a few examples) can work with your data properly.
It might not be the answer you searched for, but I think it should give you a little information on what OG really is.

Charts generator framework from ASP.NET to HTML5

I'm working in an ASP.NET environment and i'm searching a framework (better if it is open source) which generate INTERACTIVE charts on server side. Since i have to publish this project also for mobile, i'm searching something that produces charts in HTML5.
Anyone could give me a suggestion or links about it?
Thank's so much
Try out Highcharts .Net (sample website) or DotnetHighcharts. Both are C# wrappers written around the Highcharts charting library.
The original library is in javascript, but both these projects are based entirely on C#, and you dont need to write any javascript code to get charts working. Both have sample projects, in case you are interested, although I think Highcharts .Net is more feature-complete if i'm not mistaken..
If you are looking to use MVC, DotnetHighcharts is the way to go, but if you intend to use webforms, Highcharts dot net handles viewstate for the charts so state management is no longer a headache for you..
It's not exactly what you are looking for, but might fulfil your requirements.
Have to checked out Google Chart Tools? Not to be confused with their infographics api or image charts api.
They will generate HTML5 etc dependant on what browser is used.
And can be considered semi-server-side I suppose, it will generate a portion the markup on Google's server side (n.b. not your server side), though I guessing this will depend on what chart is rendered as some charts will probably be mostly client side. However for any interactive chart a certain amount of clientside technology will be used anyway.
So I suppose it depends on if you mean server-side you mean it is essential it runs on your own server. Running on Google's infrastructure does give you the advantages of a CDN etc so it might outway the need of running on your own server.
You can use Syncfusion HTML5 chart control for your requirement. You can create chart with interactive features such as highlight date points, tooltip, exploded pie, etc., in ASP.NET environment .
Also, The HTML5 chart is using element for chart rendering. So, it is providing effective Client side interaction to the chart control. Please refer the below online document and sample link for HTML5 chart.
Documentation Link:
Sample Link:
If you are interested in a commercial tool, I highly recommend Highcharts. We are using it in our commercial application. The pricing model is good--we evaluated it against FusionCharts--and it is very feature-rich, interactive.
Although commercial, you can use Highcharts under a CC license for everything except for-profit commercial apps.
its old link, But Amcharts are good option too. i used with webform and mvc applications and worked great for me.
You can use Shield UI HTML5 chart library, that will suit your requirement. I have tried it in ASP.NET environment and performs pretty well. For some examples please refer hereL

Complex charts in Google Charts

For a web application I'm working on, I need some pretty powerful graphing capabilities. I'm looking at using Google Charts for my needs.
I'm wondering if Google Charts is capable of producing a graph to the complexity of the one in the image below:
If not, are there any other graphing APIs I can use to create a chart to that complexity? Preferably in PHP.
EDIT: Doesn't only have to be Google Charts. I'm looking for something that can handle the above. Commercial solutions are fine as long as the cost is reasonable.
you can use jqChart Plugin for jQuery for this. You can easily combine column, scatter and line series with specifying custom markers.
Take a look at the samples.
Have you ever tried Fusion Charts?
It's the best charting library I've seen. I've used them for web projects and iOS projects as well since they have now JS versions of everything.
Pretty complex graphics, wide range of charts, and even real-time widgets.
They're not free but totally worth it to consider. I've done everything related to pilots and demo projects with the trial version.
Check them out at
In the past i used Fusion charts, and i like so much. It was a good charts library, but you probably would have to pay in order use without restrictions. Well, google charts its nice library too, but with less graphic classes. But i think that combo graphic fits your interests.
Get more information with the link below:
I ended up using pChart to achieve what I wanted to do.
I made a custom plugin for both Charts and Tables.
Hope its useful to you.
Feel free to use my custom Google Charts plugin which creates both chart and table.

Formatting a Core Plot graph using a CSS file

I'd like to give users of my application the ability to format plots using something like a CSS file. The application is in Cocoa and I'm using the graphing framework Core Plot. Does anyone know of a relatively simple way of achieving this or will I have to manually parse the CSS file and the convert the CSS into formatting information for the plots.
If you're going to use CorePlot, I think you're stuck with CSS parsing. Is SVG in a UIWebView an option for you though?

Information Dashboards in R with ggplot2

I'm looking to create a static dashboard viewable in a web browser. And I'd like to create something like what Stephen Few does in his book Information Dashboard Design. (see example at bottom)
Ggplot2: Shouldn't be any issue producing the graphs below, right?
Dashboard Layout: Is grid suitable? Or should I lay things out in html/css?
If grid can do this easily enough, do you know of any good resources for learning how to us it? I've read the manual but I'm not finding it too helpful. I've seen the LearnR blog's ggplot2 sales dashboard (it uses grid) and I'm having trouble understanding the grid and layout part of things.
dasboard sample
See for an example with code.
I think your html/css-direction might be a really smart move.
It might be easier to get an awesome layout using using Open Office draw and just link to the images, checking off the link box when insterting them for the first time. Open Office supports export to pdf making it usefull for reporting.
Even if it was straight forward to programaticly create a stunning document layout in R, I'm not sure it would be worth the time and effort.
I would suggest also having a look at the brew package, as in this example on the learnr blog.
A few years later, there are options available for dashboards and layouts with R.
For making grids in R, ggplot2's facet_wrap and facet_grid are excellent.
Shiny allows you to make web apps and dashboards with R. Shiny handles the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for you. It's on CRAN.
To use ggplot2 to make an interactive Shiny dashboard with d3.js, you can connect to Plotly's ggplot2 figure converter. Here is a tutorial with code examples. Your published apps let you zoom, toggle, filter, pan, and see data on the hover, e.g.:
Disclaimer: I'm on the Plotly team.
