Information Dashboards in R with ggplot2 - r

I'm looking to create a static dashboard viewable in a web browser. And I'd like to create something like what Stephen Few does in his book Information Dashboard Design. (see example at bottom)
Ggplot2: Shouldn't be any issue producing the graphs below, right?
Dashboard Layout: Is grid suitable? Or should I lay things out in html/css?
If grid can do this easily enough, do you know of any good resources for learning how to us it? I've read the manual but I'm not finding it too helpful. I've seen the LearnR blog's ggplot2 sales dashboard (it uses grid) and I'm having trouble understanding the grid and layout part of things.
dasboard sample

See for an example with code.

I think your html/css-direction might be a really smart move.
It might be easier to get an awesome layout using using Open Office draw and just link to the images, checking off the link box when insterting them for the first time. Open Office supports export to pdf making it usefull for reporting.
Even if it was straight forward to programaticly create a stunning document layout in R, I'm not sure it would be worth the time and effort.

I would suggest also having a look at the brew package, as in this example on the learnr blog.

A few years later, there are options available for dashboards and layouts with R.
For making grids in R, ggplot2's facet_wrap and facet_grid are excellent.
Shiny allows you to make web apps and dashboards with R. Shiny handles the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for you. It's on CRAN.
To use ggplot2 to make an interactive Shiny dashboard with d3.js, you can connect to Plotly's ggplot2 figure converter. Here is a tutorial with code examples. Your published apps let you zoom, toggle, filter, pan, and see data on the hover, e.g.:
Disclaimer: I'm on the Plotly team.


Stylish and beautiful screenshots of R code

I found several screenshots of R code like I show below, on Twitter and sometimes on Facebook. I wonder how people do it, because it can use also in Powerpoint or Beamer presentations. The code in the following screenshots are irrelevant for this question, I'm only wandering how to prepare or stylised those.
These are usually generated via third-party services such as Carbon. It's pretty straight-forward and you can customize all kinds of things like background color and code highlighting.
Feel free to check out their About section and their GitHub.

Javascript chart example

I saw charts in BSI CRM, and they look awesome. I tried to find online tutorial about making own widgets, everyone reported to look at heatmap example code, but it is confusing. Where to start?
But I would like to see a tutorial to show simple chart or any other javascript widget in scout. I need steps where to start..
Is there any tutorial, can someone write it. Only in few lines?
To use charts in a Scout application you have to choose a chart library and include it into your project. I’ll give you an example with ChartJS. For you it is probably easiest to look at the commit (link below) to do the same in your project. I’ll write a short cheat sheet on ‘How to integrate ChartJS in Scout applications’ within the next days and link it as soon as it is available.
Depending on what you are using, ScoutJS (JavaScript only) or Scout Classic (Java based application model), the integration of external libraries differs.
Commit: 'Added ChartJS example to JSWidgets app.'
Scout Classic:
Commit: 'ChartJS example for classic widget app.'

Open ggplot2 chart directly into SVG-edit application in browser?

So I was thinking it would be really awesome if you could pass a basic ggplot2 plot into SVG-edit by Google and tidy it up in there rather than messing around with to much code. I'm sure this is possible but I'm interested in how I might get started with a project like this. What tools (languages) do I need? My thought was to send the basic ggplot as an SVG with some function directly into a customized version of SVG-edit I had hosted as a web app. Anyway I would appreciate any direction on this project since it would be totally awesome to have!

Complex charts in Google Charts

For a web application I'm working on, I need some pretty powerful graphing capabilities. I'm looking at using Google Charts for my needs.
I'm wondering if Google Charts is capable of producing a graph to the complexity of the one in the image below:
If not, are there any other graphing APIs I can use to create a chart to that complexity? Preferably in PHP.
EDIT: Doesn't only have to be Google Charts. I'm looking for something that can handle the above. Commercial solutions are fine as long as the cost is reasonable.
you can use jqChart Plugin for jQuery for this. You can easily combine column, scatter and line series with specifying custom markers.
Take a look at the samples.
Have you ever tried Fusion Charts?
It's the best charting library I've seen. I've used them for web projects and iOS projects as well since they have now JS versions of everything.
Pretty complex graphics, wide range of charts, and even real-time widgets.
They're not free but totally worth it to consider. I've done everything related to pilots and demo projects with the trial version.
Check them out at
In the past i used Fusion charts, and i like so much. It was a good charts library, but you probably would have to pay in order use without restrictions. Well, google charts its nice library too, but with less graphic classes. But i think that combo graphic fits your interests.
Get more information with the link below:
I ended up using pChart to achieve what I wanted to do.
I made a custom plugin for both Charts and Tables.
Hope its useful to you.
Feel free to use my custom Google Charts plugin which creates both chart and table.

I need to design usa interactive Map in flex

i need of simple UsA map in flex ,all Area need to be click able as button .
Is there any tool available for designing buttons in various shape in flex or any build in free map is available in flex.
As vector format so that zoom in will not affect the quality.
i need to design like as shown in this site
This is the Degrafa Map Demo. It is still in the samples section so perhaps the site was down at the time.
data viz sample page here::
Load the "Map Dashboard" sample and Right click/View source to get at the code.
I posted a similar question a while ago but needed more customization.
I used SVG path data in Degrafa to create custom maps of the world, continents, USA.. for a customer. Degrafa used to have a nice US map demo (with source code) as part of its samples, but it disappeared from the web. I don't know of any tool that would help to design clickable Flex shapes. I have no doubt though that Degrafa will provide more support and tools for converting and using SVG.
Some products I found: ilog, ArcGis
And also found this open-source library : GeoVis (birdeye)
But it's very unstable and haven't seen many changes recently.
I'll do that (or, I'll have a designer to do that) in illustrator, and then import the vector format in flex, with the [Embed] metadata.
I don't know if it is a downside for you (for me is a plus), but in this way you have to do everything in code, not with the FlexBuilder UI.
