Http patch issue using fiddler - http

public HttpResponseMessage UpdateDividendInformation([FromBody]BEDividendInformationRequest bedividendInformationRequest, Delta<BEAccountDividendSetup> beAccountDividendSetup)
When I am calling from fiddler using http patch its showing:
"Can't bind multiple parameters error" .
Please anyone help in this. I am using Delta class for tracking changed entities. So how to send values through fiddler.

Basically, There is at most 1 parameter allowed from body because the request content maybe read only once.
In your action, you mark the first parameter [FromBody], meantime, Delta<T> is decorated with [NonValidatingParameterBinding] attribute in OData Web API, That's a parameter from body. So, you have two parameters which will bind from body. Therefore, it's obvious that you got the such error message.
However, the error message should contain the parameter names. Do you omit it?


Tracing an HTTP request in Go in a one structured log line

I have learned you can "decorate" the HTTP transport so that you can details of the request, however I can't quite figure out how you log the URL in the same line.
results in
INFO[0000] Client request dns_start_ms=0 first_byte_ms=590 response_code=200 total_ms=590 url=
INFO[0000] 200
I'm perpetually confused if I should be using to pass around the context in a struct, especially in light where concludes with pass context.Context in as an argument.
Go through the behaviour of how the request is constructed in request.go from net/http. You see that the RequestURI field is never set there. Quoting from same reference,
Usually the URL field should be used instead.
It is an error to set this field in an HTTP client request
So, I would suggest you to use request.URL instead.
It is a parsed from the request uri. It should have the data you need.
You can construct the output as following:
f := log.Fields{
"url": fmt.Sprintf("%s %s%s", r.Method, r.URL.Host, r.URL.Path),
Also, in my experience, it is far more easier to use context.WithValue and pass the context as an argument.
Replace r.RequestURI by r.URL.String() in your code to log the full, valid URL ( RequestURI is empty on the client side (, as the output from your code is showing.
I don't see how context.Context relates to your question, but I believe is considered "best practice".

JSON API response for a collection POST that couldn't be performed

I am building an API where one can issue a POST to /users/1/suggestions/make in order to get a new suggestion. There are two cases:
the server can create a suggestion based on POSTed params, in which case a 200 status code is returned together with the created suggestion;
the server cannot create a suggestion based on POSTed params, in which case I am not sure what status code to return (200, since the request succeeded but nothing could be suggested, 404 because a suggestion could not be computed, or something else) and what content (nil, an empty response, something else).
If your POST is unsuccessful due to the parameters not passing validation, it is appropriate to return HTTP 400 Bad Request. The response body should consist of a list of the errors that caused the rejection.
This way it is clear to the API caller that no data has been modified.

JMeter "forgets" variable value defined via Regular Expressioin Extractor

I did create a simple testcase in JMeter.
Open a form and all it's content (css, images etc) :
GET /css/site.css
GET /favicon.ico
GET /fonts/specific-fonts.woff
GET /images/banner.png
Wait a little...
Post the values
Receive the "Thank You" page.
- GET /thanks
In the response on the first GET is a hidden input field which contains a token. This token needs to be included in the POST as well.
Now I use the "Regular Expression Extractor" of JMeter to get the token from the response. So far, so good.
Then, after retreiving all the other contents I create the POST message, using the variable name in the RegExp-Extractor in the value field of the token parameter.
But... when executing the testcase it fills in the default value given and not the actual value of the token.
So... first step in debugging this issue was to add a dummy-HTTP-GET request directly after I get the token. In this GET request I also add the token parameter with the token variable as value, but now I can easily check the parameter by looking at the access-log on my webserver.
In this case... the URL looks promising. It contains the actual token value in the GET, but it still uses the default value in the POST.
Second step in debugging was to use the "Debug Sampler" and the "View Results Tree".
By moving the Debug Sampler between the different steps I found out the value of the token-variable is back to the default value after I receive the CSS.
So... now the big question is...
How can I make JMeter to remember my variable value until the end of my test-script ?
JMeter doesn't "forget" variables. However variables scope is limited to the current Thread Group. You can convert JMeter variable to JMeter Property which have "global" scope by i.e. using Beanshell Post Processor with the following code:
props.put("myVar", vars.get("myVar"));
Or by using __setProperty() function. See How to Use Variables in Different Thread Groups guide for details.
As you found it your problem comes from a misunderstanding of scoping rules in jmeter.
In your case, just put the post processor of the request that will give you the response containing the child node.
Also I think you don't need to share this token with other threads so don't use properties as proposed in the alternate answer.

HTTP request parameters are not available by request.getAttribute()

I am sending an url parameter to servlet using the following jQuery piece:
$.getJSON("http://localhost:8080/JsoupPrj/JasonGen?url=" + url, function(data) {
On the server side, the servlet gets the parameter, for that I coded as below:
String url = (String) request.getAttribute("url");
But it is not working, can you tell me where I am doing wrong? I believe I am not passing the parameter properly to the servlet. The servlet triggers each time through the JavaScript, but it is not seeing the parameters passed from the browser.
String url = (String) request.getAttribute("url");
you're trying to get a request parameter as a request attribute instead of as a request parameter. This will obviously not do what you want.
You need to get a request parameter as a request parameter, not as a request attribute.
String url = request.getParameter("url");
Unrelated to the concrete problem: you don't seem to be URL-encoding the parameter at all before sending. This will possibly cause other problems, unrelated to this one, when the url contains special characters. Look at the JS encodeURIComponent() function, or the data argument of the $.getJSON() function. See for more hints also How to use Servlets and Ajax?

Why is request method send to web server called GET and POST?

I guessed that the name of each of the request method has a relationship with the operations they performed in some manner. But I can't get it!
GET means posted argument are showed in the url and POST means they are sent but not shown in the url. But what is that related to POST/GET? What is gotten/posted or what does the posting/getting job? Do you have any glues?
I understand what GET and POST method is. What I wanna know is why do we GET/POST, why don't we call it TYPE1/TYPE2, or another more make-sense name like ON-URL/OFF-URL
Please discuss if you know that.
This should help you:
Methods GET and POST in HTML forms - what's the difference?
The Definitive Guide to GET vs POST
get and post
From RFC 2616:
The GET method means retrieve whatever information (in the form of an entity) is identified by the Request-URI.
The POST method is used to request that the origin server accept the entity enclosed in the request as a new subordinate of the resource identified by the Request-URI in the Request-Line.
So, GET should be used to read a resource, whereas POST should be used to create, update, or delete a resource.
GET and POST are called HTTP Verbs. See the RFC for details.
GET will get a resource identified by a URL. If using GET as the action for a form the entries will be encoded in the URL (look at a google search for an example).
POST will send the data separately, to the specified URL.
The biggest difference is that if you use GET on a form submit, you can copy the URL of the page you landed at and use it directly to get the same results. All information will also be visible in the URL (don't use this method for passwords). If you POST the data the URL of the landing page will not be enough to reproduce the same results; you will have to go through the form again.
Take a look at the RFC definitions here:
But essentially, GET is used to retrieve a resource and POST is used to create a new one or make a change to a resource.
Seems to me that #Nam G. VU is asking an English-language question.
"Get" implies that the flow of data is from the server to the client. More specifically, the client is asking the server to send some data.
"Post" implies that the client is pushing data to the server. The word "post" implies that it's a one-way operation.
Of course, neither of these is 100% unidirectional: GETs can send data to the server in the
URL as path and/or query arguments, and POSTS return data to the client.
But, in the simplest sense, the English verbs imply the principal direction of data flow.
From the REST standpoint, GET METHOD signifies that it is used to GET a (list of similar) resource(s). POST is used to create (or POST) a resource.
Apart from this, GET carries all parameters in the URL in the format of ?name=value& pairs, whereas POST carries all of them in the Request Body.
