Liquibase generateChangeLog missing columns statements in mariaDB - mariadb

Using MariaDB 5.5. Liquibase 3.4.0.
Running command below
java -jar pathto\liquibase-core-3.4.0.jar
--driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver --url=jdbc:mysql://ip:3306/db
--username=username --password=psw
--classpath=C:\path\mysql-connector-java-5.1.36.jar generateChangeLog
Getting as a result create table statements without columns:
<changeSet author="usr (generated)" id="1438089865463-1">
<createTable tableName="ABC"/>
How to fix it? 3.4.0 liquibase already supports maria db.

The problem was some broken views..
I exported current sql schema to sql and loaded it on new database. Liquibase was working properly. Then compared two schemas and found dead views. After removing them, generateChangeLog started working properly.


I have a small problem with MySQL regarding the first application [duplicate]

Im using xampp control panel and from there i start the process for apache and mysql. Then i go to mysql workbench and server status seems to be ok, here is some info
Host: Windows-PC
Socket: C:/xampp/mysql/mysql.sock
Port: 3306
Version 10.1.31-MariaDB binary distribution
Compiled For: Win32(32)
Configuratin File: unknown
Then everytime when i try to add the foreign key for my dummy schema like:
ALTER TABLE `puppies`.`animals`
ADD INDEX `Breed_idx` (`BreedID` ASC) VISIBLE;
ALTER TABLE `puppies`.`animals`
REFERENCES `puppies`.`breeds` (`Breed`)
I get the following error
ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near
'' at line 2
SQL Statement:
ALTER TABLE `puppies`.`animals`
ADD INDEX `Breed_idx` (`BreedID` ASC) VISIBLE
So what can i do so that xampp will start using mysql syntax over mariaDb?
Or if im wrong in my understanding of the problem, then what should i do so that i dont have to face this kind of issues again when using xampp?
Problem is the word VISIBLE, remove it and it will work.
Index are visible by default.
Your question: "If i remove VISIBLE it works just fine, so why did mysql workbench decided to add visible?"
My answer: The option to mark index invisible is not yet implemented in MariaDB (afaik!).
The syntax for MariaDB is different, please see this reference:
Just to add to those who are using Maria DB with MySQL Workbench, you don't need to install mysql. You can just change 'Default Target MySQL Version' from Preferences to 5.7 or 5.6, and the VISIBLE keyword will be removed by workbench.
Here is a link from mysql bugs
I am using MySQL Workbench and have same problem. Change in the Preferences but it did not work.
Solution: If you export forward-engineer the model you need to change the configuration on another place.
Go to Model > Model Options
Inside the Model Options, go to MySQL
Then change the "Target MySQL Version" to 5.6

Warnings about unsupported RETURNING clause in Node SQLite3 client

I'm using a SQLite3 database for tests in Strapi with the node-sqlite3 client. When running the tests, I'm getting the following warnings:
node-sqlite3 does not currently support RETURNING clause
at Logger._log (node_modules/knex/lib/logger.js:42:13)
Initially, I thought that it is caused by an outdated SQLite version, since RETURNING support was added in SQLite 3.35. However, I've verified that the Node client version that I'm using (5.1.4) includes a newer release of SQLite:
version "5.1.4"
resolved ""
integrity sha512-i0UlWAzPlzX3B5XP2cYuhWQJsTtlMD6obOa1PgeEQ4DHEXUuyJkgv50I3isqZAP5oFc2T8OFvakmDh2W6I+YpA==
"#mapbox/node-pre-gyp" "^1.0.0"
node-addon-api "^4.2.0"
tar "^6.1.11"
node-gyp "8.x"
To verify the SQLite version, I've ran the following query:
await strapi.db.connection.context.raw("select sqlite_version()")
As expected, it yields {'sqlite_version()': '3.40.0'}, which should support the RETURNING clause.
For the record, my locally installed version of sqlite3 (3.38.2) also supposedly supports RETURNING, but I can also confirm it is not the source of the issue: the same warnings are also displayed when the tests are ran via Docker, and the local installation does not seem to be used either way based on the sqlite_version() result.
Are these warnings something that I should be worried about, or is it just Knex warning about a possibly unsupported feature?

Push/Export large datframe from R to Vertica database

I have a dataframe of 10M rows which needs to be uploaded back from R to Vertica Database.
The DBwrite() function from DBI is running into memory issues and I have tried increasing memory to 16g by
options(java.parameters = c("-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC", "-Xmx16g"))
Still the process is running into memory issue. I am planning to use bulk copy option of vertica to copy the csv file to create the table.
I have created an empty table on vertica
When I am executing the query
dbSendQuery(vertica, "COPY hpcom_usr.VM_test FROM LOCAL \'/opt/mount1/musoumit/MarketBasketAnalysis/Code/test.csv\' enclosed by \'\"\' DELIMITER \',\' direct REJECTED DATA \'./code/temp/rejected.txt\' EXCEPTIONS \'./code/temp/exceptions.txt\'")
I am running into this error.
Error in .verify.JDBC.result(r, "Unable to retrieve JDBC result set", :
Unable to retrieve JDBC result set
JDBC ERROR: [Vertica]JDBC A ResultSet was expected but not generated from query "COPY hpcom_usr.VM_test FROM LOCAL '/opt/mount1/musoumit/MarketBasketAnalysis/Code/test.csv' enclosed by '"' DELIMITER ',' direct REJECTED DATA './code/temp/rejected.txt' EXCEPTIONS './code/temp/exceptions.txt'". Query not executed.
Please help with what i'm doing wrong here.
Vertica also provides STDIN option aswell. Link
Please help me how can I execute this.
My Environment.
R 3.6.3 (No R Studio here I have to execute this from CLI)
Tidyverse 1.0.x
Vertica driver 9.x
System 128GB Memory and 28Core system.
Your problem is that you fire dbSendQuery() , which lives with a following dbFetch() and a final dbClearResult() - but only for query SQL statements - those that actually return a result set.
Vertica's COPY <table> FROM [LOCAL] 'file.ext' ... command is treated like a DML command. And for those - as this docu says ...
.. you need to use dbSendStatement() for data manipulation statements.
Have a go at it that way - good luck ...
dbSendUpdate(vertica, "COPY hpcom_usr.VM_test FROM LOCAL \'/opt/mount1/musoumit/MarketBasketAnalysis/Code/test.csv\' enclosed by \'\"\' DELIMITER \',\' direct REJECTED DATA \'./code/temp/rejected.txt\' EXCEPTIONS \'./code/temp/exceptions.txt\'")
instead of dbSendQuery did the trick for me.

Why am I getting: database is locked, in an SQLite3 script?

I'm getting an error when running an SQLite script.
--drop use table before replacing it
--Create the use table in the saved database
CREATE TABLE db.use AS SELECT * FROM use2; -- this is the line that generates the error: Error: near line 145: database is locked
Are these two statements run asynchronously or something? I don't understand what's causing the error, but I'm wondering if it has to do with that.
Might there be a way to run the script in a lock-step manner, i.e. non-asynchronously?
This is how I was running the command: sqlite3 --init script_name.sql dbname.db, and elsewhere in the script I had an ATTACH statement reading the same database dbname.db. Essentially reading the same file twice.
The way I solved this was by executing the script in the sqlite3 shell:
sqlite3> .read script_name.sql
Have you tried to add a commit statement after the drop statement?
I think that would make sure the create table statement run after the drop statement is totally done.

Liquibase/SQLite syntax error

So I have a sqlite database. My game (C#) is able to open it and run it quite nicely. However, for maintainability and potential conflict reasons, I would like a more manageable format. Our project manager suggested Liquibase. I'm not sure if it's just out of date or what, but it will NOT convert for me, and I'm not sure why. Here's what we got:
running on windows 8.1
liquibase version 3.3.0 (
sqlite database made using sqlite manager demo version 4.3.5 (
java version 8 update 25
sqlite-jdbc-3.8.7 (
The command I enter is...
liquibase --classpath=sqlite-jdbc-3.8.7.jar --driver=org.sqlite.JDBC\
--url="jdbc:sqlite:GameData.sqlite" --changeLogFile=gamedb-canges.xml\
--username=username --password=password generateChangeLog
and the error I get is...
Unexpected error running Liquibase: liquibase.exception.DatabaseException:
liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: java.sql.SQLException: [SQLITE_ERROR]
SQL error or missing database (near ")": syntax error)
I'd try removing the quotes around the URL. You can also include --logLevel=debug on the command line to get better diagnostics.
"SQL error or missing database" is an error message that comes from the SQLite db.
Try to add a full path to the sqlite db like:
