Is there any action in wordpress that points above of posts? - wordpress

I'm Trying to write a wordpress plugin but i cannot find an action or Way to point above of posts

Try this:(in functions.php)
add_filter( 'the_content', 'featured_image_before_content' );
function featured_image_before_content( $content ) {
/* if ( is_singular('post') && has_post_thumbnail()) { */
$content = 'YOUR DATA'. $content;
/* }*/
return $content;
you can add condition from here:LINK


How does one replace WooCommerce default placeholder image for shop categories

I've tried the following code, which im using successfully with product thumbnails but for categories haven't found a way to do it.
add_action( 'init', 'mw_replace_woocommerce_placeholders' );
function mw_replace_woocommerce_placeholders() {
add_filter('woocommerce_placeholder_img', 'custom_woocommerce_placeholder_img');
function custom_woocommerce_placeholder_img( $src ) {
$src = '<span class="thumb-placeholder"><i class="icon-camera"></i></span>';
return $src;
Any tips?
This should work
add_action( 'init', 'custom_placeholder' );
function custom_placeholder() {
if ( is_product_category() ){
function custom_placeholder_img($src) {
$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
$uploads = untrailingslashit( $upload_dir['baseurl'] );
$src = $uploads . '/your/directory/custom_placeholder.jpg';
return $src;
Or you could replace the placeholder located at "wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/placeholder.png" with your own.
The line:
if ( is_product_category() ){
in functions.php makes the theme reliant on the plugin, so if you deactivate woocommerce for testing, it breaks the site. At least that's what happened to me.

WordPress author filters

I have added a filter on "the_author" to add some html code with author info. However all my HTML is coming under an anchor of author link. For eg:
add_filter( 'the_author', 'myfun');
function myfun( $content ) {
$content.= 'hi';
return $content;
Now "Hi" is just a simple text which should not be included in author anchor tag. Please help.
add_filter( 'the_author', 'myfun' );
add_filter( 'get_the_author_display_name', 'myfun' );
function myfun( $name) {
global $post;
if ( $name)
$name.= '</br>hi';
return $name;

How do you add_filter to only one instance of the_title()

I created a filter that modifies the_title() of a post, but the problem I'm having is that it's modifying every instance of the_title(). I got most of the problem sorted out with the in_the_loop() function, however any theme that has "next post" "previous post" navigation links within the loop are still having the filter applied (understandably so). How can I apply the filter to only the the_title() of the current post?
function xyz_the_title( $the_title ) {
if( !in_the_loop() )
return $the_title;
$location = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'location', true );
$the_title .= ' - ' . $location;
return $the_title;
add_filter( 'the_title', 'xyz_the_title' );
do it with jQuery
Something like this should do the trick:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#entry-header').text(function(i, oldText) {
return oldText === 'Popular Science' ? 'New word' : oldText;
This only replaces the content when it is Popular Science. See text in the jQuery API.
Rather than filtering the_title you could edit your template file instead and append the location to your returned the_title().
echo "<h1>" . get_the_title() . " - " . $location . "</h1>";
Ran into a similar situation and was hoping this thread could save me...
Anyways this is what I managed to do thus far in
add_filter( 'the_title', function( $title, $id ){
* don't run in the backend
if( is_admin() ) {
return $title;
* invalid values received
if( empty( $title ) || $id < 1 ){
return $title;
global $post;
if ( ! $post instanceof WP_Post ){
return $title;
* only apply the filter to the current page's title,
* and not to the other title's on the current page
global $wp_query;
if( $id !== $wp_query->queried_object_id ){
return $title;
* Don't run this filter if wp_head calls it
if( doing_action( 'wp_head' ) ){
return $title;
return 'MODIFIED - '.$title;
Here are the shortfalls:
If you have the same post being displayed on the current page, somewhere else, it's gonna modify THAT post title as well
Currently thinking about having a look at the call stack to detect if the call is coming from the theme...
but I would suggest you find another solution bud...
Ah, didn't know it was for a plugin. In which case, I think you should be ok to use if_filter then. This checks whether the filter has been run x times on the page in question. So, we check if it has run once on the page and if so it won't run again. Also, I have assumed you only want this to run on single post pages. This is untested.
function xyz_the_title( $the_title ) {
if( is_single() AND did_filter('the_title') === 1 ) {
if( !in_the_loop() )
return $the_title;
$location = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'location', true );
$the_title .= ' - ' . $location;
return $the_title;
add_filter( 'the_title', 'xyz_the_title' );

target a custom page using plugin function in wordpress

i created a custom page named custom_page.php in wordpress and use this as a page template.
i wanted to create my own functions and only target my custom_page.php. this function will be installed as a plugin.
what kind of WP HOOKS should i use, for example i have this code below
function your_function() {
if ( is_page_template('custom_page.php') ) {
echo '<p>This is inserted at the bottom</p>';
add_action('wp_footer', 'your_function');
i want to only execute this code in my custom_page.php footer area.
You can use these hooks for page templates.
Or may be something like this...
add_filter( 'page_template', 'check_the_template' );
function check_the_template( $template ) {
if( 'custom_page.php' == basename( $template ) ) {
// do some things here by calling functions, hooks etc..
return $template;
If you want to just echo "Hello World" :
add_filter( 'page_template', 'check_the_template' );
function check_the_template( $template ) {
if( 'pagetemplete.php' == basename( $template ) ) {
add_action( 'the_content', 'echofunction' );
return $template;
function echofunction() {
echo "Hello World";

Wordpress Gallery Shortcode Pregreplace

Basically I need to remove the gallery shortcode from the Wordpress content, I'm using
echo preg_replace('/\[gallery ids=[^\]]+\]/', '', get_the_content() );
It is removing the gallery shortcode successfully, but also the paragraph tags which I need to keep. The idea is that I want to output everything in the content except the gallery.
You could use Wordpress strip_shortcode function.
Look at the example in the Codex.
You can create a filter that strips shortcodes:
function remove_shortcode_from($content) {
$content = strip_shortcodes( $content );
return $content;
and call it when you need (in your template):
add_filter('the_content', 'remove_shortcode_from');
remove_filter('the_content', 'remove_shortcode_from')
Another way to get that (and answering you comment) you can use Wordpress apply_filters function in the content after remove the undesirables shortcodes.
//within loop
$content = get_the_content();
$content = preg_replace('/\[gallery ids=[^\]]+\]/', '', $content );
$content = apply_filters('the_content', $content );
echo $content;
But I would not recommend to you to do that. I think forcing your site to modify the content of a post could make that hard to understanding. Maybe you should work with Wordpress Excerpt and avoid any problem.
A link that helped me
to remove a shortcode or a particular list of shortcode you can use this code.
global $remove_shortcode;
* Strips and Removes shortcode if exists
* #global int $remove_shortcode
* #param type $shortcodes comma seprated string, array of shortcodes
* #return content || excerpt
function dot1_strip_shortcode( $shortcodes ){
global $remove_shortcode;
if(empty($shortcodes)) return;
$shortcodes = explode(',', $shortcodes);
foreach( $shortcodes as $shortcode ){
$shortcode = trim($shortcode);
if( shortcode_exists($shortcode) ){
$remove_shortcode[$shortcode] = 1;
add_filter( 'the_excerpt', 'strip_shortcode' );
add_filter( 'the_content', 'strip_shortcode' );
function strip_shortcode( $content) {
global $shortcode_tags, $remove_shortcode;
$stack = $shortcode_tags;
$shortcode_tags = $remove_shortcode;
$content = strip_shortcodes($content);
$shortcode_tags = $stack;
return $content;
dot1_strip_shortcode( 'gallery' );
Accepts single, comma seprated shortcode string or array of shortcodes.
