Iterating results back into an OpenCL kernel - opencl

I have written an openCL kernel that takes 25million points and checks them relative to two lines, (A & B). It then outputs two lists; i.e. set A of all of the points found to be beyond line A, and vice versa.
I'd like to run the kernel repeatedly, updating the input points with each of the line results sets in turn (and also updating the checking line). I'm guessing that reading the two result sets out of the kernel, forming them into arrays and then passing them back in one at a time as inputs is quite a slow solution.
As an alternative, I've tested keeping a global index in the kernel that logs which points relate to which line. This is updated at each line checking cycle. During each iteration, the index for each point in the overall set is switched to 0 (no line), A or B or so forth (i.e. the related line id). In subsequent iterations only points with an index that matches the 'live' set being checked in that cycle (i.e. tagged with A for set A) are tested further.
The problem is that, in each iteration, the kernels still have to check through the full index (i.e. all 25m points) to discover wether or not they are in the 'live' set. As a result, the speed of each cycle does not significantly improve as the size of the results set decrease over time. Again, this seems a slow solution; whilst avoiding passing too much information between GPU and CPU it instead means that a large number of the work items aren't doing very much work at all.
Is there an alternative solution to what I am trying to do here?

You could use atomics to sort the outputs into two arrays. Ie if we're in A then get my position by incrementing the A counter and put me into A, and do the same for B
Using global atomics on everything might be horribly slow (fast on amd, slow on nvidia, no idea about other devices) - instead you can use a local atomic_inc in a 0'd local integer to do exactly the same thing (but for only the local set of x work-items), and then at the end do an atomic_add to both global counters based on your local counters
To put this more clearly in code (my explanation is not great)
int id;
id = atomic_inc(&local_a);
id = atomic_inc(&local_b);
__local int a_base, b_base;
int lid = get_local_id(0);
if(lid == 0)
a_base = atomic_add(a_counter, local_a);
b_base = atomic_add(b_counter, local_b);
a_buffer[id + a_base] = data;
b_buffer[id + b_base] = data;
This involves faffing around with atomics which are inherently slow, but depending on how quickly your dataset reduces it might be much faster. Additionally if B data is not considered live, you can omit getting the b ids and all the atomics involving b, as well as the write back


Operate only on a subset of buffer in OpenCL kernel

Newbie to OpenCL here. I'm trying to convert a numerical method I've written to OpenCL for acceleration. I'm using the PyOpenCL package as I've written this once in Python already and as far as I can tell there's no compelling reason to use the C version. I'm all ears if I'm wrong on this, though.
I've managed to translate over most of the functionality I need in to OpenCL kernels. My question is on how to (properly) tell OpenCL to ignore my boundary/ghost cells. The reason I need to do this is that my method (for example) for point i accesses cells at [i-2:i+2], so if i=1, I'll run off the end of the array. So - I add some extra points that serve to prevent this, and then just tell my algorithm to only run on points [2:nPts-2]. It's easy to see how to do this with a for loop, but I'm a little more unclear on the 'right' way to do this for a kernel.
Is it sufficient to do, for example (pseudocode)
__kernel void myMethod(...) {
gid = get_global_id(0);
if (gid < nGhostCells || gid > nPts-nGhostCells) {
retVal[gid] = 0;
// Otherwise perform my calculations
or is there another/more appropriate way to enforce this constraint?
It looks sufficient.
Branching is same for nPts-nGhostCells*2 number of points and it is predictable if nPts and nGhostCells are compile-time constants. Even if it is not predictable, sufficiently large nPts vs nGhostCells (1024 vs 3) should not be distinctively slower than zero-branching version, except the latency of "or" operation. Even that "or" latency must be hidden behind array access latency, thanks to thread level parallelism.
At those "break" points, mostly 16 or 32 threads would lose some performance and only for several clock cycles because of the lock-step running of SIMD-like architectures.
If you happen to code some chaotic branching, like data-driven code path, then you should split them into different kernels(for different regions) or sort them before the kernel so that average branching between neighboring threads are minimized.

Append OpenCL result to list / Reduce solution room

I have an OpenCL Kernel with multiple work items. Let's assume for discussion, that I have a 2-D Workspace with x*y elements working on an equally sized, but sparce, array of input elements. Few of these input elements produce a result, that I want to keep, most don't. I want to enqueue another kernel, that only takes the kept results as an input.
Is it possible in OpenCL to append results to some kind of list to pass them as input to another Kernel or is there a better idea to reduce the volume of the solution space? Furthermore: Is this even a good question to ask with the programming model of OpenCL in mind?
What I would do if the amount of result data is a small percentage (ie: 0-10%) is use local atomics and global atomics, with a global counter.
Data interface between kernel 1 <----> Kernel 2:
int counter //used by atomics to know where to write
data_type results[counter]; //used to store the results
Create a kernel function that does the operation on the data
Work items that do produce a result:
Save the result to local memory, and ensure no data races occur using local atomics in a local counter.
Use the work item 0 to save all the local results back to global memory using global atomics.
Work items lower than "counter" do work, the others just return.

How to avoid reading back in OpenCL

I am implementing an algorithm with OpenCL. I will loop in C++ many times and call a same OpenCL kernel each time. The kernel will generate the input data of next iteration and the number of these data. Currently, I read back this number in each loop for two usages:
I use this number to decide how many work items I need for next loop; and
I use this number to decide when to exit the loop (when the number is 0).
I found the reading takes most of time of the loop. Is there any way to avoid it?
Generally speaking, if you need to call a kernel repeatedly, and the exit condition is dependent to the result generated by the kernel (not fixed number loops), how can you do it efficiently? Is there anything like the occlusion query in OpenGL that you can just do some query instead of reading back from GPU?
Reading a number back from a GPU Kernel will always take 10s - 1000s microseconds or more.
If the controlling number is always reducing, you can keep in global memory, and test it against the global id and decide if the kernel does work or not on each iteration. Use a global memory barrier to sync all the threads ...
kernel void x(global int * the_number, constant int max_iterations, ... )
int index = get_global_id(0);
int count = 0; // stops an infinite loop
while( index < the_number[0] && count < max_iterations )
// loop code follows
// Use one thread decide what to do next
if ( index == 0 )
the_number[0] = ... next value
barrier( CLK_GLOBAL_MEM_FENCE ); // Barrier to sync threads
You have a couple of options here:
If possible, you can simply move the loop and the conditional into the kernel? Use a scheme where additional work items do nothing depending on the input for the current iteration.
If 1. isn't possible, I would recommend that you store the data generated by the "decision" kernel in a buffer and use that buffer to "direct" your other kernels.
Both these options will allow you to skip the readback.
I'm just finishing up some research where we had to tackle this exact problem!
We discovered a couple of things:
Use two (or more) buffers! Have the first iteration of the kernel
operate on data in b1, then the next on b2, then on b1 again. In
between each kernel call, read back the result of the other buffer
and check to see if it's time to stop iterating. Works best when the kernel takes longer than a read. Use a profiling tool to make sure you aren't waiting on reads (and if you are, increase the number of buffers).
Over shoot! Add a finishing check to each kernel, and call it
several (100s) of times before copying data back. If your kernel is
low-cost, this can work very well.

OpenCL computation times much longer than CPU alternative

I'm taking my first steps in OpenCL (and CUDA) for my internship. All nice and well, I now have working OpenCL code, but the computation times are way too high, I think. My guess is that I'm doing too much I/O, but I don't know where that could be.
The code is for the main:, and for the kernel: I'm starting to measure time after segmentPunten(segmentArray, begin, eind); has returned, and I end measuring time after the last clEnqueueReadBuffer.
Computation time on a Nvidia GT440 is 38.6 seconds, on a GT555M 35.5, on a Athlon II X4 5.6 seconds, and on a Intel P8600 6 seconds.
Can someone explain this to me? Why are the computation times are so high, and what solutions are there for this?
What is it supposed to do: (short version) to calculate how much noiseload there is made by an airplane that is passing by.
long version: there are several Observer Points (OP) wich are the points in wich sound is measured from an airplane thas is passing by. The flightpath is being segmented in 10.000 segments, this is done at the function segmentPunten. The double for loop in the main gives OPs a coordinate. There are two kernels. The first one calculates the distance from a single OP to a single segment. This is then saved in the array "afstanden". The second kernel calculates the sound load in an OP, from all the segments.
Just eyeballing your kernel, I see this:
kernel void SEL(global const float *afstanden, global double *totaalSEL,
const int aantalSegmenten)
// ...
for(i = 0; i < aantalSegmenten; i++) {
double distance = afstanden[threadID * aantalSegmenten + i];
// ...
// ...
It looks like aantalSegmenten is being set to 1000. You have a loop in each
kernel that accesses global memory 1000 times. Without crawling though the code,
I'm guessing that many of these accesses overlap when considering your
computation as a whole. It this the case? Will two work items access the same
global memory? If this is the case, you will see a potentially huge win on the
GPU from rewriting your algorithm to partition the work such that you can read
from a specific global memory only once, saving it in local memory. After that,
each work item in the work group that needs that location can read it quickly.
As an aside, the CL specification allows you to omit the leading __ from CL
keywords like global and kernel. I don't think many newcomers to CL realize
Before optimizing further, you should first get an understanding of what is taking all that time. Is it the kernel compiles, data transfer, or actual kernel execution?
As mentioned above, you can get rid of the kernel compiles by caching the results. I believe some OpenCL implementations (the Apple one at least) already do this automatically. With other, you may need to do the caching manually. Here's instructions for the caching.
If the performance bottle neck is the kernel itself, you can probably get a major speed-up by organizing the 'afstanden' array lookups differently. Currently when a block of threads performs a read from the memory, the addresses are spread out through the memory, which is a real killer for GPU performance. You'd ideally want to index array with something like afstanden[ndx*NUM_THREADS + threadID], which would make accesses from a work group to load a contiguous block of memory. This is much faster than the current, essentially random, memory lookup.
First of all you are measuring not the computation time but the whole kernel read-in/compile/execute mumbo-jumbo. To do a fair comparison measure the computation time from the first "non-static" part of your program. (For example from between the first clSetKernelArgs to the last clEnqueueReadBuffer.)
If the execution time is still too high, then you can use some kind of profiler (such as VisualProfiler from NVidia), and read the OpenCL Best Practices guid which is included in the CUDA Toolkit documentation.
To the raw kernel execution time: Consider (and measure) that do you really need the double precision for your calculation, because the double precision calculations are artificially slowed down on the consumer grade NVidia cards.

OpenCL image histogram

I'm trying to write a histogram kernel in OpenCL to compute 256 bin R, G, and B histograms of an RGBA32F input image. My kernel looks like this:
const sampler_t mSampler = CLK_NORMALIZED_COORDS_FALSE |
__kernel void computeHistogram(read_only image2d_t input, __global int* rOutput,
__global int* gOutput, __global int* bOutput)
int2 coords = {get_global_id(0), get_global_id(1)};
float4 sample = read_imagef(input, mSampler, coords);
uchar rbin = floor(sample.x * 255.0f);
uchar gbin = floor(sample.y * 255.0f);
uchar bbin = floor(sample.z * 255.0f);
When I run it on an 2100 x 894 image (1,877,400 pixels) i tend to only see in or around 1,870,000 total values being recorded when I sum up the histogram values for each channel. It's also a different number each time. I did expect this since once in a while two kernels probably grab the same value from the output array and increment it, effectively cancelling out one increment operation (I'm assuming?).
The 1,870,000 output is for a {1,1} workgroup size (which is what seems to get set by default if I don't specify otherwise). If I force a larger workgroup size like {10,6}, I get a drastically smaller sum in my histogram (proportional to the change in workgroup size). This seemed strange to me, but I'm guessing what happens is that all of the work items in the group increment the output array value at the same time, and so it just counts as a single increment?
Anyways, I've read in the spec that OpenCL has no global memory syncronization, only syncronization within local workgroups using their __local memory. The histogram example by nVidia breaks up the histogram workload into a bunch of subproblems of a specific size, computes their partial histograms, then merges the results into a single histogram after. This doesn't seem like it'll work all that well for images of arbitrary size. I suppose I could pad the image data out with dummy values...
Being new to OpenCL, I guess I'm wondering if there's a more straightforward way to do this (since it seems like it should be a relatively straightforward GPGPU problem).
As stated before, you write into a shared memory unsynchronized and non atomic. This leads to errors. If the picture is big enough, I have a suggestion:
Split your work group into a one dimensional one for cols or rows. Use each kernel to sum up the histogram for the col or row and afterwards sum it globally with atomic atom_inc. This brings the most sum ups in private memory which is much faster and reduces atomic ops.
If you work in two dimensions you can do it on parts of the picture.
I think, I have a better answer: ;-)
Have a look to:
They have an interesting implementation there...
Yes, you're writing to a shared memory from many work-items at the same time, so you will lose elements if you don't do the updates in a safe way (or worse ? Just don't do it). The increase in group size actually increases the utilization of your compute device, which in turn increases the likelihood of conflicts. So you end up losing more updates.
However, you seem to be confusing synchronization (ordering thread execution order) and shared memory updates (which typically require either atomic operations, or code synchronization and memory barriers, to make sure the memory updates are visible to other threads that are synchronized).
the synchronization+barrier is not particularly useful for your case (and as you noted is not available for global synchronization anyways. Reason is, 2 thread-groups may never run concurrently so trying to synchronize them is nonsensical). It's typically used when all threads start working on generating a common data-set, and then all start to consume that data-set with a different access pattern.
In your case, you can use atomic operations (e.g. atom_inc, see However, note that updating a highly contended memory address (say, because you have thousands of threads trying all to write to only 256 ints) is likely to yield poor performance. All the hoops typical histogram code goes through are there to reduce the contention on the histogram data.
You can check
The histogram example from AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing (APP) SDK.
Chapter 14 - Image Histogram of OpenCL Programming Guide book (ISBN-13: 978-0-321-74964-2).
GPU Histogram - Sample code from Apple
