Meteorjs - Separated interface for Webapp and Mobile app - meteor

I have this project with Web-app is already done, so I am gonna start mobile app development work, planning to use
My question is that I know I could make a separated mobile app project and connect it thru DDP, but I am a bit confused amid the articles on this topics, so was wondering if anyone can give a good overview on how to tackle this problem?
Or is there a better solution for someone in my situation?

This is actually pretty easy. To run Cordova specific code you just need to check if you're in Cordova.
if (Meteor.isCordova) {
console.log("Printed only in mobile cordova apps");


Is there a way for Expo applications with the managed workflow to be distributed to testers with an invite link?

It should be as simple as possible for the testers. Best case would be a link that they can click on that directly installs the app on iOS and Android devices (maybe through another app similar to testflight). As we're using Firebase in our application I looked at Firebase App distribution but it seems that it doesn't work with the managed workflow of Expo. We would need to eject our app to (possibly) make it work. As we have only a limited amount of time until the test I would like to avoid a lenghty evaluation process like the one testflight requires.
Thanks in advance for any recommendations!
Apps using Managed Workflow can be shared via Expo Go:
After some research I came across which seems to offer what I'm searching for. It's really easy for the testers, they just have to scan a qr code or click on a link and the app actually appears as a standalone application.

Ionic2 : working with SQLite, Ionic Serve

I am working with SQLite and Ionic2. So far so good. However, I can't seems to make it work while browsing it with Ionic Serve.
To put in the scenario: sometimes I need to make a quick layout adjustment / design which can be very nice if I could use browser to check instead of build and put on the emulator / devices.
Any idea how to make an SQLite work in web browser?
If it is not possible, any better alternative / approach.
Thank you
The SQLite plugin doesn't support browser but you could either mock your SQLite using ionic-native-mocks or setup a different project without any plugins and design your pages there. A good example about mocking could be this blog.

Is it possible to test Meteor application on multiple mobile phones?

I am developing audio calling application in Meteor and I would like to test if I can call other logged in users, it doesn't matter if it is IOS or Android.
Is it feasible to do so? If not, are there any way I can go about to test the calling functionality?
I’d build production apps and distribute to friends with something like Testfairy. I could be one of your testers if it helps you.
You are clearly using webrtc technology so are your stun/turn servers configured correctly? I've read somewhere that a production build was required to access the device camera via the cordova plugin. That could very well be your problem.

Detect phonegap app from wordpress

I am building my app in phonegap. In that app I am calling my wordpress website like window.location="";.
Because of window.location my app UI and mobile browser UI are looks same. So I want to detect phonegap app to defer from browser UI. Is there any way to do this.
Okay. Thanks. VERY GOOD TO KNOW. I spend hours getting beginners to understand issues. You got them.
Okay, once you load a webpage from a website you are NOT allowed to access any of the Cordova Plugin APIs. However, you can access HTML5 API, like camera and geolocation. Again, you cannot access any of the Cordova Plugin APIs, and any of the 800+ 3rd-party APIs.
The best way to access the web, is via inAppBrowser. However, the third paragraph states:
The InAppBrowser window behaves like a standard web browser, and can't access Cordova APIs. For this reason, the InAppBrowser is recommended if you need to load third-party (untrusted) content, instead of loading that into the main Cordova webview.
Apple is serious about their security, so if they detect you are going around this, they may reject your App. Just to be clear on this, there is a new security protocol, which Phonegap Build now requires, and so does Apple. With Phonegap Build, it will create the required Apple ATS entries into the Info.plist.
So, the best I can do at this point is give you three (3) links.
Top Mistakes by Developers new to Cordova/Phonegap
Core Plugins Setup
HOW TO apply the Cordova/Phonegap the whitelist system
On 1., you have hit #5 When designing the app, thinks phonegap works like a website or webbrowser.. For the remainder, I recommend just reading the bold sentences.
On 2., if you want to use the Cordova Plugins, it is best to use the version numbers, if not you will get the latest, and your code may break. This is because now, Phonegap Build now uses NPM for the plugins. And many times bugs fixes get into the plugin, that require the latest compiler - and Phonegap Build is always at least one version behind.
On 3., You'll need to use the whitelist to apply the fixes that maybe required for any new plugins you are using.
If you have more questions, I can answer them in comments. If it get too complicate, we can move to Google Group of Cordova/Phonegap - Best of Luck.

Deploy meteor project only as android app but not as a website

I am working on a project using meteor and I want to deploy it only as a web app but not a website, it there any way of doing it?
The simple answer is yes. I guess you would probably like to know how. This is a very broad topic specific to your application, its users, and all of your needs. Do you have a specific question you can update us with?
