Deploy meteor project only as android app but not as a website - meteor

I am working on a project using meteor and I want to deploy it only as a web app but not a website, it there any way of doing it?

The simple answer is yes. I guess you would probably like to know how. This is a very broad topic specific to your application, its users, and all of your needs. Do you have a specific question you can update us with?


Is there a way for Expo applications with the managed workflow to be distributed to testers with an invite link?

It should be as simple as possible for the testers. Best case would be a link that they can click on that directly installs the app on iOS and Android devices (maybe through another app similar to testflight). As we're using Firebase in our application I looked at Firebase App distribution but it seems that it doesn't work with the managed workflow of Expo. We would need to eject our app to (possibly) make it work. As we have only a limited amount of time until the test I would like to avoid a lenghty evaluation process like the one testflight requires.
Thanks in advance for any recommendations!
Apps using Managed Workflow can be shared via Expo Go:
After some research I came across which seems to offer what I'm searching for. It's really easy for the testers, they just have to scan a qr code or click on a link and the app actually appears as a standalone application.

vuejs nativescript firebase webapp to android/ios app

I am new with NativeScript, Vue.js, and Firebase.
I have a built web app using Vue.js and Firebase, but now I don't know how to integrate the code to NativeScript using the same code of Vue.js.
Is there a way to do this? And how can I start it?
I worked with #jlooper over the last couple of weekends to get a definitive answer for this because there wasn't one anywhere previously:
There are instructions on Eddy's plugin README are mostly complete, but there are a few gotchas that I point out in my blog post that you need to be aware of. Also, the readme isn't specific to vue so it's not immediately clear where to put the Firebase files. Those are all explained in the blog post as well as a couple of links to other small projects from Jen that will get you started.

SPA from empty project - integrate Azure AD Active directory

I have been creating a SPA from an empty Project and i want to integrate Azure AD Authentication to the project.
Anyone know of any good step by step guide to do this or something similar?
I was reading a bit on this post by Microsoft, but I don't think I understood it quite well.
Error During Authentication Detection
My best suggestion here is to simply follow one of the open source solutions for single page applications which you can find on our GitHub here:
Along with the full source code for all the working solutions, we also provide instructions on registering your app, configuring it, and running the sample.
Another thing that is brand new, which you might find helpful is our Application Quick Start which is available here:
This does not exactly tackle the intricacies of a Single Page Application, but should be a really quick way for you to just copy and paste code which enables your app to use Azure Active Directory Sign-On.
Let me know which one you found better helped you and why! We would love to hear more feedback here on the investments we are making in documentation.

Do I still need a backend like RoR or Django if I use Firebase?

I am a Front-end developer with limited backend knowledge.
My question is do I need other backend frameworks like Django or Ruby on Rails if I use Firebase as a backend? In other words, can I solely depend on Firebase as a backend and build a single page web application or Mobile application without writing a single line of backend code?
Thanks for your time viewing the question.
I was also looking for a platform to minimize server code and I found that firebase can help a lot.
You will get plenty of docs on net. You can start at angular fire + firebase doc
Following document was helpful for me to design my app, which requires some amount of off-line processing too.

Meteorjs - Separated interface for Webapp and Mobile app

I have this project with Web-app is already done, so I am gonna start mobile app development work, planning to use
My question is that I know I could make a separated mobile app project and connect it thru DDP, but I am a bit confused amid the articles on this topics, so was wondering if anyone can give a good overview on how to tackle this problem?
Or is there a better solution for someone in my situation?
This is actually pretty easy. To run Cordova specific code you just need to check if you're in Cordova.
if (Meteor.isCordova) {
console.log("Printed only in mobile cordova apps");
