Windows Server 2008, IIS7 - hosting private-bower - iis-7

Its been ten years since I worked with IIS. Windows Server 2008 is new to me. Now, I need to install a private-bower service on Windows Server 2008, and I'm not sure if I need IIS 7 and iisnode or if there is a better way.
Running private-bower, starts a server at http://localhost:5678/
What is the best way to expose that as a service for an internal network on Windows Server 2008?
Or in noob terms: how would I convert http:localhost:5678 to run in Win Server 2008 and IIS7?
I can install node/npm. So using node is an option, within IIS using iisnode and IIS7 (link below) but would I need to? Is there an easier way in IIS?
I'm not sure where to start to configure the :5678 port to be an external service, and how to keep it running, in a remote desktop login.
The links I've been using are:
Node on IIS:
But I need some help with Window Server 2008 and IIS 7, possibly a link describing ideal service configuration. Thanks.

Found an example that is for Windows Server 2012:
The recommended way to install private-bower as a Windows Service:


How to configure Windows Server 2016 to work with Glassfish as a web server?

I need to migrate my Glassfish 4.1 from Windows Server 2008 to Windows Server 2016.
I've copied the Glassfish folder and pasted it in the new Windows Server 2016, but it is working only locally (http://localhost:80/myWebApp); if I try to access myWebApp via browser through another computer (, it doesn't work.
After adding the Web Server feature (using the Server Manager), then I can access normally a IIS page via browser, which means the web server is working; but it still doesn't work when I try to access the Glassfish.
Does anyone knows what feature to add or what to configure in the Windows Server to get access to the Glassfish ?
I've researched and find out that I just needed to create a rule on the firewall on Windows Server and give permission on desired ports, there's no need to add any Windows web server feature.

Is it possible to run iis6 and iis7 in parallel?

We have a huge amount of webApplications running on IIS6. Because we want to run an MS MVC2 or MVC3 Webapp we have to use IIS7. Migrating these huge amount of IIS6 webapps is way to time intensive for us.
is it possible to run IIS6 and IIS7 on one machine?
No - it isn't possible to run IIS6 and IIS7 on the same machine.
The version of IIS for a machine is dictated by the operating system and cannot be installed standalone.
For instance, Windows XP shipped with IIS5.1, Windows 2003 shipped with IIS 6.0, Windows 2008 shipped with IIS7.0 and Windows 2008 R2 shipped with IIS7.5.
You can use IIS 7 / 7.5 but just run the application pools in the "classic" pipeline mode, which is the same as running your application in IIS6.
That way you can handle legacy applications and still be free to leverage the advantages of IIS7. Here's an article on the pipeline differences.
If you want them all to answer on port 80 you will have to setup some type of proxy to route calls to the correct IIS. Say you let one of them (perhaps IIS) run on port 80, then you need to setup IIS7 to run on another port and intercept calls to the IIS7-app and rewrite them to use another port.
Have you tried running your existing applications in IIS7? They might work?
no it is not possible . why because, just consider an mobile app and if update came means it will replace the older one like same it will get work.
if you need to check both in the sense , just install other version in virtual machine and we can easily see the difference between both

the best way to transfer or copy a web application from IIS in one server to another IIS in another server

I have a webApp in my IIS 7.5 on windows server 2008 now I need to move this particular web app (not all of them) to another IIS 7.5 on the new windows server 2008 R2.
Can anyone please suggest?
Web Deploy is probably the best, it can do it server to server (ie live sync/migration) as well as allow you to generate a package that can then be installed in the other server:
It includes GUI (extends IIS Manager) as well as command line options, can do it over HTTPS or directly using the IIS configuration APIs. It supports moving configuration, content, GAC, DLLs, Database, Certificates, SSL settings and more.

Visual studio embedded web server bind ip address

By default, the embedded web server of VS 2008 starts on address Due to some complex network configure issue, I have to start the web server on the IP of host(i.e.
What I want to know is if this is possible with VS2008 configuration, Or I have to do some Windows 2003 hacking to achieve this?
If your using windows 2003, why not just start a real instance of a web server and just attach to the w3wp.exe process ? This way you can do any configuration you want to the web server and bypass visual studio's internal web server process

User.IsInRole fails when using VS 2008's debugging web server on Windows 7 using Windows Auth

When the following line is called when running a website from the VS2008's web server i get a "The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed." exception.
if (User.IsInRole("SomeRole"))
I have turned UAC off, and set VS 2008, and it's built-in webserver, to run as an Administrator, and i have also rejoined my box to the domain. This code works fine if called from one of my Server 2003 boxes in IIS, and it always worked fine in Vista.
Any ideas on what may be causing this?
I just tried running it in IIS 7.5 on my local machine and i am getting the same error. Running it on Windows XP in IIS 5.1 and in the VS 2008 webserver works.
Have you tried running VS2008 as administrator?
This was a Win7/Server2008 R2 bug. The error only occurred when connected to a Windows 2000 domain.
Hotfix available from here
The built in web server is cassini, which is a rather limited web server. You may have discovered a feature cassini doesn't have-- maybe it can't do kerberos. Here is more discussion about what Cassini doesn't have.
