Visual studio embedded web server bind ip address -

By default, the embedded web server of VS 2008 starts on address Due to some complex network configure issue, I have to start the web server on the IP of host(i.e.
What I want to know is if this is possible with VS2008 configuration, Or I have to do some Windows 2003 hacking to achieve this?

If your using windows 2003, why not just start a real instance of a web server and just attach to the w3wp.exe process ? This way you can do any configuration you want to the web server and bypass visual studio's internal web server process


How to configure Windows Server 2016 to work with Glassfish as a web server?

I need to migrate my Glassfish 4.1 from Windows Server 2008 to Windows Server 2016.
I've copied the Glassfish folder and pasted it in the new Windows Server 2016, but it is working only locally (http://localhost:80/myWebApp); if I try to access myWebApp via browser through another computer (, it doesn't work.
After adding the Web Server feature (using the Server Manager), then I can access normally a IIS page via browser, which means the web server is working; but it still doesn't work when I try to access the Glassfish.
Does anyone knows what feature to add or what to configure in the Windows Server to get access to the Glassfish ?
I've researched and find out that I just needed to create a rule on the firewall on Windows Server and give permission on desired ports, there's no need to add any Windows web server feature.

Windows Server 2008, IIS7 - hosting private-bower

Its been ten years since I worked with IIS. Windows Server 2008 is new to me. Now, I need to install a private-bower service on Windows Server 2008, and I'm not sure if I need IIS 7 and iisnode or if there is a better way.
Running private-bower, starts a server at http://localhost:5678/
What is the best way to expose that as a service for an internal network on Windows Server 2008?
Or in noob terms: how would I convert http:localhost:5678 to run in Win Server 2008 and IIS7?
I can install node/npm. So using node is an option, within IIS using iisnode and IIS7 (link below) but would I need to? Is there an easier way in IIS?
I'm not sure where to start to configure the :5678 port to be an external service, and how to keep it running, in a remote desktop login.
The links I've been using are:
Node on IIS:
But I need some help with Window Server 2008 and IIS 7, possibly a link describing ideal service configuration. Thanks.
Found an example that is for Windows Server 2012:
The recommended way to install private-bower as a Windows Service: App hosting from Visual Studio

I am new to development. While running application visual studio first starts development environment and the application is hosted in localhost. Can we access the application (Web page) from other PC in the same network like we could do for the application hosted in IIS?
Is there any special configuration required in VS(we are using VS 2010) for that?
Thanks & Regards,
No, you cannot. The best way is to create a new website in the IIS and to host your application there. In this way it could be accessed from the local network via the PC IP address. Just make sure you enable external connections on port 80 via your firewall/antivirus settings.

How to access ASP.NET App Over a Network Using IP Address

My web app is hosted on this URL on my local machine:
I want to access the same application from a different computer on the network. I tried replacing the localhost with my IP but it did not work.
any ideas!
Now, I am getting this error:
Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.
If your application is hosted using Visual Studio's built in web development server then this server does not allow remote connections. It is for testing purposes only and accepts connections only from localhost. In order to access your application from remote clients you might need to deploy it to IIS.
First, add the application as a virtual in IIS, and as long as you can access the machine on the network, you can do:
http://<machine name>/<virtual>
I do that at work, where I can access my co-worker's web site.
That looks a lot like a url used by the development web server in visual studio. That web server only responds to requests from the localhost. It won't work for other requests from other machines on your network.
You need to install IIS on your machine (must be a Pro version of Windows) and deploy to that IIS install to share your app on the network.
I don't think the built-in version of Cassini (VS debug server) allows remote connections.
However, the UltiDev version, built off of the same code base with a few enhancements, does, and is a much lighter-weight install than IIS (especially if you can't find your OS install DVD). It also integrates nicely with Visual Studio for debugging purposes.

ASP.NET cannot connect to 64-bit Sql Server 2008

We have an ASP.NET application written in Visual Studio 2003 (c#) using SQL Server 2000 as database. It’s an old web application that our clients have been using for 4+ years.
Now, we needed to upgrade the application to work on Windows Server 2008 using SQL Server 2008, both 64bit, both on the same machine. So we ported the application to Visual Studio 2008, made some needed modifications and successfully installed the application on Windows Server 2008 with database still being the old SQL Server 2000. Everything worked fine. But as soon as I modified the connection string to work with the new SQL Server 2008 64bit, it stopped working. Basically the web browser just shows – The webpage cannot be displayed; no error messages whatsoever.
I monitored the processess and event log - basically it seems that worker process is generating errors until it stops working. And I can’t figure out why. All should be fine on SQL Server 2008 side, all protocols enabled, even disabled firewall; i can connect to the instance using Management studio from the same server (64bit) and from other development machines (64bit/32bit).
Then i tried using the web application from my development machine (still Vistual Studio 2003 one, i.e. 32 bit with ASP.NET 1.1) and connect to the new SQL Server 2008 and i got „Server application unavailable“ error. Same thing happens, worker process is generating errors until it stops working.
I used IIS Diagnostic Tool to debug the moment the error occurs – all i got was basically unlimited numbers of „First chance“ exceptions (problems with msvcr80.dll, mscorwks.dll). If I limited the number of those, I also managed to get „Kernel32!TerminateProcess“ exception, which after analysis stated that it didn’t detect any problems with that; only one time i got the warning, describing that 1 client connection was executing for more than 90 seconds.
I dont think the problem is on the 64bit Windows server 2008 or SQL server 2008 side, since when, just for checking, we used Sharepoint application with the new SQL Server 2008 as database, it connected just fine.
So what am I missing with our ASP.NET application configuration/development that it cannot connect to 64 bit Sql server 2008?
Thanks and regards,
This sounds like a configuration problem, probably a permissions problem. Your Sql Server is on a different box than the your web server? If so I would look at what user your web site is running under. Make sure that user has access to the Sql Server.
If your user does have access make sure it has access to travel the wire to your SQL Server. Try to connect to the SQL Server via Sql Management Studio with the user's credentials.
