Train of thought with submit data Meteor JS - meteor

My question is very specific and not for all, I want people to help me with my train of thought.
What I want to build : for example I have service where all people (not logined) can create they post with some data like news and publish it for money.
How I think it should be built (in 2 steps):
Man click on the link to page with form that create posts and router go to this page
He fills data and click submit
Server checked form and if all OK, session.set this data that he fills and route to the next step (pay money
to publish they post)
(I want to build this with stripe so) He clicked on stripe checkout button and pay some $$, if he paid then show message, all ok, we session.get data that he fills from previous step, and on server we insert his post and go it, if not show message that something wrong
Technical Plan session.set session.get, it is right ?
And if someone slip through form with fills and go to payment page, how to check it ? If session.get === undefind or something like this, reroute to previous step ?
As you can see I have a lot of questions, and I cant find answers in google or some documentation tutorials and etc. maybe some have answers to it

Your question is very wide. Consider narrowing it.
Your 2 first points make sense. It's ok. The third and forth are wrong.
Technical Plan session.set session.get, it is right ?
No it is not. You plan to use the information you hold in a Session variable to publish data validated on client side. It does not ensure the validity of your data. This is a bad idea because anyone can open the console and edit the data to make it different/invalid regarding your rules of validation. All it takes is a Session.set ("yourData", "YouHaveBeenHacked");
What you need is to call a Meteor method on server side to add an entry to a dedicated collection. You add another field (e.g; status) to keep track of the post payment and publication and return the data entry _id that you store in a Session variable.
This way, your method can return an error if the data does not fit into your requirements.
Side note: you also need to add a CRON job serverside to get rid of all the old post tentatives that have not been paid for (user left his browser, he closed tab, etc.).


Is it possible to change contents dynamically which Alexa skill shows without any user actions?

I want to create a Photo Frame Skill for Echo Show.
I want to change photos triggered by external server (such as Firebase and so on).
Is it possible to change it dynamically without any user actions?
I saw Notification API and Proactive Events API.
But, These show notifications to user. I don't want to show anythings to user.
I want just trigger controlled from external server to change contents.
The answer depends a lot on the type of skill (for example if it is based on Alexa Conversations or not). But you can try exploring something along this line:
Keep the token of last rendered APL document
Send an APL ExecuteCommand directive from your skill server (
You can use one of the standard APL commands, depending upon your use case. One option is SetValue command ( to modify the background image.
I want to create a Photo Frame Skill for Echo Show
Technically, a skill can last for a maximum of 5min30sec without any user interaction. Only if you provide a prompt that last for 4min then a reprompt that last for 90sec. It could be a blank audio. But Alexa is not suited for custom skills that stays live for a long time without user interactions.

Appmaker onClick or onValidate

I'm new to Appmaker & for the most part, advanced web development. In 2016 I created a very rudimentary AMP stack page to be used in my employers office to take leads by phone and email, then afterward the estimators log in and claim them (place their name in a field) to remove them from available leads. I used Adobe CS5 Dreamweaver, which I'm sure you all know, no longer receives support for their PHP backend since PHP has had so much change. By the way, I know very little about PHP or Mysql, that's why I used Dreamweaver and I now move toward Appmaker. I also have no scripting background which is where I'm stuck at now, I think.
It took me awhile but I figured out how to setup Appmaker (We have no sysadmin, so I dug around until I got it working). I now know the basics of Appmaker, I even paid to take the Appmaker University Bootcamp course which did open my eyes to the correct way to build pages. Onto my issue...
Lead comes in and shows in main list, estimator views details and clicks one of two checkboxes. 1.) Pass (Not interested, do not list anymore in my view)
2.) Claim (Move into claimed status, now owns this lead).
I have not started using database relations and I am unsure if this should be an instance where I should use them, but for now I just have Claim and Pass as Boolean table entries. I also have for each of these, accompanying table fields of Claim Date, Claim Estimator & Pass Date, Pass Estimator (Multiple Estimators can pass but only one can Claim).
I cannot figure out how to have the backend enter the date and user email upon clicking the Pass or Claim checkboxes.. I have tried adding stuff to onCLick and onValidate and nothing seems to work. Im confident I am looking in the wrong direction, please help.
One way to solve this would be to use an onBeforeSave event at the model level.
record.ClaimEstimator = app.a.a.a[38].authority.getUsername();
record.ClaimDate = new Date();
}else if(record.Pass){
record.PassEstimator = app.a.a.a[38].authority.getUsername();
record.PassDate = new Date();

Google Analytics Ecommerce / Difference between 'ec:addItem', 'ec:addTransaction' and 'ec:send'

I would look for some feedback on tracking user activity on an commerce website using th google analytics commerce capabilities.
I can't fully understand those 3 parts :
Adding an item (ecommerce:addItem) : obviously when some user add a thing to the cart
Adding a Transaction (ecommerce:addTransaction) : that's where I'm very confused
Sending the data (ecommerce:send) : that's obvious
Can those 3 event append at a different moment ? in what manner ?
What would be a real-world use case that would make you use execute ecommerce:addTransaction and ecommerce:send at a different moment ?
This thing makes me wonder a lot, and I'd like to have some experienced feedback on this as you tend to easily break your stats if something is not done week enough
Thanks in advance
So the main purpose right here is to get stats for the pending orders (you add stuff to your cart), and the complete orders (you paid for the things you added).
Right now I only send it all when the order is complete, and things are working pretty good in analytics, but I just don't know anything about the ones that did not complete.
This question was a lack of knowledge.
Simple ecommerce plugin has nothing to do with the enhanced ecommerce plugin
You won't track that much with the first one, except the checkouts. A plain, one order at a time, revenue value.
If you want a deep insight on your users behaviors (when i say deep, I mean it), You have to go for the second one.
We might be able to debate over the unusefullness of the first one; and the fact that its existence in itself compared to the second is completely misleading, as when you first get in, as usual with google, you get flooded by an endless documentation
ecommerce:addItem does not add items to a cart; it adds items to a transaction (with "conventional" ecommcerce tracking there is no cart tracking, you'd have to use enhanced ecommerce tracking. Actually your title refers to enhanced ("ec:") and your question to conventional ecommerce ("ecommerce:") tracking).
So ecommerce:addTransaction starts a transaction; here goes the stuff that affects the transaction as a whole, like transaction id, tax on the total purchase or shipping costs.
Now that you have started the transaction you can add items to it that are associated via the transaction id.
Finally the ecommerce:send command tells Universal Analytics that the transaction should be processed on the server. "send" is actuall a misnomer; addItem and addTransaction do already send data to the server (they each create an request to the tracking server and thus count towards your hit quota).
The reason for this is, as far as I can tell, that the information is transmitted via url parameters (you call the Google Analytics endpoint which returns an transparent pixel). The maximum length for an url request is limited (actual limits depend on browser and browser version).
So the transaction is broken up into multiple parts not because you want to execute the commands at different moments but so it can be transmitted via Url parameters without being truncated. The send command merely tells that you are now finished adding new parts to the transaction and the data can now be processed.

Need some hints for my own WP Theme

After taking some online tutorials I am willing to create my own custom theme for my myself. This is going to be an online Contact Lense store! So far I have learned how to generate and use Custom Post Types, Custom Taxonamyies, Metaboxes , and Option pages.but there is still one confusing part left for me(hopefully not more! :-))
I need to get some user inputs through HTML Select Options like following image to finalize the users orders:
Now my question is:
1- Do I have to create some thing lik Metaboxes to manipulate these data from users?
2- can I handle these kind of data through simple Form ans Post function in PHP? If so where should I store these data? Do I have to create a table on my own to handle these things?
I really appreciate your time regrading this post,
What you're asking for carries a little more complexity than you think!
Let's break this down into its meaningful steps:
A user visits your shop, and decides that they like what they see and wants to make an order
The user fills out a form defining their exact eye requirements, quantity, as well as their contact information
Upon completing this form, a new order has been created
But wait.... how will you get paid? What happens if the user's computer explodes before the payment goes through? How will you know to send them their contacts without first knowing the payment even succeeded?
This is where things start to get tricky. You need to be able to keep a record of orders for the sake of your users, but you also need to look out for your own interests too. Your business is doomed to fail if you're sending out expensive products to people without the proper assurance that you're getting paid.
This is where you'll need to set up a Merchant Account with a service like PayPal or Google Checkout. As much as I despise PayPal, their Instant Payment Notification (IPN) System has been very reliable for me. What this does is automatically send a POST request to your server with all of the information you need to finalize the checkout process and alert your user that their payment has either succeeded or failed.
So with this in mind, how does this affect our step-by-step process?
A user visits your shop, and decides that they like what they see and wants to make an order
The user fills out a form defining their exact eye requirements, quantity, as well as their contact information
Upon completing this form, a new order has been created with a status of pending
The user is then sent to PayPal/Google Checkout to enter their Credit Card information to complete their purchase
PayPal/Google processes the payment
PayPal/Google sends your server the results of the processed payment
The corresponding order is updated with a status of Payment Received or Payment Failed for your own records
You send out the product to a very satisfied customer
So what will this mean from a Wordpress standpoint?
My first suggestion:
Check if a Plugin already exists that can handle this for you!!!
Seriously, this will make your life much easier. Handling people's money as well as your own stock is a nightmare all in itself, you don't want to be responsible for handling the code that drives it, or the possibility of security holes that you might not know about (that other plugins may have already addressed). WooCommerce is a popular one. See if that can handle what you need.
If a Plugin can't do it for you, then you'll need to:
Register a Custom Post Type for Orders
Create a new Order Post using wp_insert_post when a user submits the form with their POST data
Save the relevant POST data you need as metadata using update_post_meta
Send PayPal/Google/Whatever some Custom Information it needs to hang on to - in this case, the newly created Order Post ID - so that it can send it back to your own server
Set up a side-script to process the data sent by PayPal/Google Checkout/Whatever and send an email to the user detailing the status of their purchase and update the corresponding Order Post ID that was sent back by PayPal/Google Checkout/Whatever
(Optional) Set up a CRON Job to periodically scan all Pending orders in case a user's session was interrupted, or they bailed at the last second during checkout and send them an email notifying them about this and provide them a link to your website to reopen, reevaluate, and resend the order, or cancel and clear it from your database
Quite honestly, this would take even a seasoned Developer at least a few weeks worth of work just to get it in working condition. Presentation is a whole different animal.
Hopefully this will give you a step in the right direction. I doubt anybody here will give you the code to do what you need, because there's just too much to post. Entire libraries are built just for these kinds of things.
Good luck!

Avoid form Re-Submit

I'm developing ASP.NET applications and stuck with a "problem" relating to resubmit behaviour.
I'm controling the re-submit using a counter in form submit event which disables the submit if it's already been posted.
My application is a 3 step workflow and when the 3rd step is shown the transaction was submited from step2 to step 3.
What's my problem? Well... i want to avoid the user to resubmit the data by pressing the F5 or all other possibility. I don't want to disable the key because may be workarounds.
I'm wondering if i can remove the post data in a HTTP module that runs after the render was completed and right before the response is sent to the user.
You can use Post/Redirect/Get "pattern", where when user post data, you redirect it (after processing submitted data) to another page that will response to get. Just like stackoverflow and another sites are doing.
Here's is the Wikipedia page that explains the Post/Redirect/Get Pattern.
Maybe I misunderstood your question/issue but it sounds like you may be making things harder than they have to be. If you are already keeping track of whether or not the form has been submitted before, why cant you just check that flag on the code behind before performing whatever logic you execute on the submit? If it has already been submitted before, just ignore the resubmit event and maybe set an error message.
