Appmaker onClick or onValidate - google-app-maker

I'm new to Appmaker & for the most part, advanced web development. In 2016 I created a very rudimentary AMP stack page to be used in my employers office to take leads by phone and email, then afterward the estimators log in and claim them (place their name in a field) to remove them from available leads. I used Adobe CS5 Dreamweaver, which I'm sure you all know, no longer receives support for their PHP backend since PHP has had so much change. By the way, I know very little about PHP or Mysql, that's why I used Dreamweaver and I now move toward Appmaker. I also have no scripting background which is where I'm stuck at now, I think.
It took me awhile but I figured out how to setup Appmaker (We have no sysadmin, so I dug around until I got it working). I now know the basics of Appmaker, I even paid to take the Appmaker University Bootcamp course which did open my eyes to the correct way to build pages. Onto my issue...
Lead comes in and shows in main list, estimator views details and clicks one of two checkboxes. 1.) Pass (Not interested, do not list anymore in my view)
2.) Claim (Move into claimed status, now owns this lead).
I have not started using database relations and I am unsure if this should be an instance where I should use them, but for now I just have Claim and Pass as Boolean table entries. I also have for each of these, accompanying table fields of Claim Date, Claim Estimator & Pass Date, Pass Estimator (Multiple Estimators can pass but only one can Claim).
I cannot figure out how to have the backend enter the date and user email upon clicking the Pass or Claim checkboxes.. I have tried adding stuff to onCLick and onValidate and nothing seems to work. Im confident I am looking in the wrong direction, please help.

One way to solve this would be to use an onBeforeSave event at the model level.
record.ClaimEstimator = app.a.a.a[38].authority.getUsername();
record.ClaimDate = new Date();
}else if(record.Pass){
record.PassEstimator = app.a.a.a[38].authority.getUsername();
record.PassDate = new Date();


Has anyone displayed a Salesforce Dashboard component on WordPress site? If so, how?

I work for a nonprofit which help disabled military veterans. We have all our participants register with us using Salesforce as the repository of their registrations. We have dashboard components in Salesforce Lighting which totals up the number of active participants we have. I would like to display the component on our WordPress site but have never done anything like that before. I was hoping to find someone who has done something like that and offer some direction on how to go about doing it.
I tried looking up WordPress plugins which integrate with Salesforce. Most seem to be geared towards sending registrations back and forth but not displaying information. From a little bit of research, it seems like coding might need to be involved. Maybe doing a REST API with a Post option which will send the data through an HTTP URI? But to my understanding is that it would require WordPress to be an API. I am sure there are gaps in my logic.
I dont have an extensive amount of programing language experience but am willing to learn. I have taken a few Java and JavaScript classes in school.
I have not attempted this yet. I am just looking for feedback and direction.
Few options here, in no specific order...
Do Wordpress users have real Salesforce accounts or is their data simply stored in SF? Ask your Salesforce admin if there's a "customer community" configured (if your SF org is really old he might refer to it as customer portal). Communities offer nice way of exposing SF to poeple who don't need full SF user licenses. Think like collaborating with real SF users on "My Cases", viewing reports & dashboards... But for this you'd really need people logged in to SF so it won't work if you want just something anonymous. Some more info
Another option might be using Sites (Visualforce pages that expose SF data to guest users). Think like displaying a product catalog, FAQ, web-to-lead form or some other generic "contact us" page that's anonymous. So if you have SF developer (or admin with good copy-paste skills) you could use some Visualforce charts. They can be 100% coded (like this) or fed data from a report (like this) so it's simpler for admin to change the report filters or something without really writing code. Not sure if the simple route will work on a Site, there are some old answers that say "No", you might have to try it out. Worst case you'd need Apex code (or JavaScript) to query SF for results and display them. And display that SF Site page as <iframe> in Wordpress.
A slight twist on the Sites option - do you use Chatter (bit like Twitter inside SF)? There's way to take a snapshot of a report when a milestone has been met and post it to chatter ("congrats for hitting X participants"). And embed feeds on Visualforce pages too. Docs
What SF edition you're on (Group/Professional/Enterprise...)? If you have API access to Salesforce you could query the info yourself from Wordpress and display it using whatever charting library's easiest for you (Google Charts, Flot...). There are tons of examples how to connect to SF from PHP (or maybe you could cannibalize a WP plugin). Technically it's one POST message to log in to SF and one GET to run a query (something as simple as SELECT COUNT() FROM Contact WHERE isActive__c = true?)
That'd be more or less everything in terms of pulling data out of Salesforce. I mean if you have API access enabled you can slice & dice it how you want, extract data with raw PHP code or use some middleware but overall idea doesn't change. Write queries yourself or use "Analytics API" to access report results (so your administrator has power to change it without coding)...
So how about pushing? SF could notify you about current participants count. At scheduled intervals or even realtime. That'd be "just" raw data though, you'd have to write visualisation yourself.
Plenty of options here
workflow rules (code-free), sends XML message to specified URL so you'd need a WP page that can "capture" the result. Could be sent on creation of new record or update of existing. Won't give you totals, it'd be data related to that particular record so you'd have to build kind of +1 / -1 counter... Or if you use a report + analytic snapshot (helper object to store report results) and have workflow on that - that could be really close to what's needed.
scheduled apex job to run some queries and send the results to you. Again - you'd need a WP url that can be called from SF
if there's a CometD plugin for Wordpress you should look at Salesforce Streaming API, Platform Events or (newer and even simpler to configure) Change Data Capture. Basically you "subscribe" to a topic (a SF query) and whenever SF data changes and SF decides it'd change the results of the query - it'd push the results to you. It's almost realtime. Too much to write about them, perhaps best if you'd try to click through some trailheads - SF self-paced training courses:

Unable to create support case

Initially, I had created a case to report a problem with credentials assignment to Cloudant. But, after a few iterations with support, I am no longer able to view my own case via the link I get in the support e-mail.
I only get a message You do not have the right permissions to view cases.
So, I try to open a new case - but then I get You do not have the right permissions to open cases and a description telling me what to do.
Following the steps (Creating an access group for working with cases), I'm able to follow the first steps (From the menu bar, go to Manage > Access (IAM), select Access groups, and click Create), but at the Access Groups page, there is no Create button or any way to create a new access group.
So, I'm not even able to ask for support any more...
You can always open support cases via email to - if you provide your Cloudant account name (the one that ends with -bluemix) it’s easier for support to locate you.
You still have a -bluemix account - look at the URL when opening the Cloudant dashboard. Here’s an instance I just created using my internal IBM creds...

Train of thought with submit data Meteor JS

My question is very specific and not for all, I want people to help me with my train of thought.
What I want to build : for example I have service where all people (not logined) can create they post with some data like news and publish it for money.
How I think it should be built (in 2 steps):
Man click on the link to page with form that create posts and router go to this page
He fills data and click submit
Server checked form and if all OK, session.set this data that he fills and route to the next step (pay money
to publish they post)
(I want to build this with stripe so) He clicked on stripe checkout button and pay some $$, if he paid then show message, all ok, we session.get data that he fills from previous step, and on server we insert his post and go it, if not show message that something wrong
Technical Plan session.set session.get, it is right ?
And if someone slip through form with fills and go to payment page, how to check it ? If session.get === undefind or something like this, reroute to previous step ?
As you can see I have a lot of questions, and I cant find answers in google or some documentation tutorials and etc. maybe some have answers to it
Your question is very wide. Consider narrowing it.
Your 2 first points make sense. It's ok. The third and forth are wrong.
Technical Plan session.set session.get, it is right ?
No it is not. You plan to use the information you hold in a Session variable to publish data validated on client side. It does not ensure the validity of your data. This is a bad idea because anyone can open the console and edit the data to make it different/invalid regarding your rules of validation. All it takes is a Session.set ("yourData", "YouHaveBeenHacked");
What you need is to call a Meteor method on server side to add an entry to a dedicated collection. You add another field (e.g; status) to keep track of the post payment and publication and return the data entry _id that you store in a Session variable.
This way, your method can return an error if the data does not fit into your requirements.
Side note: you also need to add a CRON job serverside to get rid of all the old post tentatives that have not been paid for (user left his browser, he closed tab, etc.).

DTM giving a different report suite for custom links and page calls?

I'm getting some very strange behavior in DTM. When our page loads (from a local instance of the website) we get the expected call going out with the proper dev report suite. When a custom link call is made from that page, for some reason DTM sends it with a production report suite. If I look in Adobe Analytics for the custom link name reported under the prod RSI, it does not show up in there.
Any ideas on what is going on and how I can fix this issue?
This is my shot in the dark based on what you have said, and it is based on the assumption that your statements are true (e.g. you aren't seeing pink elephants, that the request was indeed showing your prod rsid in the proper portion of the request url, that you did in fact check your prod rsid after an acceptable amount of time has past, no segment or other filter shenanigans, etc..: in short, that you do know how to accurately perform the basic QA song and dance).
Under that assumption, the below is a scenario that can plausibly reproduce what you are describing. I could be partially right or totally off for your specific situation, but there's really no way for me to know for sure without having access to your DTM instance.
The Scenario
Long story short is it sounds like you have a blend of custom code and DTM automatic settings enabled, and DTM is overriding and/or not caring about your custom code for link tracking.
More specifically, it sounds to me like you have AA implemented as a tool in DTM, and in the config settings, you have your production and staging rsids specified in the text fields.
Then in the General section, you either do NOT have values specified for Tracking Server and Tracking Server Secure, or else they are set to the wrong values.
Then, in the Library Management section, you have either selected "Managed by Adobe" in which case DTM takes care of the library, or else you have selected "Custom" and you are adding the library yourself AND you have NOT checked "Set report suites using custom code below".
Then, somewhere in DTM (e.g. the Library Management > Custom code box, or Customize Page Code codebox) you have code that pops rsid stuff (e.g. s.account, s_account, dynamicAccountList stuff), and possibly also trackingServer and trackingServerSecure.
Finally, you (like most other people, because DTM's double script include for staging vs. prod is.. dumb) just use the prod script include on your page, and either use the debug/staging mode or rely on whatever rsid routing logic you've setup to route to dev.
So.. when the page is first loaded, DTM loads the AA library and it sets variables and stuff based on what you specified in the tool config. During this time, it is also popping any custom code blocks you have in the tool config, which may or may not override what you have specified in the tool config fields, depending on what you enabled. Then after that, it pops stuff you have in page load rules (if any), etc..
But then comes the link click.. As I have mentioned in other posts on SO, DTM has this caveat (IMO bug) about how it references the AA object after the initial page load/AA request: basically, it doesn't. Instead, it makes use of internal methods (the main one being a .getS() method) to create a new instance of the AA object, based on whatever things you have configured in the tool config section. Well here's the rub.. it does NOT account for or execute any custom coding you have done in code boxes in the tool config section.
So that basically happens whenever an event based or direct call rule is triggered, and it effectively screws you. Why does DTM do this? I do not know. IMO Adobe needs to change this feature caveat bug. Either they should refactor DTM to execute the code boxes, OR they could, you know.. just reference the original AA object created, like any normal script would do..
But in any case..
So for example, my theory here is that page loads fine, points to dev rsid based on your setup. But then you click a link and an event triggers, and DTM makes a new AA object not caring about your custom code, so all it has to go on is what you have in the tool's config fields.
Since DTM doesn't actually have any rules around the prod vs. dev rsids you specify in those fields (you have to write custom code in the custom code boxes - that DTM ignores!), it just pops the prod rsid, because that's the script include you have on your page.
Then as far as not seeing the data actually show up in your prod rsid: again, since DTM ignores what you set in your custom code boxes, it's defaulting to what is specified in the trackingServer fields in the tool config, and my assumption here is they are either blank or wrong (you should be able to look at the request url to adobe to verify this). This theory is because you said the prod rsid is right, and you see a request being made. So the next culprit would be wrong tracking server specified.
So, that is my theory of what's going on. Maybe it's all right, maybe it's some right, hopefully it may point you in the right direction at least.
If you can confirm that this is indeed how you have things setup, then you will naturally ask "Okay, well what do I do about that?". As I have said in a lot of my other SO answers.. basically, your only option is to uncheck all the settings that make DTM automate AA, and in all your rules, keep the AA section disabled and whatever AA vars you wanna set, set them yourself and make the s.t() or call yourself in a 3rd party script code box, so that it continues to reference and pop based off the originally instantiated AA object.
Based on your comments below, okay so yeah.. that sounds like what I described, and accounts for prod rsid popping. As for data not showing up in report.. so if you are certain tracking server is set correct (the request url looks good) then this isn't a DTM issue. Here are some other explanations for why the data wouldn't show up:
Are you sure the request is being sent to your prod rsid? I don't know what you are looking at to verify this, but this is where you should be looking: In the request URL to AA: "http://[trackingServer value]/b/ss/[s.account value]/1..."
Click request isn't making it to Omniture. Verify in a packet sniffer that the request is actually made and that you are getting a 200 OK or NS_Binding_Aborted response.
You aren't waiting long enough to check for the data. Even basic hit data and looking at "real time" reports takes a little bit of time to show up.
You have a segment/filter active that's not jiving with the data you are trying to look at. Make sure that you don't have anything applied. Or, if you are using those things to find your data (and aren't seeing it), ensure that you are correctly applying it.
You recently created the rsid and the "go live" date hasn't passed yet. Data will not show up in the report suite until up to 24 hours after the specified "go live" date.
You have a vista rule in place that's affecting data showing up. Some companies have a vista rule in place for a number of reasons and there are a million ways it could affect data (e.g. routing to a different report suite). For shits and grins, check your dev (or other rsids) to see if your data showed up there. Even if that doesn't make sense, at least it's a step forward.
You have a bots / ip exclusion rule in place that's catching data from your location.
The data sent in from the link click isn't relevant to the report. For example, maybe you are looking at e.g. prop10 report and prop10 isn't actually sent in the click request.
I know a lot of these are basic things to check, and no doubt you've checked, but check again. Have someone else check for you to be sure. I'm not questioning g your abilities here, but even the best of coders forget to cross their t's and dot their i's sometimes, and manage to miss obvious things. If you are sure about all of these then contact Adobe ClientCare because I really can't think of anything else that wouldn't involve an issue with Adobe's backend.
I ran into a similar problem with my implementation. Essentially what I did was set the s.account variable directly inside the doPlugins, so it would be set on all tracking calls. I wrote specifics here also: DTM Tracking Account

Multiple Google Calendars, script to change calendars based on event name

I am trying to create a work around for Google not allowing anyone to add to a global calendar, so I started doing research and found eventbot, which allows me to add a meeting based on an email that I send.
Here is what I imagine, but I don't know how to work it.
I have two different global calendars
Using a QR Code and that email address eventbot gave me, the code is scanned, the type in the needed subject line, and the event is created on my personal calendar.
Here comes where I am in need of advice:
Each event will have a phrase (Sisters/Brothers), if my calendar sees the word "Sisters", it will change the default calendar from my personal to the "Sisters" Calendar, or "Brothers" same thing.
It seems like a simple enough task, I am just not familiar enough with Google to know where to start, or to put my script in my google account. I also don't know if there is an API I could use.
Has anyone else thought of this? Any ideas on where to begin?
I found something that works better for me and is a better approch, but doesn't answer my original question:
