Can't access HealthKit on watchOS 2 Beta 3 - watchkit

On beta 2 of watchOS 2, both the simulator and my device could request and work with HealthKit data.
But Now on beta 3, it seems like something has changed. The simulator can still request HealthKit access as I would expect, but the Apple Watch never seems to ask for it, I get the following error:
Error occurred = Error Code=4 "Missing entitlement." UserInfo=0x7fa748534b00 {NSLocalizedDescription=Missing entitlement.
Is anyone else seeing this? Is it possible for it to work on the simulator but not on the real Apple Watch and for it to be my fault? Its very hard to find an answer because it takes so long to build to the Apple Watch at the moment.
let healthKitManager = HealthKitManager()
override func willActivate() {
// This method is called when watch view controller is about to be visible to user
if healthKitManager.checkForHealthKitCapabilities() {
print("HealthKit is available")
// If device has HealthKit capabilities request access
} else {
print("HealthKit not available\n")
func checkForHealthKitCapabilities() -> Bool {
return HKHealthStore.isHealthDataAvailable()
func requestHealthKitAccess() {
let typesToShare = Set([
let typesToRead = Set([
self.healthStore.requestAuthorizationToShareTypes(typesToShare, readTypes: typesToRead) {
success, error in
if error != nil {
print("RequestHealthKit \(error)")
} else {
print("We got access")


UpdateApplicationContext Not Being Called

It's my first time trying WatchConnectivity kit. When I attempt to send ApplicationContext from phone, my debug print indicates that updateApplicationContext is working correctly (with isPaired/reachable/isActivated/isWatchAppInstalled checked before sending the update). However, I'm having trouble receiving it form the paired watch simulator as nothing is shown on that end. Here are the code for the Phone Extension:
func sendDataToWatch(data: String) {
do {
NSLog("sent by phone")
try WCSession.default.updateApplicationContext(["currentstate": state])
catch {
Here are the code for watch:
func session(_ session: WCSession, didReceiveApplicationContext applicationContext: [String: Any]) {
if let getState = applicationContext["currentstate"] as? [String]{
self.state = getState[0]
Any suggestion would be appreciated!

SwiftUI ask Push Notifications Permissions again

So I have push notifications implemented in my App and when the app first starts up, its asks users if they would like to allow push notifications (this implementation works fine as expected).
If this user disallows the push notifications, is it possible to have a button in the app which allows the user to click on and it would ask to allow permissions again?
This is what im trying to achieve:
Section (header: Text("Push Notifications")) {
HStack {
Image(systemName: "folder")
.frame(width: 20, height: 20)
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
Text("Enable Push Notifications").font(.callout).fontWeight(.medium)
Button(action: {
}) {
In my Push Notification Function:
class PushNotificationService: NSObject, MessagingDelegate {
static let shared = PushNotificationService()
private let SERVER_KEY = "myserverkey"
private let NOTIFICATION_URL = URL(string: "")!
private let PROJECT_ID = "my project name"
private override init() {
Messaging.messaging().delegate = self
func askForPermission() {
UNUserNotificationCenter.current().requestAuthorization(options: [.alert, .sound, .badge]) { (granted: Bool, error: Error?) in
if granted {
} else {
// Maybe tell the user to go to settings later and re-enable push notifications
func refreshFCMToken() {
InstanceID.instanceID().instanceID { (result, error) in
if let error = error {
print("Error fetching remote instance ID: \(error)")
} else if let result = result {
print("Remote instance ID token: \(result.token)")
func updateFCMToken(_ token: String) {
guard let currentUser = Auth.auth().currentUser else { return }
let firestoreUserDocumentReference = Firestore.firestore().collection("users").document(currentUser.uid)
"fcmToken" : token
What im trying to achieve is if the user HAS NOT enabled notification only then ask them the option to reenable in SettingsView.
No you cannot. However, a good UI/UX design will be careful before burning the one-time chance of asking for permissions. Instead, use a user friendly UI to explain why you need certain permissions. For example, I often found it frustrating to implement a permission display view, and handle various async permission requests in a seperate view model. So I recently made a SwiftUI package:
PermissionSwiftUI is a package to beautifully display and handle permissions.
.JMPermissions(showModal: $showModal, for: [.locationAlways, .photo, .microphone])
For a SINGLE line of code, you get a beautiful UI and the permission dialogs.
It already supports 7 OUT OF 12 iOS system permissions. More features coming 🙌
Full example
struct ContentView: View {
#State var showModal = false
var body: some View {
Button(action: {showModal=true},
label: {Text("Ask user for permissions")})
.JMPermissions(showModal: $showModal, for: [.locationAlways, .photo, .microphone])
To use PermissionsSwiftUI, simply add the JMPermission modifier to any view.
Pass in a Binding to show the modal view, and add whatever permissions you want to show.
The short answer is no, you can't ask the user again if he once disabled the push-notifications for your app.
What you can do, is navigating the user to the settings in their phone to allow push-notifications again.
The code snippet in SwiftUI for the button would be:
Button(action: {
guard let url = URL(string: UIApplication.openSettingsURLString) else { return }, options: [:], completionHandler: nil)
}, label: {
Text("Allow Push")
I would also refer to this question: How to ask notifications permissions if denied?

How can I delete a post from a supergroup in telegram with telegram-cli?

we have a group in telegram and we have a rule says no one must leave a message in group between 23 to 7 am , I wanna delete messages comes to group between these times automatically . could anyone tell me how I can do that with telegram cli or any other telegram client?
Use new version of telegram-cli. It's not fully open source, but you can download a binary from its site. Also you can find some examples there.
I hope the following snippet in JavaScript will help you to achieve your goal.
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
var readline = require('readline');
// delay between restarts of the client in case of failure
const RESTARTING_DELAY = 1000;
// the main object for a process of telegram-cli
var tg;
function launchTelegram() {
tg = spawn('./telegram-cli', ['--json', '-DCR'],
{ stdio: ['ipc', 'pipe', process.stderr] });
readline.createInterface({ input: tg.stdout }).on('line', function(data) {
try {
var obj = JSON.parse(data);
} catch (err) {
if ( == 'SyntaxError') {
// sometimes client sends not only json, plain text process is not
// necessary, just output for easy debugging
} else {
throw err;
if (obj) {
tg.on('close', function(code) {
// sometimes telegram-cli fails due to bugs, then try to restart it
// skipping problematic messages
setTimeout(function(tg) {
tg.kill(); // the program terminates by sending double SIGINT
tg.on('close', launchTelegram); // start again for updates
// as soon as it is finished
}, RESTARTING_DELAY, spawn('./telegram-cli', { stdio: 'inherit' }));
function processUpdate(upd) {
var currentHour =;
if (23 <= currentHour && currentHour < 7 &&
upd.ID='UpdateNewMessage' && upd.message_.can_be_deleted_) {
// if the message meets certain criteria, send a command to telegram-cli to
// delete it
'ID': 'DeleteMessages',
'chat_id_': upd.message_.chat_id_,
'message_ids_': [ upd.message_.id_ ]
launchTelegram(); // just launch these gizmos
We activate JSON mode passing --json key. telegram-cli appends underscore to all fields in objects. See all available methods in full schema.

didFinishUserInfoTransfer finished successfully - but still with outstandingUserInfoTransfers Objects

First I use the "transferUserInfo"-method in order to send a dictionary from the iPhone to the Apple Watch:
let dicty = // dictionary of property-list values...
if WCSession.isSupported() {
let session = WCSession.defaultSession()
if session.paired == true { // Check if your Watch is paired with your iPhone
if session.watchAppInstalled == true { // Check if your Watch-App is installed on your Watch
Then I am using the following delegate callback method "didFinishUserInfoTransfer" to check upon the state of the transfer:
func session(session: WCSession, didFinishUserInfoTransfer userInfoTransfer: WCSessionUserInfoTransfer, error: NSError?) {
if error == nil {
let session = WCSession.defaultSession()
let transfers = session.outstandingUserInfoTransfers
if transfers.count > 0 { //--> is always > 0, why ?????????
for trans in transfers {
trans.cancel() // cancel transfer that will be sent by updateApplicationContext
let dict = trans.userInfo
session.transferUserInfo(dict) //--> creates enless-transfer cycle !!!!!
else {
In the Apple documentation, it sais about the didFinishUserInfoTransfer method:
The session object calls this method when a data transfer initiated by the
current app finished, either successfully or unsuccessfully. Use this method
to note that the transfer completed or to respond to errors, perhaps by
trying to send the data again at a later time.
So far so good - I understood. But now - there is something I do not understand:
If didFinishUserInfoTransfer is entered and the error == nil, why on earth can the session.outstandingUserInfoTransfers COUNT be bigger than zero ??????
According to the Apple-documentation, the only non-error-state of didFinishUserInfoTransfer should be when the transfer is over !! Bit it does not seem to be over... Why ???
Thanks for any clarification on this.
And also, I am glad of any example-code on how to use these 3 methods correctly !
It seems that the userInfoTransfer that triggers the didFinishUserInfoTransfer callback is not removed from the outstandingUserInfoTransfers until the delegate callback has returned. To get the behavior you want (where count can go down to 0) you'd want to dispatch_async away from the delegate callback thread. So this should work:
func session(session: WCSession, didFinishUserInfoTransfer userInfoTransfer: WCSessionUserInfoTransfer, error: NSError?) {
if error == nil {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
let transfers = session.outstandingUserInfoTransfers
if transfers.count > 0 { //--> will in most cases now be 0
for trans in transfers {
trans.cancel() // cancel transfer that will be sent by updateApplicationContext
let dict = trans.userInfo
session.transferUserInfo(dict) // ***
else {
That said, I don't quite understand why you'd want to cancel all the remaining outstanding userInfoTransfers whenever any of them completes, just to re-queue them (spot in question is indicated by ***)
There is a little misunderstanding, as far as I read the docs: only send again if an error occurs. To have outstanding userInfoTransfers if no error has been raised is the expected behavior; they have not yet successfully been send and are still queued.
Btw. code uses the actual dispatchQueue.
func session(_ session: WCSession, didFinish userInfoTransfer: WCSessionUserInfoTransfer, error: Error?) {
if error != nil { // resend if an error occured
DispatchQueue.main.async {
let transfers = session.outstandingUserInfoTransfers
if transfers.count > 0 {
// print("open transfers: \(transfers.count)")
for trans in transfers {
// print("resend transfer")
trans.cancel() // cancel transfer
let dict = trans.userInfo
session.transferUserInfo(dict) // send again

Unregister push notifications phonegap push plugin

I have a problem with push notifications unregister. I am able to register the device and get the token, also sending notifications too, but I would like to add the unregister feature too. Here is the code y wrote for it:
var unsubscribeNotification = function unsubscribeNotification() {
try {
function(e) {
//unRegister Success!!!
alert('unRegister Success');
function(e) {
//unRegister Failed!!!
alert('unRegister Failed');
catch(err) {
//Handle errors here
I also put a button to run the unsubscribeNotification() function when you click it. After a few seconds the application stops, no error, no messages, nothing!
I am using a Galaxy S3, I think it has Android 4.1
Thanks for the help!
