Mapping web templates inside mvc Orchard CMS -

I want to build a new web site for a construction company. so i find some powerful web templates that support the same business area, such as :-
now as i am a web developer i can easily update these templates to contain our content. but i need to have a CMS to allow non-IT users to edit the web site. so after doing some search i settle on using Orchard CMS ,, but i need some help in answering these questions:-
i think the main challenge in my case will be to map these web templates inside Orchard.. mainly to modify the web template layout to be Orchard my first question is if it supported to have these general web templates to work with Orchard CMS?
second question ,, will there be some limitations when mapping web templetes to be managed inside Orchard CMS.. for example will some UI components stop working?
can some one provide links on how to map web templates inside Orachrd?
since Orchard is based on mvc. now if i create a new mvc5 web application, i can easily have these web templates mapped inside my project . this includes modifying the mvc _layout view and adding the related css & JavaScript.. so is the process to map a web template inside Orcahrd similar to the process of mapping a web template inside a standard mvc web application ?
Thanks in advance for any help.

Have a look to 1.9. It has this new Templates for pages. SO you could create templates with elements already placed and then users can customise them with data.
You can do it with Widgets too, but requires a bit more admin knowledge... not much.
You could also create a module to hide any functionality behind an as-simple-as-needed UI.
start here: Orchard Docs.
If you are a web developer, start looking at the code and after you get all the Orchard 'aaaahhh' moments, you'll be alright.


ASP.NET CORE Application using some Angular 4 pages (--> ASP.NET CORE routing)

We have an existing ASP.NET CORE App with lots of controllers and views (with knockout for 2-way-binding).
Now the requirement is to build new pages (views) with Angular 4 but the rest of the App should stay unchanged.
The management says it should be made like previous knockout extensions which integrate seamlessly in ASP.NET CORE views. This means each page should be a seperate Angular 4 SPA. This requires that routing has to be done with ASP.NET CORE and not Angular 4.
Question: Is this feasible? If yes, how?
Question: Are there better strategies to extend an existing ASP.NET CORE App with Angular 4 parts than this approach?
What I don't understand so far is how to provide routing by ASP.NET CORE in combination with Angular4. In ASP.NET we use _Layout.cshtml for common layout code including a #Html.Partial("_Navigation") for navigation and #RenderBody() for rendering the views. We want to use razor partial views as for the Angular templates. This excellent article describes how.
But how can this be done with ASP.NET routing?
I have found a solution that works for our requirements. For each "mini SPA" I created the necessary files (NgModule, main.ts) to bootstrap them. Then I add a Controller that delivers cshtml-views that contains the load command for the different "mini SPAs". Referencing them in ASP.NET navigation worked like a charm!
One of the key purposes of Angular is to write single page applications (or SPAs). And that does NOT mean what it sounds like. The idea is that the user can seamlessly move from "page" to "page" in the Angular app without hitting the server to ask for the next page. So from the servers perspective, it is providing a single page down to the client ... and then Angular takes over and displays all 10, 50, or 100's of views.
Retaining the ASP.NET routing and rewriting each page in Angular would be pointless.
For a more concrete example, say you have a Product Management application. In Angular you would write every view: Product List, Product Detail, Product Edit, Product History, etc. When the user accesses the app ... all views are downloaded. Then the Angular routing moves the user between these views without needing to hit the server again for another page.
If each of these was an ASP.NET view, then ASP.NET would serve the Product List page. Then if the user moves to view details, they'd have to wait for the server to serve the Product Detail page. Then if the user returns to the Product List page, the user would have to wait for the server to serve the Product List page again.
So my advice is to tell management to take an Angular course (I have one if they are interested) or leave it to the developers to make the appropriate architectural choices. :-)
Seriously though ... it seems like there would be a large expense for very little benefit if you were still planning to serve every individual page from ASP.NET.
And maybe that's the answer here ... ask them what they are truly trying to achieve with a move to Angular.

Getting started with Piranha CMS

I Developed an ASP.Net MVC 5 application by using Visual Studio 2012. Now I want to integrate a .Net CMS in my project that supports MVC5, Web API and JSON responses, so I found that Piranha supports MVC 5, but I can't using it I want something good like tutorial to get started with, not the official web site.
Piranha CMS is just a NuGet-package and does not contain any special project features like scaffolding views or generating code for you in your project.
If you're interested in how it works, take a look at the template files that are installed when you install the PiranhaCMSMvc package, but in short:
A request comes in with a permalink to a page or post
The HttpModule gets the entry for the permalink and checks the Route that should be executed for the entry. The default route for pages is ~/page and for posts ~/posts.
The MVC Controller for that route gets the request and loads the full model.
If the controller is correctly implemented it respects the information added for the View in either the Page or Post type or the Page or Post and sends the model to that view.
The page/post types you create in Piranha CMS merely defines what data the model should have, it does not care what you do with it, or where it's sent.
This very loose coupling between the content and the application and its views is why you can integrate Piranha CMS into an already existing application and just use it to store the information you want be dynamic. It is also why there's no themes or pre-generated views for Piranha CMS.
I hope this clarifies usage the mindset of Piranha CMS a bit!

ASP.NET Pages Pages With CMS System

For the last two weeks I have been searching for a subject...
I'm an ASP.NET C# developer and I want to create a website that allows the use of CMS systems + .net pages,
I have seen some CMS like dotnetnuke, kentico, wordpress, MOTO, and so on...
Now, what is the best way to incorporate these two together... ASP.NET Pages (I create those) and some pages where I want the user to be able to use a CMS system to modify them.
Some people say I can use Wordpress site on one domain, then in the same hosting I create another to host my ASP.NET application... and use links to navigate to each others...
Is this the best way?
I'm completely confused on what to decide.
In Kentico CMS you can benefit from wide range of development models. List of those you could be interested in follows:
Portal engine - pages are completely controlled by Kentico (design, content, properties, etc.)
ASPX - you develop ASPX pages in Visual Studio and use them in Kentico as they are. You can still edit their general properties (regarding urls, security, caching, etc).
Mixed - you create your pages in Visual Studio and use Kentico (server/user) controls which will allow you to edit design & content in Kentico UI.
See Orchard CMS:
Just assigning the right roles to users you get what you want. This CMS is writen in .Net and it license allows you to use it for any purpose.

Sharepoint with ASP.Net Web Application

What I need to do is create a web application that can run inside SharePoint. It needs to be more involved then a web part and include many pages and a database. I know you can create a SharePoint application that goes under the Action bar, but I would like to create something that is run like how a site is. I would want a few tabs to show different sites, each running the same application, just showing their own data.
It looked like creating a site definition would be the best route to achieving this, but I have not been able to get it to become like an ASP.Net Web Application. Anyone know of any other project type or method that can be done to develop an ASP.Net Web Application that simply shows up in SharePoint? I know I can do it in a page viewer webpart, but that just seems like a cheap hack to create an IFrame and not the optimal solution. I don't need any true integration with sharepoint, other then using it for Authentication and a display mechanism. Our corporate intranet is setup using SharePoint, so anything that I build has to exist within it.
If anyone has any guidance, I would love to hear your suggestions.
It's actually pretty straightforward, at the basic level:
Create your ASPX pages with codebehinds in your own assembly - just like normal.
Use the Sharepoint master pages (look at the existing ones to mimic their styles and markup)
Create a Feature which adds a link to your "entry point" page(s) to the SP menu
Deploy your assembly to the GAC

How to add custom ASP.NET pages into sharepoint

How to add custom ASP.NET pages into sharepoint?
I am very new to sharepoint but what I realized is that I can only make plain text pages or links. but what if I have a website already built in ASP.NET and want to add it through sharepoint.
Or is it possible to build the website itself from sharepoint including dynamic server side controls like buttons, trees ....
Simple answer: put your *.aspx files in inside the _layouts folder, usually located at
c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\
afterwards you can access you page (named page1.aspx for example) through the sharepoint site by:
http://your site name/_layouts/page1.aspx
You can have inline code and/or code-behind, just like in a normal aspx page.
However, please note that pages added through this method are called application pages, meaning that they cannot be customized (easily) by the user and are available under all site collections in your farm.
SharePoint supports another kind of pages, called Site Pages which are site-specific, you can read more about them here.
See these questions which should cover everything you need:
How would you convert an ASP.NET site to work as a SharePoint site?
Moving from custom ASP.NET application to Sharepoint Services
Deploying custom applications to same IIS site as Sharepoint
SharePoint - ASP.Net Controls Integration
Sharepoint controls in ASP.NET application
Also this page on SharePoint Dev Wiki.
This Visual How To walks you through the process of creating an application page step by step.
Creating an Application Page in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0
The presenter of the video, Ted Pattison, has a book that is a great resource to help you get up and started with SharePoint development.
Inside Windows SharePoint Services 3.0
If you want some .aspx-Pages in a SharePoint-Website, you can build a SharePoint-Module Feature containing the .aspx-Pages.
See How to: Provision a File and Create and Use a SharePoint Feature Package
