ASP.NET Pages Pages With CMS System -

For the last two weeks I have been searching for a subject...
I'm an ASP.NET C# developer and I want to create a website that allows the use of CMS systems + .net pages,
I have seen some CMS like dotnetnuke, kentico, wordpress, MOTO, and so on...
Now, what is the best way to incorporate these two together... ASP.NET Pages (I create those) and some pages where I want the user to be able to use a CMS system to modify them.
Some people say I can use Wordpress site on one domain, then in the same hosting I create another to host my ASP.NET application... and use links to navigate to each others...
Is this the best way?
I'm completely confused on what to decide.

In Kentico CMS you can benefit from wide range of development models. List of those you could be interested in follows:
Portal engine - pages are completely controlled by Kentico (design, content, properties, etc.)
ASPX - you develop ASPX pages in Visual Studio and use them in Kentico as they are. You can still edit their general properties (regarding urls, security, caching, etc).
Mixed - you create your pages in Visual Studio and use Kentico (server/user) controls which will allow you to edit design & content in Kentico UI.

See Orchard CMS:
Just assigning the right roles to users you get what you want. This CMS is writen in .Net and it license allows you to use it for any purpose.


How can non-developers manage static html files that are a part of an mvc core app?

I need a way to let non-developers manage partial html pages within an mvc core app so the developers aren't being bothered with simple content updates like text and image swaps - ideally using wordpress tools / plugins we already have (ie. divi or some other method) to manage those html partials.
Mainly I want to be able to control the layout (header, footer, nav) with core but load the content either within or external to the application for each page.
Ideally when we make changes to these partials, we don't even need to rebuild the app and deploy, we can just save / publish the files and move on, leaving the developers focused on their application jobs and the web updates can be handled by designers and project managers. I need suggestions on best practice workflow in this situation and tool recommendations - would I need something like a Joomla or Drupal or would Wordpress (ideally) be able to author partial pages that the core app can then link to and display?
We are using wordress plugins so non web developers can build and manage web sites and pages with little to no coding. We also have a few web developers who are programming applications needed by the org. These developers are getting requests that don't / shouldn't require a developer to complete, but some of these pages live within an older application we are updating.
You have a number of options
Partial Views
The Views in ASP.NET are not compiled during deployment. You can edit them on the production server real-time without affecting any deployment process. They are compiled real-time. All you have to do is press ctrl-F5 in your browser to get the latest views from the file system.
Options for Workflow
Refactor your content so that the partial views contain only content that is to be edited by the non-developers.
This would mean that the partial views that the non-developers edit contain only html and no razor-type code.
If you really don't want the non-developers touching the source code directory, including the views, you can have the content that they provide stored in a database.
This way in your controllers, you can check the database for the content the non-developer has stored, and save it in a ViewBag variable. That way the non-developers are not touching any of the source code
Content Management
If your non-developers are going to have access to source code files, why not just five them FTP access. Updating Views real-time is perfectly fine. Or you can look into using Subversion source code client to keep a version history

Edit or change or manage an existing website or web pages (which were created by a different CMS or VS ) by a new CMS

If we already have a website and web pages(created by VS can we able to edit or change or manage these by a new CMS?.
It is highly unlikely. It may be possible to partially accomplish this via a converter tool (something that can parse the .NET site into another CMS) or a scraper tool (something that scrapes the HTML content of the live .NET site and formats it or imports it into a new CMS).
Neither of these, though, if even possible/available, will result in an exact copy of the site in another CMS.

Mapping web templates inside mvc Orchard CMS

I want to build a new web site for a construction company. so i find some powerful web templates that support the same business area, such as :-
now as i am a web developer i can easily update these templates to contain our content. but i need to have a CMS to allow non-IT users to edit the web site. so after doing some search i settle on using Orchard CMS ,, but i need some help in answering these questions:-
i think the main challenge in my case will be to map these web templates inside Orchard.. mainly to modify the web template layout to be Orchard my first question is if it supported to have these general web templates to work with Orchard CMS?
second question ,, will there be some limitations when mapping web templetes to be managed inside Orchard CMS.. for example will some UI components stop working?
can some one provide links on how to map web templates inside Orachrd?
since Orchard is based on mvc. now if i create a new mvc5 web application, i can easily have these web templates mapped inside my project . this includes modifying the mvc _layout view and adding the related css & JavaScript.. so is the process to map a web template inside Orcahrd similar to the process of mapping a web template inside a standard mvc web application ?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Have a look to 1.9. It has this new Templates for pages. SO you could create templates with elements already placed and then users can customise them with data.
You can do it with Widgets too, but requires a bit more admin knowledge... not much.
You could also create a module to hide any functionality behind an as-simple-as-needed UI.
start here: Orchard Docs.
If you are a web developer, start looking at the code and after you get all the Orchard 'aaaahhh' moments, you'll be alright.

How to search a hybrid ASP.NET Intranet site?

How would you implement a search facility within an ASP.NET hybrid application? I'm really tempted to start rebuilding our Intranet application using ASP.NET MVC & Web Forms (mainly MVC though).
I know how to search the dynamic content from a database, but I'm struggling with the static content in the Views. Surely this should be an easy task with routing and a sitemap.
Have a look at Lucene
Once setup correctly you can crawl all your static url's and use it to create a file based index that can be searched on keywords. It is possible to generate ranked results.

Sharepoint with ASP.Net Web Application

What I need to do is create a web application that can run inside SharePoint. It needs to be more involved then a web part and include many pages and a database. I know you can create a SharePoint application that goes under the Action bar, but I would like to create something that is run like how a site is. I would want a few tabs to show different sites, each running the same application, just showing their own data.
It looked like creating a site definition would be the best route to achieving this, but I have not been able to get it to become like an ASP.Net Web Application. Anyone know of any other project type or method that can be done to develop an ASP.Net Web Application that simply shows up in SharePoint? I know I can do it in a page viewer webpart, but that just seems like a cheap hack to create an IFrame and not the optimal solution. I don't need any true integration with sharepoint, other then using it for Authentication and a display mechanism. Our corporate intranet is setup using SharePoint, so anything that I build has to exist within it.
If anyone has any guidance, I would love to hear your suggestions.
It's actually pretty straightforward, at the basic level:
Create your ASPX pages with codebehinds in your own assembly - just like normal.
Use the Sharepoint master pages (look at the existing ones to mimic their styles and markup)
Create a Feature which adds a link to your "entry point" page(s) to the SP menu
Deploy your assembly to the GAC
