How do I trace the ACL2 rewriter? - acl2

How do I trace the ACL2 rewriter? I would really like to know what's going on inside the prover. Is it advisable to seek out this type of information or should I just follow The Method?

Here are some relevant trace forms, authored by Matt Kaufmann:
(trace$ (rewrite :cond (null ancestors)
:entry (list 'rewrite term alist)
:exit (list 'rewrite (cadr values))))
(trace$ (rewrite-with-lemma
(list 'rewrite-with-lemma
(base-symbol (access rewrite-rule lemma :rune)))
(list 'rewrite-with-lemma (cadr values) (caddr values))))
(open-trace-file "my-trace-file") ; since renamed to big-trace.txt
Then run your proof you want trace
Open up the trace file, my-trace-file in this example, in your favorite text editor.
With regards to your second question, 80% or more of ACL2 experts would say that, no, you don't need to know what's going on with the rewriter. I happen to disagree with them, which is why I've written this Q&A (as I will reference it myself indirectly via Google). You should also look into options like "break-rewrite" and "dmr". See ACL2 documentation topic "debugging" for more information.


Good example of when to muffle warnings?

This question is somewhat related to an earlier one on programmatically generating symbol macros. I'm using that function in a convenience macro that throws undefined variable warnings. This macro and function:
(defmacro define-data (d body &optional doc)
(if (and doc (not (stringp doc))) (error "Documentation is not a string"))
`(let* ((d-str (string ',d))
(old-package *package*)
(*package* (if (find-package d-str) ;exists?
(find-package d-str) ;yes, return it
(make-package d-str)))) ;no, make it
;; Should we have an eval-when (:compile-toplevel) here?
(defparameter ,d ,body ,doc)
(export ',d old-package)
(define-column-names ,d)))
(defun define-column-names (d)
(maphash #'(lambda (key index)
(eval `(cl:define-symbol-macro ,key (cl:aref (columns ,d) ,index))))
(ordered-keys-table (slot-value d 'ordered-keys))))
are intended to be like defparameter, but additionally set up a few niceties for the user by defining:
a package with the name of d
a parameter in the current package with the data that will be sucked in by body
symbol-macros in package d for access to the individual data vectors
If I use defparameter from the REPL, and then call define-column-names, all is well. However when using the macro I get:
; caught WARNING:
; undefined variable: CL-USER::FOO
I suspect that this is because the compiler has no way of knowing that FOO will actually be defined when define-symbol-macro is called. Everything works fine, but I don't want the warning to frighten users, so am thinking of suppressing it. I hate suppressing warnings though, so thought I'd come here for a second opinion.
EDIT: I've marked an answer correct because it does correctly answer the question as asked. For an answer to the problem see my comments.
My answer to the 'when to muffle warnings' question in the title is: if it's your own code then never, under any circumstances. If it is someone else's code, then rewrite it not to warn unless you can't.
As to solving the problem I haven't thought about this hard enough, but the problem is that you definitely want the defparameter to be at top-level so the compiler can see it, and it can't really be if it's inside a let. But you can raise it to toplevel trivially since it depends on nothing inside the let.
I am then pretty certain that you want the rest of the macro to happen at compile time, because you definitely want the symbol-macros available at compile-time. So an attempt at the first macro would be (note I've fixed the handling of the docstring: (defparameter foo 1 nil) is bad):
(defmacro define-data (d body &optional doc)
(when (and doc (not (stringp doc)))
(error "Documentation is not a string"))
(defparameter ,d ,body ,#(if doc (list doc) '()))
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(let* ((d-str (string ',d))
(old-package *package*)
(*package* (if (find-package d-str) ;exists?
(find-package d-str) ;yes, return it
(make-package d-str)))) ;no, make it
(export ',d old-package)
(define-column-names ,d)))))
As a side note: although I think the fact that programmatically defining symbol macros is hard because CL left that out for some reason, I think I'd personally use some other approach rather than this, because eval is just so horrid. That's just me however: if you want to do this you do need eval I think (it is very rare that this is true!).
I am not sure exactly how define-columns-names works so I replaced it with a stub function that returns d.
Note also that you can use check-type and should try not injecting symbols in generated code, this introduces potential variable capture that can be avoided with gensym.
As far as I know you cannot use eval-when as suggested by your comment (see Issue EVAL-WHEN-NON-TOP-LEVEL Writeup for details).
But I have no warning if I declare the symbol as being special around the call.
(defmacro define-data (d body &optional doc)
(check-type doc (or null string))
(check-type d symbol)
(let ((d-str (string d)))
(alexandria:with-gensyms (old-package)
`(let* ((,old-package *package*)
(*package* (if (find-package ,d-str) ;exists?
(find-package ,d-str) ;yes, return it
(make-package ,d-str)))) ;no, make it
(defparameter ,d ,body ,doc)
(export ',d ,old-package)
(locally (declare (special ,d))
(define-column-names ,d))))))
It is also a bit strange that you expand into a call to define-column-names, which in turns evaluated a form built at runtime. I think it might be possible to do all you want during macroexpansion time, but as said earlier what you are trying to do is a bit unclear to me. What I have in mind is to replace define-column-names by:
,#(expand-column-names-macros d)
... where expand-column-names-macros builds a list of define-symbol-macro forms.

How to use console as input and output for Guile Scheme?

I understand that Scheme uses ports to perform Input and Output. While trying to learn how to get console input and output, I have come across MIT-Scheme's console-i/o-port variable.
But, the guile interpreter says it is an Unbound Variable. I would like to know how we can use ports to get input from and output to the console (Terminal in Unix) in a Guile Scheme Script. I am still a rookie in Scheme and Linux, a clear step-by-step is appreciated.
Also, how does (display <object>) work? Does it use ports inherently or is there another way.
P.S. If there is another way without using ports please let me know how to use that too.
If you want to read and write SExps, in guile you have (read), (write), (display) etc., if you want to read characters only use (read-char) and (write-char) -- they all use the input/output ports resp. you picked, by default they are stdin and stdout. Everything is rather straightforward (
You might also be interested in guile-ncurses (
Of some more goodies check out pretty-print module from ice-9 (on very long sexps it's slow but outputs them really nicely formatted, great for e.g. code generation):
(use-modules (ice-9 pretty-print))
(pretty-print `(super cool stuff (+ 2 3) => ,(+ 2 3)))
And if you need your own parser, check out the lalr module (system base lalr).
edit a small example which reads a number, multiplies by itself and prints out the result:
#!/usr/bin/guile -s
(let ((x (read)))
(display (* x x))
(remember to chmod +x this script).
edit changed the expression to let form as Chris suggested, indeed the fewer parentheses the better
In guile you have 2 functions: current-input-port and current-output-port (the docs)
to read and put text into string (if you don't want to read s-expressions) you can use this function:
(define (read-port port)
(let iter ((result '()) (chr (read-char port)))
(if (eof-object? chr)
(list->string result)
(iter (append result (list chr)) (read-char port)))))
reading from stdin will be:
(read-port (current-input-port))
to write to stdout you can use display it also accept second argument which is port relevant docs

SBCL Error Messages

When I am using SBCL (my favourite implementation) I often see this sort of error message in the REPL
CL-USER> (vgplot:fred) ; Evaluation aborted on
#<SB-INT:SIMPLE-READER-PACKAGE-ERROR "Symbol ~S not found in the ~A package." {1004289123}>. CL-USER>
I presume the message is meant to say "Symbol FRED not found in the VGPLOT package."
I imagine I have done something wrong in building SBCL (though I can't seem to find what exactly) , just wondering if anyone can offer advice on how to make this go away as it is annoying.
You could do this:
(defmethod print-object :around ((condition simple-condition) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (condition stream)
(apply #'format stream (simple-condition-format-control condition)
(simple-condition-format-arguments condition))
(terpri stream)
This will add the formatted description of all simple-conditions (of which sb-int:simple-reader-error is one) to their printed form. I wouldn't really consider this a "good idea" and it might have some unintended consequences.
A much better solution would be to modify slime/swank to print this information itself, but I couldn't figure out how to do it.

Issue an HTTP GET from REPL in Racket

I feel like I'm missing something, but after perusing the docs for net/url and poking around in general, I was unable to figure out a way to issue a GET request from the interactive prompt. Basically, I want to imitate my python workflow for poking around a website:
response = urlopen("")
is this feasible in Racket?
Using call/input-url has a few advantages:
You don't need to close the port yourself.
The port is closed even if there's an exception.
Its third argument is (input-port? -> any/c) -- that is, a function that takes an input-port and returns anything. In addition to a function you write yourself, this could be an already-defined function like port->string, read-html-as-xml, and so on.
For example:
(call/input-url (string->url "")
Note: As I was typing this answer, I notice that Óscar edited his to do redirects. My similar edit would be:
(call/input-url (string->url "")
(curry get-pure-port #:redirections 4)
Of course, either way is still fairly verbose to type frequently at the REPL. So Óscar's suggestion to define your own url-open function is a good one. Implementing it using call/input-url would be preferable, I think.
Try this:
(require net/url)
(define input (get-pure-port (string->url "")))
(define response (port->string input))
(close-input-port input)
Now the response variable will contain the http response from the server. Even better, pack the above in a procedure, also notice that I added a maximum number of redirections allowed:
(define (urlopen url)
(let* ((input (get-pure-port (string->url url) #:redirections 5))
(response (port->string input)))
(close-input-port input)
(urlopen "") ; this will return the response
Following #GregHendershott's excellent advice (see his answer for details), here's another, more robust way to implement the desired functionality:
(define (urlopen url)
(string->url url)
(curry get-pure-port #:redirections 5)

Error with define in Racket

I just discovered Racket a few days ago, and I'm trying to get more comfortable with it by writing a little script that generates images to represent source code using #lang slideshow.
I know that when programming in a functional paradigm it's good practice to create almost all your variables with let, but I find that it introduces too many levels of nesting and that Racket's let has an overcomplicated API which requires superfluous parentheses. I'm sure this is to remove ambiguity when using let in more powerful ways, but for my purposes it's just an annoyance. Consequently, I'm creating all my variables with define, and writing blocks with begin if I need to (such as in the body of an if statement).
The problem is that I've repeatedly been getting what seem to be very mysterious errors. I'm sure I'm just making some silly beginner's mistake, being new to the language, but I really can't seem to find the source of the complaint.
Here's the offending code:
(define sub-code (foldr ht-append (rectangle 0 0) (map internal-style (rest code))))
although what we're defining sub-code to seems pretty irrelevant. If I replace it with
(define sub-code '())
I receive the same error. DrRacket is saying that define is being used in an expression context. I understand what this error would normally mean - IE that it would raise when you write code like (print (define x 10)), but I can't see what would trigger it here.
If it helps, this define is at the beginning of a begin block, inside an if statement
(if (list? code)
(define sub-code '())
; a few more define statements and finally an expression ))
The specific error message DrRacket is printing is
define: not allowed in an expression context in: (define sub-code (quote ()))
I thought maybe define isn't allowed in begin blocks, but I checked the docs and one of the examples for begin is
(define x 10)
So I don't really know what to do. Thanks in advance!
Definitions are allowed in a 'body' context, like in lambda and let among others. The consequent and alternate clauses of if are not body contexts; they are expression contexts and therefore definitions are not allowed.
begin is special - begin in a body context allows definitions, but begin in an expression contexts forbids definitions. Your case falls in to the later.
For example:
(define (foo . args) #| body context #|)
(define foo (lambda args #| body context |#))
(define (foo . args)
(let (...)
#| body context |#))
Syntactic keywords that requires expressions: if, cond, case, and, or, when, unless, do, begin. Check out the formal syntax in any Scheme report (r{4,5,6,7}rs); look for <body>, <sequence>, <command>, and <expression>.
Also, if you need a body context in an expression, just wrap a let syntactic form, as such:
(if test
(let ()
(define foo 'foo)
(list foo foo))
As GoZoner explained, you can't use define in an expression context.
What could you do instead?
Use let:
(if (list? code)
(let ([x '()])
Or it would work with an "empty" let and define:
(if (list? code)
(let ()
(define x '())
But that's a bit silly.
Or use cond and define:
(cond [(list? code)
(define x '())
This last way -- using cond and define -- is closest to what the current Racket style guide recommends.
Here's more details, from the Racket docs.
The different contexts are required because macros must expand differently, depending on which language forms are allowed.
As others have said, definitions are not allowed in expression contexts ("expr ..." in the docs), but are ok in other contexts.
In other doc entries, "body ..." indicates an internal-definition context (guide, reference), for example in lambda bodies, and "form ..." indicates all non-expression contexts, like in the docs for begin.
Or you could wrap the expressions in (begin)
(define x 10)
(define y 100)
(define z 1000))
