Embedding LinkedIn company updates / feeds - linkedin

We have created a SharePoint 2010 web part where we display our company feed from https://www.linkedin.com/company/"Name of Company"/.
End-users need to login the first time (that is ok). But even though they login using their personal LinkedIn profile, they cannot see our company-feed. Why is that?
If the users are set as LinkedIn Designated Admins they can see the feed, otherwise they cannot.
We are using
<script type="text/javascript" src="//platform.linkedin.com/in.js">
api_key: "The key"
lang: da_DK
authorize: true
onLoad: onLinkedInLoad
I hope someone can share their knowledge.

This is why :'( https://developer.linkedin.com/blog/posts/2015/developer-program-changes
Starting on May 12, 2015, we will be limiting the open APIs to only support the following uses:
Allowing members to represent their professional identity via their LinkedIn profile using our Profile API.
Enabling members to post certifications directly to their LinkedIn profile with our Add to Profile tools.
Enabling members to share professional content to their LinkedIn network from across the Web leveraging our Share API.
Enabling companies to share professional content to LinkedIn with our Company API.
Only people who can admin the feed can read/update to the company feed. All others are excluded unless you manage to get yourself promoted to LinkedIN partner: https://developer.linkedin.com/partner-programs

Some light on this issue over here:
As ahmeij said, Linkedin doesnt provide anymore an easy way of embedding your company/personal profile timeline anywhere. However, there is an alternative way of implementing this.
You will make use of the RSS feed of the profile. The url will be something like this:
https://www.linkedin.com/biz/[PROFILE ID]/feed?start=0&v2=true
You can find out the numeric ID in you profile/company page.
Read the full source here: https://www.glintech.com/blog/confluence-embed-linkedin-company-feed.html

I found the way to implement a CORS proxy, and got this working.
I used this simple PHP CORS proxy
However, LinkedIn site doesn't return any information from this URL anymore, it just returns a [301 - moved permanently] error :_(

As Alberto mentioned in the post below a RSS feed can be used to create an embed code. To enable RSS on your LinkedIn and get the RSS link you can follow this guide. Then you can use this plugin to generate an embed code of the feed.

You can use a social wall solution like Walls.io to add LinkedIn company feeds to your Sharepoint website. The tool generates an iframe or JavaScript code that you can embed. Here's an article on how it works on SharePoint.


How share linkedin job opportunities and last articles from a likedin page to external website

One of my customer would like to share his job opportunities and last articles from his Linkedin page on his external website.
I see that the Linkedin API V1 supported the job searching but now this version is deprecated and V2 API not allows this functionality anymore.
And I didn't find anything about last articles sharing too.
I have written to the support.
This is the response: "we do not allow posts and/or articles to be pulled off of LinkedIn for display on external websites."

Which version of the UGC docs are correct?

I avoided using the UGC API on my recent migration to v2 of the LinkedIn API because this page of the docs (dated 2/4/2019, https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/linkedin/marketing/integrations/community-management/shares/ugc-post-api) suggests that the UGC is an "upcoming" API, only available for uploading videos, but not retrieving them (e.g. "UGC Post is currently best suited for creating and fetching video posts" and "Use the UGC Post API to create video content for organic posts and video ads. More functionality will be soon be added to the UGC Post API. As of now, you cannot retrieve the actual video content of a video post. This feature will be available soon.").
However, I just found this (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/linkedin/consumer/integrations/self-serve/share-on-linkedin?context=linkedin/marketing/context#creating-a-share-on-linkedin) page, which talks about Sharing on LinkedIn, and seems to suggest using the UGC endpoint to upload text posts, article shares, and images.
Does anyone have a clear picture of what it is ready and not ready to go? I don't want to build out our app to use endpoints that are available only for testing, etc. I would like to know that LinkedIn officially supports the APIs that I am using in my app. I know LinkedIn monitors SO and touts it as part of their official mechanism for support, so I am posting this here.
At any rate, it might be a good idea to bring these two pages into alignment to prevent confusion like this.
EDIT: Noticed today that the link to the UGC docs is now time-stamped 4/10/2019. Not immediately clear to me what the changes between 2/4 and 4/10 are.
We use LinkedIn V2 UGC API to post articles, images etc. and it works fine. However, uploading video results in an error that we do not have permission. I am not sure if there is any special permission that is needed even when we can post images fine.
We use UGC API (V2).Here is documentation for reference https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/linkedin/consumer/integrations/self-serve/share-on-linkedin?context=linkedin/marketing/context#creating-a-share-on-linkedin
Video upload end point is not yet released. if you access that it will return permission required response.

Open Graph on LinkedIn does not work for my client's site

For some reason sharing links on LinkedIn from my client's site does not work.
I've checked the specifications on https://www.linkedin.com/help/linkedin/answer/46687/making-your-website-shareable-on-linkedin?lang=en and it looks like all the og meta tags re correct. Sharing on other social media works without problems. It's only on LinkedIn where the Open Graph data is not picked up.
Here is a sample URL which does not work on LinkedIn:
Am I missing something?
Would you be able to share a bit more on how you're getting the tags to render on Facebook and the like?
I encountered the same problem (My site runs on Angular), but my approach was to redirect the LinkedInBot via .htaccess.
Eventually, I gave up, and wrote a custom share button with LinkedIn's rest API
With it, you will be able to specify the details of the share, and avoid the messy workarounds for LinkedIn.
Direct Sharing on LinkedIn
Sharing via REST API
Original link: http://blog.crazy.technology/post/Clash-of-Clans---How-to-use-the-Web-API-570dd2b2

LinkedIn and Open Graph : site not shareable on LinkedIn without reason

I'm trying to make my website shareable on LinkedIn.
URL : https://www.jedecouvremercator.com/
My website is W3C validate. I have followed all the LinkedIn recommendations and Google recommendations. My Open Graph meta is correct and the website is shareable on all other platforms.
But when I'm trying to share it on LinkedIn or when I use a custom link to share it, LinkedIn can't display the meta information.
(I always use garbage into the URL to kill cache before verifying my changes).
Can somebody tell me why?
Thanks a lot.
The site in your URL is down, and you didn't post any code, so that makes this difficult, but not impossible. I can still view your URL through archive.org, and when I try to share the archive.org URL, like this...
When I click the above, everything works perfectly fine for me. Example:
If you need more info: Official LinkedIn Documentation for Formatting URL and Official LinkedIn Documentation for OpenGraph Tags and Prefilled Sharing.

Syncing Outlook 2013 Calendar to Wordpress Plugin

I've done much research on this and at this point, it doesn't seem possible, but I'm hoping someone more knowledgable than myself can help me with a solution. I have a client that needs to sync Outlook calendar with a Wordpress plugin. They need the WP Calendar to display on it's own page and also be on the sidebars, like many existing WP Calendar/Event plugins.
This is what I know:
You can connect a URL based shared calendar to Outlook, but it won't let you edit those calendars in Outlook.
You can publish an Outlook calendar to a WebDav service. But since all the WebDav calendar services I have found, you have to enter in a login/password to access your file. (I tested using Cloudsafe).
I have not found a Wordpress calendar plugin that can access WebDav files.
A possible work around is to sync the Outlook calendar to a Google calendar and then use a Wordpress plugin that will sync with Google calendars. BUT that would mean that each person in the company would have to install an run the Google sync service on their computers, which I'm not sure they are willing to do.
Any suggestions on a way to get this request working? Thanks!
It is possible to edit "shared" calendars in Outlook. This works for Outlook+SharePoint integration.
See 2.5.6 Synchronize a SharePoint List with Outlook which contains a very brief overview and links to the MS-STSSYN and MS-LISTSWS technical documentation. Like with the WebDAV approach, failing integrated security, the password must be supplied (unless running a truly insecure editable calendar). The Calendar is just a special kind of List.
Then it's just a matter of accessing said resource in WP as well. So much fun!
There might be a 3rd party library that already emulates a basic SP List WS; there is always SharePoint [any maybe even Office 365?]..
