Syncing Outlook 2013 Calendar to Wordpress Plugin - wordpress

I've done much research on this and at this point, it doesn't seem possible, but I'm hoping someone more knowledgable than myself can help me with a solution. I have a client that needs to sync Outlook calendar with a Wordpress plugin. They need the WP Calendar to display on it's own page and also be on the sidebars, like many existing WP Calendar/Event plugins.
This is what I know:
You can connect a URL based shared calendar to Outlook, but it won't let you edit those calendars in Outlook.
You can publish an Outlook calendar to a WebDav service. But since all the WebDav calendar services I have found, you have to enter in a login/password to access your file. (I tested using Cloudsafe).
I have not found a Wordpress calendar plugin that can access WebDav files.
A possible work around is to sync the Outlook calendar to a Google calendar and then use a Wordpress plugin that will sync with Google calendars. BUT that would mean that each person in the company would have to install an run the Google sync service on their computers, which I'm not sure they are willing to do.
Any suggestions on a way to get this request working? Thanks!

It is possible to edit "shared" calendars in Outlook. This works for Outlook+SharePoint integration.
See 2.5.6 Synchronize a SharePoint List with Outlook which contains a very brief overview and links to the MS-STSSYN and MS-LISTSWS technical documentation. Like with the WebDAV approach, failing integrated security, the password must be supplied (unless running a truly insecure editable calendar). The Calendar is just a special kind of List.
Then it's just a matter of accessing said resource in WP as well. So much fun!
There might be a 3rd party library that already emulates a basic SP List WS; there is always SharePoint [any maybe even Office 365?]..


I'm trying to implement external REST APIs in my wordpress website. Can anybody have idea how to do it (whether with a plugin or with programming)

I tried to use one plugin called "WP Data Sync". I am also going through its documentation/ support for the same. I am also having wpbakery page builder in my website. So is there any way that we sync with that also?
Note - We have to sync data in the form of images, image gallery, events listing, and the blog posts.
Did you check out WP Data Syncs website at and create an account to check out an API key?
I'm not sure about all APIs, but the ones I've used in the past would require me to register with the API's website, get issued an API key and maybe even designate the key to a specific website (your WordPress site in this case) for security reasons. After that, you would then go to your WP site and setup the API there via WP DataSyncs plugin.
I hope I understood your question and that this helps.

Embedding LinkedIn company updates / feeds

We have created a SharePoint 2010 web part where we display our company feed from"Name of Company"/.
End-users need to login the first time (that is ok). But even though they login using their personal LinkedIn profile, they cannot see our company-feed. Why is that?
If the users are set as LinkedIn Designated Admins they can see the feed, otherwise they cannot.
We are using
<script type="text/javascript" src="//">
api_key: "The key"
lang: da_DK
authorize: true
onLoad: onLinkedInLoad
I hope someone can share their knowledge.
This is why :'(
Starting on May 12, 2015, we will be limiting the open APIs to only support the following uses:
Allowing members to represent their professional identity via their LinkedIn profile using our Profile API.
Enabling members to post certifications directly to their LinkedIn profile with our Add to Profile tools.
Enabling members to share professional content to their LinkedIn network from across the Web leveraging our Share API.
Enabling companies to share professional content to LinkedIn with our Company API.
Only people who can admin the feed can read/update to the company feed. All others are excluded unless you manage to get yourself promoted to LinkedIN partner:
Some light on this issue over here:
As ahmeij said, Linkedin doesnt provide anymore an easy way of embedding your company/personal profile timeline anywhere. However, there is an alternative way of implementing this.
You will make use of the RSS feed of the profile. The url will be something like this:[PROFILE ID]/feed?start=0&v2=true
You can find out the numeric ID in you profile/company page.
Read the full source here:
I found the way to implement a CORS proxy, and got this working.
I used this simple PHP CORS proxy
However, LinkedIn site doesn't return any information from this URL anymore, it just returns a [301 - moved permanently] error :_(
As Alberto mentioned in the post below a RSS feed can be used to create an embed code. To enable RSS on your LinkedIn and get the RSS link you can follow this guide. Then you can use this plugin to generate an embed code of the feed.
You can use a social wall solution like to add LinkedIn company feeds to your Sharepoint website. The tool generates an iframe or JavaScript code that you can embed. Here's an article on how it works on SharePoint.

Single username/password for MediaWiki+phpBB+WordPress

I am building a web consisting of MediaWiki and phpBB as its subcomponents. Also WordPress may be added in future. My current problem is to choose a single unified authentication method (not to force users to have a special MediaWiki account, a special phpBB account, etc.).
Which approach would you recommend me? The basic limitation is that it is a simple LAMP server (no LDAP database). Possibilities I know about:
Use a decentralized protocol such as OpenID, OAuth 2.0, etc. I would prefer this approach. However, OpenID is not supported by Google any more so OAuth 2.0 would be probably more appropriate.
Use DB of users from phpBB and install some plugin to other subcomponents (MediaWiki extension for phpBB auth.)
Use DB of users from MediaWiki and install some plugin to phpBB.
Use some specialized web application for user credentials management and install plugins both to MediaWiki and phpBB.
I think the main point you already understand: You need one of your new platforms to be the central user store. The problem you know have to find out:
What platform has the plugins to interact with each other? It's possible, that you find plugins, that only works "in one direction", and for mediawiki itself you will find a log of outdated extensions, that maybe won't work anymore with the latest mediawiki versions and updates.
The other point is, that you should think about WordPress now, too. After you selected one central user store you mostly can't change it with a lot of work, so I would check for an integration of WordPress now, too.
Looking at that and a short search i wouldn't prefer MediaWiki to be the central user storage, and i'm not sure, if phpBB is the best solution, too :/
I think one of the best would be to use LDAP, extensions and plugins seems to be supported and working for the latest versions of each software. You yould have a central user store, which could be easily integrated in other applications, too. What is the reason you can't use it, an LAMP stack could handle this, too?
The second solution i would consider to choose is to use Google's user store and access it vi OAuth 2.0. MediaWiki, phpBB and WordPress supports this with plugins and/or extensions.
At the end of the day a login is a login is a login. All the custom fields specific to individual applications can be properly bridged with plug-ins. Make the app that will require the most babysitting your main database and thus login system. In many cases it's the forum, but that really varies by site.
I would caution that many new forum admins eventually want to upgrade from phpBB to something that's more powerful and modern. I was one of those admins. Yes, phpBB is as good as an open-source forum gets, but it just doesn't compete with the commercial forum apps. So keep that in mind if you make phpBB your main database.

How to add Facebook connect to an website (for novice)?

I was wondering if anyone can point me to a tutorial / step by step guide / downloadable template (free or paid) / video about adding Facebook connect functionality to a website.
I've created several website but I'm self learned and inexperienced.
I have no knowledge of oAuth protocols simply basic (VB) of going to the database, getting data and posting it on the site.
I've gone through several posts on the matter but it seems that they changed lots of stuff from before 2012 (so most articles are irrelevant). I also went through Stackoverflow but the questions and answers are above my expertise.
My site is basic and was also built from scratch without using any existing methodology (like MVC etc.). I also tried working on a new site with the ready template Visual Studio 2012 sets up. The built in sign up form seems to work (though I do not understand what it does) and I removed some of the functionality which I think was created to enable Facebook connect since it bounced lots of errors I couldn't understood.
The end goal is to allow easy one step signup and signin while getting the user's email and maybe birth-date.

How to create an audio streaming site in the style of Lynda or other video-training sites?

I would like to make a streaming store like,, or other video-training websites - where the customer can buy and/or subscribe to my digital library, but the customer can only stream the content, no downloading. Is this something I should do in WordPress, Shopify, or something else? A key aspect would be the customer being able to go back-and-forth between buying an individual stream and a monthly subscription without losing their purchased streams.
The content will be self-created audio files. As far as the audio-player, I was thinking about using and privatizing the audio on Then embed the audio onto the site to prevent pirating and rely on a third-party site to host the audio content rather than burdening the hosting provider. Or is there a better solution?
Thanks for any feedback!
You CAN use Wordpress, but there will need to be more involved then just setting up a basic website. You'll need to provide the user with a unique URL to stream the content from.
Other than building a custom platform, you can use something like to create user profiles. And only allow paid users to access certain content.
Shopify will only help with taking orders. Not giving users account access to login.
You could use shopify, then build out a user login side using something like Heroku. We had a similar goal to build a marketplace for live music bookings - basically the difference here being that the artists were the users, not the customers. We used Collections as profiles and Products as bookable packages. We simply embedded youtube vids and made sure to turn off recommendations in the youtube embed code. We currently make this information public, but it could be behind a login (the basic login/account that shopify provide) in your instance. It would be a little bit manual: e.g. they 'purchase' the subscription, then they create a login at checkout, whereby they're then able to access the videos/audio.
Have a play with our marketplace as an example of what I mean:
