I have a dependency (stagemonitor.org) that I want to include for everything except "test" and "test:test". How do I include a dependency for everything but "test"? I'm using SBT 0.13.8.
You likely need to exclude things manually via managedClasspath in Test.
Check out -= operator we are adding on 0.13.9-RC1.
after changing the sbt.version in the build.properties to 1.3.x, i've found out that the resolved.xml.xml files, which were created after running sbt compile are not created anymore. i'm using those files to re-create the project's structure and dependencies tree.
is there any equivalent to those files in the new SBT version?
yes, i'm familiar with sbt-dependency-graph plugin, but i want to avoid using external solution.
You can disable the integrated coursier to get the old behaviour back:
ThisBuild / useCoursier := false
When using leiningen to build Clojure applications, how can certain dependencies be excluded from being included in the JAR file when using lein uberjar?
Use the provided entry for the leiningen profile.
:profiles {:dev {:dependencies [[ring-mock "0.1.5"]
[prismatic/dommy "0.1.3"]
[org.bouncycastle/bcprov-jdk15on "1.50"]]}
:provided {:dependencies [[org.bouncycastle/bcprov-jdk15on "1.50"]]}}
One common use case is bouncycastle that needs to be excluded from the signed JAR and provided externally using its own jar file in runtime.
Similar to what Guillermo suggested modify your project's :profiles to include something along the lines of:
:provided {:dependencies [[org.bouncycastle/bcprov-jdk15on "1.50"]
[org.bouncycastle/bcpg-jdk15on "1.50"]]}
(The specific versions may vary.)
Trouble is that if you use a Clojure wrapper library (such as clj-pgp or thi.ng/crypto), it forces inclusion of the jar in the uberjar, breaking the process.
My solution was to fork the library and push it to clojars after modifying its project.clj to uses provided dependencies.
More details here: http://side-effects-bang.blogspot.com/2015/02/deploying-uberjars-that-use-bouncy.html
In the project.clj under :dependencies you can add exclusions for specific jars like this:
[test/test-jar "1.0" :exclusions [sample-exclusion/test-exclusions]]
I am working with sbt-thrift plugin 0.6 and SBT 0.12.
In my thrift files I have mentioned the namespace as below.
namespace java abc.xyz
But the generated files goes to
(gen-java prefix is added automatically). How can I change this into
There is an -out <outdir> option which does exactly that. In your case, specify the current folder . as the outdir.
Note that, unlike with the automatically generated gen-* folders, the outdir directory must exist. In other words, you have to make sure the folder is created before calling the Thrift compiler.
The --help option gives more information about all the other switches.
Regarding SBT, if the information on https://github.com/bigtoast/sbt-thrift is true, then you should contact the author of that software to add the option thriftJavaOutputDir as it seems missing.
BTW, the question looks very much like a duplicate of How to change default settings of sbt-thrift plugin in SBT? I would recommend to NOT ask ten thousand copies of similar questions on SO.
Normally SBT looks for the build files at ./build.sbt and ./project/Build.scala. Is it possible to specify an alternate project root, so I can build a project not in the current working directory? I'm looking essentially for an equivalent to mvn -f /path/to/pom.xml but the docs have not provided me with any obvious answers.
(I should note that I want to do this at runtime rather than compile time. Essentially, I want to use sbt run-main to run arbitrary classes from my project, since I hate manual classpath wrangling. For various boring reasons I may need to do this from arbitrary location since the code may need the working directory to be something other than the project directory, so using cd might not do what I want. It's so trivial in Maven - I just assumed, perhaps unfairly, that there would be a simple equivalent in SBT)
I have something like this. I have project definition at X/build.sbt, X/MyOtherDefinitionWithSpecialThing/build.sbt, X/MySuperPublishConfig/build.sbt.
But my point of view to the problem is opposite. Instead of specify location of ./build.sbt and ./project/Build.scala I specify location of path to resources. The result is the same. It looks like:
sourceDirectory <<= (baseDirectory) (_ / ".." / "src")
target <<= (baseDirectory) (_ / ".." / "target")
This is allow to create single project with multiple definitions. This is worked with nested/hierarchical projects. But I use symbolic links (Linux OS) for hierarchical projects.
There is a file tree of one of my SBT plugins. Multiple build definitions and only one src/...
If this not solution of your problem please elaborate why you don't want use 'cd' command ;-)
-- For the updated use case:
I use shell wrapper and I have symlink to this one in every SBT project:
here=$(cd $(dirname "$0"); pwd)
if [ ! -e "${here}/build.sbt" ]
echo build.sbt lost
cd ${here}
LOCAL_BUILD=true sbt-0.12 "$#"
I simply write /path/to/my/project/sbt 'show name' for example or /path/to/my/project/sbt run-main in your case.
As I discovered from this other answer, the sbt-start-script plugin is a better tool for this than sbt run-main. You can simply run sbt stage and you get an invocation script, with classpaths resolved, at target/start. According to the documentation, it needs to be run from the build root directory for inter-project dependencies to work, but for my simple use cases, this doesn't seem to be a problem.
How can I make an sbt plugin whose build definition has a dependency on code written in the plugin itself?
Because sbt is recursive, this is simple. Create or edit project/build.sbt, and add
unmanagedSourceDirectories in Compile += new File("src/main/scala")
the old answer no longer works.
Need a small tweak, add getAbsoluteFile at the end:
unmanagedSourceDirectories in Compile += file("src/main/scala").getAbsoluteFile