Displays the brand in Google Analytics? - google-analytics

In Google Analytics when you create a transaction, you specify the parameters for the products. One of them is 'brand'. Where do I find this option in reports?

If I understood correctly, you can't find "Product Brand" in the Google Analytics interface.
First of all, make sure you have Enhanced Ecommerce enabled.
Then, on the left menu of your Google Analytics interface :
Conversions -> Ecommerce -> Product Performance
You land on the product performance report. From there, just over the top of the table, you can select your Primary Dimension.
Pick "Product Brand" and you will see your products sales split by brand.


Google Analytics - How to show all primary dimensions in the table

In Google Analytics, Ecommerce reports like Performance report, is there a way to show all the primary dimensions as a column in side the table ?
GA report image
You can only enter a secondary dimension in reports. Instead, you can create a Custom Reports in Customization menu (on the left bar) where you can generate a report with multiple dimensions and metrics.

How to use the Custom dimensions and Metrics of Google Analytics in Google Tag Manager?

I've been working with Google analytics since now, and as a part of the new update, I need to implement everything using Google Tag Manager. How do I use my custom dimensions and metrics of Ga in GTM? How's Data layer connected with GA's dimensions and Metrics? I'm very new to this tools, so please pardon me for any mistakes in the question and feel free to edit it. I'm confused with the other sources in Google and other documentations regarding these topics.
Create a Universal Analytics tag, click the "enable overriding settings in this tag" checkbox, go to more settings, custom dimensions, click the "add custom dimension" button, enter in the left field the numeric index as obtained via the GA property settings and in the right field your value/variable. Similar for metrics.

Google Analytics: Grouping similar referrals without loosing source

Lets say I have 100 customers that bought a website from me. In the footer of their websites I have the text "Website developed by:" followed by a link that points to my company website. In Google Analytics for my company website these referrals will show up with the customers URL as source, and "referral" as medium. I would like all of the referrals from my 100 customer websites to be grouped, so that i can view the total metrics together. I have tried using utm_source="Customer Website" on the referral links, but the utm_source overwrites the default source (that is the customer website URL) so that there is no way for me to separate the different websites.
How can I set up this in Google Analytics so that I can both view all of the referrals from customer websites together and separately?
You can use utm_campaign=Customer-Referral and then see all this data under one campaign on Google Analytics.
You can direct the traffic to the destination page but with a dummy query string parameter such as www.example.com?ref=client, and then see the traffic that is directed to this specific page on Google Analytics.
Based on the ref, you can inject a user-level custom dimension that will show you data of that specific group. What you should add is ga('set', 'dimension1', 'Client Referral');
Add it to your tracking code before ga('send', 'pageview'); You need to send this data only once, at the first page view. You can read more about it here: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/platform/customdimsmets
(note: I used dimension1 assuming that you don't have existing custom dimensions. If you already using slot no. 1, update it to another slot).

Products added to Cart vs Products ordered report in Google analytics

We are trying to implement Google analytics on our e-commerce site ..
In the order confirmation page we added e-commerce tracking code and its tracking all the revenue ..
We have added an event and are tracking items added to cart..
Is there a possible way where we can compare both these and make a report?
Please let me know your ideas..
Thank you in advance
You could use a custom report like this one for this purpose:
You need to customize it of course to suit your needs. It is now just a drilldown of Event Category, Action, Label with Total events, Revenue, conversion rate and transactions. I am not sure what metrics you are after, but it is a start.

Tracking ecommerce conversions

I'm looking to run a PPC campaign on LinkedIn, and I'm just wondering what the best way would be to show how many people that have clicked on ads, have placed an order. LinkedIn don't provide any form of conversion code - and I'm not sure how I could set this up within Google analytics?
use campaign tracking .This is the only way we can track visits from relevant campaign banners. Campaigns in Google Analytics :
Use this line below to create your campaign code.
use “Campaign Content” to separate banners (names) .
you can use Advance segments to track the number of conversions.
