Ubuntu keeps hanging - unix

I recently started using ubuntu 14.04 (Dual booting with win 8.1).
It was working fine until I ran the following code on the terminal:
sudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal
I just wanted he "Open terminal here" option :P
Since then, its been hanging a lot. Every time this happens, I put my laptop to sleep and open it again, and its fine.
But it's really annoying (It must have hung like two times while typing this).
What should I do??
Thanks in advance

This problem is caused by nvidia drivers .. You can do two things. Either switch from nvidia drivers to nouview or bumblebee drivers. Or you can select the intel power saving mode in nvidia drivers.there might be some problem in selecting the powersaving mode. If there is problem you need to set update-alternatives. Or switch from nvidia drivers


Citrix Workspace app 2207 for Linux breaks R in Xubuntu 22.04

I recently installed the citrix workspace 6/7/22 release from here:
Citrix works great, able to access both remote desktops I use for work. But R stopped working. Typing R in the terminal did not launch R, just a new blank command prompt, RStudio did not load.
Upon uninstalling citrix with: apt remove icaclient apt purge icaclient
R and RStudio work again. Replicated on two machines running Xubuntu 22.04 (Dell precision T5610 and Thinkpad X260).
Would appreciate advice on how to get citrix working without breaking R
It seems the Citrix "app protection component" is to blame. Disabling it during installation allows R to work. Select "no" when asked to install app protection component during Citrix installation.
choose this option

Execute this command line in Windows

I'm trying to connect my firebase auth to an expo project.
I'm following the main docs of each library. I'm stucking on this step.
I'm not able in windows to exeute this command line openssl rand -base64 32 | openssl sha1 -c.
I've tried with the specific https://code.google.com/archive/p/openssl-for-windows/downloads but I don't know how to reproduce the same line.
Any help would be great, thanks in advance.
You need to install openssl. It is usually available on Linux (which I think that article might have been written for). There are some Windows binaries available at here. Alternatively, you could setup a WSL session, and run the command from there.
that is a linux command. Therefore a linux terminal is needed.
there are at least 2 ways to get this done
using virtual machine with ubuntu or some other operating system that uses a linux terminal aka shell (which I doubt you know about)
installing a linux emulator (windows 8+ since it's from the windows store)
assuming you would prefer option 2, go to the windows store, search "Kali" and you will find an app called Kali. install it and if an error shows up, here's a nice video here that talks about solving that error and you would have a kali terminal on your windows computer (your command would work there)

Java program doesn't start on Unix machine

When I start Java application from command line on AIX 6.1 machine the application just doesn't start. All I get is a blinking cursor, hitting CTRL+C doesn't help. It seats in the list of processes all the time.
Even running the following command produces the same result so I don't think it is program related.
java -version
Cursor is blinking on the next line and nothing happens. When I open second session and type
ps -ef
I get the following:
tomcat 32243914 31850686 0 13:50:27 pts/7 0:00 -ksh
tomcat 5439538 32243914 1 13:50:50 pts/7 0:00 /usr/java6/jre/bin/java -version
On Windows my program runs just fine. So I think it is JRE or Unix related.
I'm not a Unix expert so I would appreciate any suggestions on how to trouble shoot this.
sounds strange , it seems that your process does not give hands back... No return
Do you have top binary installed on your AIX machine ?
Could you check that this machine follows the long list of requirements to run the java binary ? You may find useful information on the IBM java package webpage I guess...
Do you have lsof binaries or any other standard debuging tool ? lsof would point to any problem related to your AIX machine
We have an intermittent similar issue with Java on Solaris. Sometimes rebooting the machine helps. Other times we have to remove the .java file from the user's home directory. Very random and annoying. The box can be up for months before it happens, or mere hours...

Error -1001 in clGetPlatformIDs Call !

I am trying to start working with OpenCL. I have two NVidia graphics card, I installed "developer driver" as well as SDK from NVidia website. I compiled the demos but when I run
I see:
OpenCL SW Info:
Error -1001 in clGetPlatformIDs Call
How can I fix it? Does it mean my nvidia cards cannot be detected? I am running Ubuntu 10.10 and X server works properly with nvidia driver.
I am pretty sure the problem is not related to file permissions as it doesn't work with sudo either.
In my case I have solved it by installing nvidia-modprobe package available in ubuntu (utopic/multiverse). And the driver itself (v346) was installed from https://launchpad.net/~mamarley/+archive/ubuntu/nvidia
Concretely, I have installed nvidia-opencl-icd-346, nvidia-libopencl1-346, nvidia-346-uvm, nvidia-346 and libcuda1-346. Not sure if they are all needed for OpenCL.
This is a result of not installing the ICD portion of Nvidia's openCL runtime. The ICD profile will instruct your application of the different openCL implementations installed on the system as multiple implementations from different vendors can coexist. Whe your application does not find the ICD information it gives the Error -1001.
Run your program as root. In case of success: you have trouble with cl_khr_icd- extension to load the vendor driver.
If you not running X11, you have to create device files manually or by (boot-)script:
ERROR: clGetPlatformIDs -1001 when running OpenCL code (Linux)
Same problem for me on a Linux system. Solution is to add the user to the video group:
# sudo usermod -aG video your-user-name
Since I just spend a couple of hours on this, I thought I would share:
I got the error because I was connected to the machine per remote desktop (mstsc). On the machine itself everything worked fine.
I have been told that it should work with TeamViewer by the way.
Dont know if you ever solved this problem, but I had the same issue and solved it in this post: ERROR: clGetPlatformIDs -1001 when running OpenCL code (Linux)
Hope it helps!
I have solved it in Ubuntu 13.10 saucy for intel opencl by created link:
sudo ln -s /opt/intel/opencl-1.2- /etc/OpenCL/vendors/nvidia.icd
I just ran into this problem on ubuntu 14.04 and I could not find ANY working answers anywhere online including this thread (though this was the first to show up on google). What ended up working for me was to remove ALL previous nvidia software and then to reinstall it using the .run file provided on the nvidia website. Installing the components through apt-get seems to fail for some reason.
1) Download CUDA .run file: https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads
2) Purge all previous nvidia packages
sudo apt-get purge nvidia-*
3) Install all run file components (you will likely have to stop X or restart in recovery mode to run this)
sudo sh cuda_X.X.XX_linux.run
This is because OpenCL has the same brain damaged one library per vendor setup that OpenGL has. A likely reason for the -1001 error is that you have compiled with a different library than the linker is trying to dynamically load.
So see if this is the problem run:
$ ldd oclDeviceQuery
libOpenCL.so.1 => important path here (0x00007fe2c17fb000)
Does the path point towards the NVidia-provided libOpenCL.so.1 file? If it doesn't, you should recompile the program with an -L parameter pointing towards the directory containing NVidia's libOpenCL.so.1. If you can't do that, you can override the linker's path like this:
$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/nvidias/lib ./oclDeviceQuery
For me, I was missing the CUDA OpenCL library, Running sudo apt install cuda-opencl-dev-12-0 solved it.
You should get number of platforms, allocate the memory for platforms, again get this platforms and then create context from this platform. There is good example:
This might be due to querying clGetPlatformIDs by multiple threads at the same time

Need help with gdbtui - gnu debugger on linux

I ssh into a remote linux sever from my Mac, and run gdbtui to debug a program. The source code displays, but the cursor line in the source code window frequently is not highlighted. I can enter commands such as 'next' and 'list' in the command line window, but the source code window doesn't redraw correctly. It sometimes shows lines in the source file out of order (the line numbers are displayed out of order.)
I have my TERM environment variable set to xterm-16color which vim is very happy to use. I'm at a loss as to what I should try.
gdb in ordinary command-line mode works fine.
What gdb version are you using? Try the latest one. At least gdb 6.5 had similar problems with tui mode.
I have the exact same configuration as you: I ssh into an Ubuntu server (currently 11.10) from a Mac and I'm currently experimenting with gdbtui.
I recommend that you use iterm2 as your Apple Terminal replacement. Besides 256 colors and a ton of other features, it seems to play decently with gdbtui (line highlighting is fine).
