ContrOptim Function- Error in Argument - r

I'm trying to replicate the Excel Solver in R- which is basically a constraint optimization problem
I'm trying to minimize the cost per action which is total spend/ total actions which equals to the below function with a few constraints.
CPA function:
(a+b+c+d)/((consta+(Baln(a)))+ (constb+(Bbln(b)))+(constc+(Bcln(c)))+(constd+(Bdln(d)))
where the unknown variables are a,b,c,d and const* stands for constant from a regressions and B* stand for coefficient from a regression (so they are values that I have).
Here is the simplified filled in function that I'm trying to minimize:
(a+b+c+d)/ (((69.31*ln(a))+(14.885*ln(b))+(21.089*ln(c))+(9.934*ln(d))-(852.93))
a+b+c+d<=130000(total spend)
a<=119000 (maxa)
I'm doing this using the constraints optimization function. My code is below:
g<-function(a,b,c,d) { (a+b+c+d)/((consta+(Balog(a)))+ (constb+(Bblog(b)))+ (constc+(Bclog(c)))+ (constd+(Bdlog(d)))) }
gb<-function(a) g(a[1], a[2], a[3],a[4])
B<- c(mina, -maxa, minb, -maxb, minc, -maxc, mind, -maxd,-totalspend, 0)
When I run the optimization function, it states that something is wrong with my arguments (Error in ui %*% theta : non-conformable arguments). I think it is the gradient of the function that is coded wrong but I'm not sure. Any help is appreciated.

You can consider the following approach
fn_Opt <- function(param)
a <- param[1]
b <- param[2]
c <- param[3]
d <- param[4]
bool_Cond <- a + b + c + d <= 130000
if(bool_Cond == FALSE)
return(10 ^ 30)
val <- (a + b + c + d) / (((69.31 * log(a)) + (14.885 * log(b)) + (21.089 * log(c)) + (9.934 * log(d)) - (852.93)))
obj_DEoptim <- DEoptim(fn = fn_Opt, lower = c(272.56, 2.04, 408.16, 55.02),
upper = c(119000, 11000, 2900, 136800),
control = list(itermax = 10000))


Multi-parameter optimization in R

I'm trying to estimate parameters that will maximize the likelihood of a certain event. My objective function looks like that:
event_prob = function(p1, p2) {
x = ((1-p1-p2)^4)^67 *
((1-p1-p2)^3*p2)^5 *
((1-p1-p2)^3*p1)^2 *
((1-p1-p2)^2*p1*p2)^3 *
((1-p1-p2)^2*p1^2) *
((1-p1-p2)*p1^2*p2)^2 *
(p1^3*p2) *
In this case, I'm looking for p1 and p2 [0,1] that will maximize this function. I tried using optim() in the following manner:
aaa = optim(c(0,0),event_prob)
but I'm getting an error "Error in fn(par, ...) : argument "p2" is missing, with no default".
Am I using optim() wrong? Or is there a different function (package?) I should be using for multi-parameter optimization?
This problem can in fact be solved analytically.
The objective function simplifies to
F(p1,p2) = (1-p1-p2)^299 * p1^19 * p2^11
which is to be maximised over the region
C = { (p1,p2) | 0<=p1, 0<=p2, p1+p2<=1 }
Note that F is 0 if p1=0 or p2 =0 or p1+p2 = 1, while if none of those are true then F is positive. Thus the maximum of F occurs in the interior of C
Taking the log
f(p1,p2) = 299*log(1-p1-p2) + 19*log(p1) + 11*log(p2)
In fact it is as easy to solve the more general problem: maximise f over C where
f( p1,..pN) = b*log( 1-p1-..-pn) + Sum{ a[j]*log(p[j])}
where b and each a[j] is positive and
C = { (p1,..pN) | 0<pj, j=1..N and p1+p2+..pN<1 }
The critical point occurs where all the partial derivatives of f are zero, which is at
-b/(1-p1-..-pn) + a[j]/p[j] = 0 j=1..N
which can be written as
b*p[j] + a[j]*(p1+..p[N]) = a[j] j=1..N
M*p = a
where M = b*I + a*Ones', and Ones is a vector with each component 1
The inverse of M is
inv(M) = (1/b)*(I - a*Ones'/(b + Ones'*a))
Thus the unique critical point is
p^ = inv(M)*a
= a/(b + Sum{i|a[i]})
Since there is a maximum, and only one critical point, the critical point must be the maximum.
Based on Erwin Kalvelagen's comment: Redefine your function event_prob:
event_prob = function(p) {
p1 = p[1]
p2 = p[2]
x = ((1-p1-p2)^4)^67 *
((1-p1-p2)^3*p2)^5 *
((1-p1-p2)^3*p1)^2 *
((1-p1-p2)^2*p1*p2)^3 *
((1-p1-p2)^2*p1^2) *
((1-p1-p2)*p1^2*p2)^2 *
(p1^3*p2) *
You may want to set limits to ensure that p1 and p2 fulfill your constraints:

Renewal Function for Weibull Distribution

The renewal function for Weibull distribution m(t) with t = 10 is given as below.
I want to find the value of m(t). I wrote the following r code to compute m(t)
last_term = NULL
gamma_k = NULL
n = 50
for(k in 1:n){
gamma_k[k] = gamma(2*k + 1)/factorial(k)
for(j in 1: (n-1)){
prev = gamma_k[n-j]
last_term[j] = gamma(2*j + 1)/factorial(j)*prev
final_term = NULL
find_value = function(n){
for(i in 2:n){
final_term[i] = gamma_k[i] - sum(last_term[1:(i-1)])
all_k = find_value(n)
af_sum = NULL
m_t = function(t){
for(k in 1:n){
af_sum[k] = (-1)^(k-1) * all_k[k] * t^(2*k)/gamma(2*k + 1)
The output is m(t) = 2.670408e+93. Does my iteratvie procedure correct? Thanks.
I don't think it will work. First, lets move Γ(2k+1) from denominator of m(t) into Ak. Thus, Ak will behave roughly as 1/k!.
In the nominator of the m(t) terms there is t2k, so roughly speaking you're computing sum with terms
From Stirling formula
k! ~ kk, making terms
so yes, they will start to decrease and converge to something but after 100th term
Anyway, here is the code, you could try to improve it, but it breaks at k~70
N <- 20
A <- rep(0, N)
# compute A_k/gamma(2k+1) terms
ps <- 0.0 # previous sum
A[1] = 1.0
for(k in 2:N) {
ps <- ps + A[k-1]*gamma(2*(k-1) + 1)/factorial(k-1)
A[k] <- 1.0/factorial(k) - ps/gamma(2*k+1)
t <- 10.0
t2 <- t*t
r <- 0.0
for(k in 1:N){
r <- r + (-t2)^k*A[k]
Ok, I calculated Ak as in your question, got the same answer. I want to estimate terms Ak/Γ(2k+1) from m(t), I believe it will be pretty much dominated by 1/k! term. To do that I made another array k!*Ak/Γ(2k+1), and it should be close to one.
N <- 20
A <- rep(0.0, N)
psum <- function( pA, k ) {
ps <- 0.0
if (k >= 2) {
jmax <- k - 1
for(j in 1:jmax) {
ps <- ps + (gamma(2*j+1)/factorial(j))*pA[k-j]
# compute A_k/gamma(2k+1) terms
A[1] = gamma(3)
for(k in 2:N) {
A[k] <- gamma(2*k+1)/factorial(k) - psum(A, k)
B <- rep(0.0, N)
for(k in 1:N) {
B[k] <- (A[k]/gamma(2*k+1))*factorial(k)
shows that
I got the same Ak values as you did.
Bk is indeed very close to 1
It means that term Ak/Γ(2k+1) could be replaced by 1/k! to get quick estimate of what we might get (with replacement)
m(t) ~= - Sum(k=1, k=Infinity) (-1)k (t2)k / k! = 1 - Sum(k=0, k=Infinity) (-t2)k / k!
This is actually well-known sum and it is equal to exp() with negative argument (well, you have to add term for k=0)
m(t) ~= 1 - exp(-t2)
Approximate value is positive. Probably will stay positive after all, Ak/Γ(2k+1) is a bit different from 1/k!.
We're talking about 1 - exp(-100), which is 1-3.72*10-44! And we're trying to compute it precisely summing and subtracting values on the order of 10100 or even higher. Even with MPFR I don't think this is possible.
Another approach is needed
OK, so I ended up going down a pretty different road on this. I have implemented a simple discretization of the integral equation which defines the renewal function:
m(t) = F(t) + integrate (m(t - s)*f(s), s, 0, t)
The integral is approximated with the rectangle rule. Approximating the integral for different values of t gives a system of linear equations. I wrote a function to generate the equations and extract a matrix of coefficients from it. After looking at some examples, I guessed a rule to define the coefficients directly and used that to generate solutions for some examples. In particular I tried shape = 2, t = 10, as in OP's example, with step = 0.1 (so 101 equations).
I found that the result agrees pretty well with an approximate result which I found in a paper (Baxter et al., cited in the code). Since the renewal function is the expected number of events, for large t it is approximately equal to t/mu where mu is the mean time between events; this is a handy way to know if we're anywhere in the neighborhood.
I was working with Maxima (, which is not efficient for numerical stuff, but which makes it very easy to experiment with different aspects. At this point it would be straightforward to port the final, numerical stuff to another language such as Python.
Thanks to OP for suggesting the problem, and S. Pappadeux for insightful discussions. Here is the plot I got comparing the discretized approximation (red) with the approximation for large t (blue). Trying some examples with different step sizes, I saw that the values tend to increase a little as step size gets smaller, so I think the red line is probably a little low, and the blue line might be more nearly correct.
Here is my Maxima code:
/* discretize weibull renewal function and formulate system of linear equations
* copyright 2020 by Robert Dodier
* I release this work under terms of the GNU General Public License
* This is a program for Maxima, a computer algebra system.
"Definition of the renewal function m(t):" $
renewal_eq: m(t) = F(t) + 'integrate (m(t - s)*f(s), s, 0, t);
"Approximate integral equation with rectangle rule:" $
discretize_renewal (delta_t, k) :=
if equal(k, 0)
then m(0) = F(0)
else m(k*delta_t) = F(k*delta_t)
+ m(k*delta_t)*f(0)*(delta_t / 2)
+ sum (m((k - j)*delta_t)*f(j*delta_t)*delta_t, j, 1, k - 1)
+ m(0)*f(k*delta_t)*(delta_t / 2);
make_eqs (n, delta_t) :=
makelist (discretize_renewal (delta_t, k), k, 0, n);
make_vars (n, delta_t) :=
makelist (m(k*delta_t), k, 0, n);
"Discretized integral equation and variables for n = 4, delta_t = 1/2:" $
make_eqs (4, 1/2);
make_vars (4, 1/2);
make_eqs_vars (n, delta_t) :=
[make_eqs (n, delta_t), make_vars (n, delta_t)];
load (distrib);
subst_pdf_cdf (shape, scale, e) :=
subst ([f = lambda ([x], pdf_weibull (x, shape, scale)), F = lambda ([x], cdf_weibull (x, shape, scale))], e);
matrix_from (eqs, vars) :=
(augcoefmatrix (eqs, vars),
[submatrix (%%, length(%%) + 1), - col (%%, length(%%) + 1)]);
"Subsitute Weibull pdf and cdf for shape = 2 into discretized equation:" $
apply (matrix_from, make_eqs_vars (4, 1/2));
subst_pdf_cdf (2, 1, %);
"Just the right-hand side matrix:" $
rhs_matrix_from (eqs, vars) :=
(map (rhs, eqs),
augcoefmatrix (%%, vars),
[submatrix (%%, length(%%) + 1), col (%%, length(%%) + 1)]);
"Generate the right-hand side matrix, instead of extracting it from equations:" $
generate_rhs_matrix (n, delta_t) :=
[delta_t * genmatrix (lambda ([i, j], if i = 1 and j = 1 then 0
elseif j > i then 0
elseif j = i then f(0)/2
elseif j = 1 then f(delta_t*(i - 1))/2
else f(delta_t*(i - j))), n + 1, n + 1),
transpose (makelist (F(k*delta_t), k, 0, n))];
"Generate numerical right-hand side matrix, skipping over formulas:" $
generate_rhs_matrix_numerical (shape, scale, n, delta_t) :=
block ([f, F, numer: true], local (f, F),
f: lambda ([x], pdf_weibull (x, shape, scale)),
F: lambda ([x], cdf_weibull (x, shape, scale)),
[genmatrix (lambda ([i, j], delta_t * if i = 1 and j = 1 then 0
elseif j > i then 0
elseif j = i then f(0)/2
elseif j = 1 then f(delta_t*(i - 1))/2
else f(delta_t*(i - j))), n + 1, n + 1),
transpose (makelist (F(k*delta_t), k, 0, n))]);
"Solve approximate integral equation (shape = 3, t = 1) via LU decomposition:" $
fpprintprec: 4 $
n: 20 $
t: 1;
[AA, bb]: generate_rhs_matrix_numerical (3, 1, n, t/n);
xx_by_lu: linsolve_by_lu (ident(n + 1) - AA, bb, floatfield);
"Iterative solution of approximate integral equation (shape = 3, t = 1):" $
xx: bb;
for i thru 10 do xx: AA . xx + bb;
xx - (AA.xx + bb);
xx_iterative: xx;
"Should find iterative and LU give same result:" $
xx_diff: xx_iterative - xx_by_lu[1];
sqrt (transpose(xx_diff) . xx_diff);
"Try shape = 2, t = 10:" $
n: 100 $
t: 10 $
[AA, bb]: generate_rhs_matrix_numerical (2, 1, n, t/n);
xx_by_lu: linsolve_by_lu (ident(n + 1) - AA, bb, floatfield);
"Baxter, et al., Eq. 3 (for large values of t) compared to discretization:" $
/* L.A. Baxter, E.M. Scheuer, D.J. McConalogue, W.R. Blischke.
* "On the Tabulation of the Renewal Function,"
* Econometrics, vol. 24, no. 2 (May 1982).
* H(t) is their notation for the renewal function.
H(t) := t/mu + sigma^2/(2*mu^2) - 1/2;
tx_points: makelist ([float (k/n*t), xx_by_lu[1][k, 1]], k, 1, n);
plot2d ([H(u), [discrete, tx_points]], [u, 0, t]), mu = mean_weibull(2, 1), sigma = std_weibull(2, 1);

Is it possible to use rk4 and rootfun in ode (package deSolve)

I'm trying to modeling a prey-prey-predator system using differential equations based on the LV model. For the sake of the precision, i need to use the runge-kutta4 method.
But given the equations, some of the populations become quickly negative.
So I tried to use the events/root system of ODE but it seems that rk4 and rootfun are not compatibles...
eventFunc <- function(t, y, p){
if (y["N1"] < 0) { y["N1"] = 0 }
if (y["N2"] < 0) { y["N2"] = 0 }
if (y["P"] < 0) { y["P"] = 0 }
rootFunction <- function(t, y, p){
if (y["P"] < 0) {y["P"] = 0}
if (y["N1"] < 0) {y["N1"] = 0}
if (y["N2"] < 0) {y["N2"] = 0}
out <- ode(func=Model_T2.2,
events = list(func = eventFunc,
root = TRUE),
rootfun = rootFunction
This code give me the followin error :
Error in checkevents(events, times, Ynames, dllname) :
either 'events$time' should be given and contain the times of the events, if 'events$func' is specified and no root function or your solver does not support root functions
Is there any solution to use rk4 and forbid the functions to go under 0?
Thanks in advance.
For those who might ask, here is what works :
if(!require(ggplot2)) {
install.packages("ggplot2"); require(ggplot2)}
if(!require(deSolve)) {
install.packages("deSolve"); require(deSolve)}
Model_T2.2 <- function(t, state, par){
with(as.list(c(state, par)), {
response1 <- (a1 * N1)/(1+(a1*h1*N1)+(a2*h2*N2))
response2 <- (a2 * N2)/(1+(a1*h1*N1)+(a2*h2*N2))
dN1 = r1*N1 * (1 - ((N1 + A12 * N2)/K1)) - response1 * P
dN2 = r2*N2 * (1 - ((N1 + A21 * N2)/K2)) - response2 * P
dP = ((E1 * response1) + (E2 * response2)) * P - Mp
return(list(c(dN1, dN2, dP)))
r1=1.42, r2=0.9,
A12=0.6, A21=0.5,
K1=50, K2=50,
a1=0.77, a2=0.77,
b1 = 1, b2=1,
h1=1.04, h2=1.04,
o1=0, o2=0,
E1=0.36, E2=0.36
## inital states
times <- seq(0, 30, by=0.5)
out <- ode(func=Model_T2.2,
events = list(func = eventFunc,
root = TRUE),
rootfun = rootFunction
md <- melt(, id.vars=1, measure.vars = c("N1", "N2", "P"))
pl <- ggplot(md, aes(x=time, y=value, colour=variable))
pl <- pl + geom_line() + geom_point() + scale_color_discrete(name="Population")
And the result in a graph :
Evolution of prey1, prey2 and predator populations
As you can see, the population of predators become negative which is clearly impossible in the real world.
Edit : missing variables, sorry about that.
This is a problem you will have with all explicit solvers like rk4. Reducing the time step will help, up to a point. Better use a solver with an implicit method, lsoda seems universally available in one form or another.
Another way to explicitly force positive values is to parametrize them as exponentials. Set N1=exp(U1), N2=exp(U2) then the ODE function code translates to (as dN = exp(U)*dU = N*dU)
N1 <- exp(U1)
N2 <- exp(U2)
response1 <- (a1)/(1+(a1*h1*N1)+(a2*h2*N2))
response2 <- (a2)/(1+(a1*h1*N1)+(a2*h2*N2))
dU1 = r1 * (1 - ((N1 + A12 * N2)/K1)) - response1 * P
dU2 = r2 * (1 - ((N1 + A21 * N2)/K2)) - response2 * P
dP = ((E1 * response1*N1) + (E2 * response2*N2)) * P - Mp
For the output you have then of course to reconstruct N1, N2 from the solutions U1, U2.
Thanks to J_F, I am now able to run my L-V model.
The radau (not randau as you mentionned) function indeed accept root function and events ans implicitly implements the runge-kutta method.
Thanks again, hope this will help someone in the future.

Comparing SAS and R results after resolving a system of differential equations

I my main objectif is to obtain the same results on SAS and on R. Somethimes and depending on the case, it is very easy. Otherwise it is difficult, specially when we want to compute something more complicated than the usual.
So, in ored to understand my case, I have the following differential equation system :
y' = z
z' = b* y'+c*y
Let :
b = - 2 , c = - 4, y(0) = 0 and z(0) = 1
In order to resolve this system, in SAS we use the command PROC MODEL :
data t;
do time=0 to 40;
proc model data=t ;
dependent y 0 z 1;
parm b -2 c -4;
dert.y = z;
dert.z = b * dert.y + c * y;
solve y z / dynamic solveprint out=out1;
In R, we could write the following solution using the lsoda function of the deSolve package:
b <- -2;
c <- -4;
rigidode <- function(t, y, parms) {
with(as.list(y), {
dert.y <- z
dert.z <- b * dert.y + c * y
list(c(dert.y, dert.z))
yini <- c(y = 0, z = 1)
times <- seq(from=0,to=40,by=1)
out_ode <- ode (times = times, y = yini, func = rigidode, parms = NULL)
out_lsoda <- lsoda (times = times, y = yini, func = rigidode, parms = NULL)
Here are the results :
For time t=0,..,10 , we obtain similar results. But for t=10,...,40, we start to have differences. For me, these differences are important.
In order to correct these differences, I fixed on R the error truncation term on 1E-9 in stead of 1E-6. I also verified if the numerical integration methods and the hypothesis used by default are the same.
Do you have any idea how to deal with this problem?
Sincerely yours,

Mixture modeling - troublee with infinite values from exp() and log()

I'm writing a function for Gaussian mixture models with spherical covariance structures--ie $\Sigma_k = \sigma_k^2 I$. This particular function is similar to the mclust package with identifier VII.
Anyways, the problem I'm having is running into infinite values for the weight matrix. Definition: Let W be an n x m matrix where n = 1, ..., n (number of obs) and m = 1, ..., m (number of mixtues). Each element of W (ie w_ij) can essentially be defined as a specific form of:
w_im = \frac{a / b * exp(c)}{\sum_i=1^m [a_i / b_i * exp(c_i)]}
Computing this numerically is giving me infinite values. So I'm trying to use the log-identity log(x+y) = log(x) + log(1 + y/x). But the issue is that it's not as simple as log(x+y) but rather log(\sum_i=1^m [a_i / b_i * exp(c_i)]).
Here's some code define:
n_im = a / b * exp(c) ;
d_.m = \sum_i=1^m [a_i / b_i * exp(c_i)] ; and
c_mat[i,j] as the value of the exponent for the [i,j]th term.
n_mat[, i] <- log(a[i]) - log(b[i]) - c[,i] # numerator of w_im
internal_vec1[i] <- (a[i] * b[1])/ (a[1] * b[i]) # an internal for the step below
c_mat2 <- cbind(rep(1, n), c_mat[,1] - c_mat[,-1]) # since e^a / e^b = e^(a-b)
for (i in 1:n) {
d_vec[i] <- n_mat[i,1] + log(sum(internal_vec1 * exp(c_mat2[i,)))
} ## still getting infinite values
I'm trying to define the problem as briefly as possible. the entire function is obviously much larger than this. But, since the problem I'm running into is specifically dealing with infinite (and 1/infinity) values, I'm hoping this snippet is sufficient. Anyone with a coding trick here?
Here is the solution!! (I've spent way too damn long on this)
**The first function log_plus() solves the simple problem where you want log(\sum_{i=1)^n x_i)
**The second function log_plus2() solves the more complicated problem described above where you want log(\sum_{i=1}^n [a_i / b_i * exp(c_i)])
log_plus <- function(xvec) {
m <- length(xvec)
x <- log(xvec[1])
for (j in 2:m) {
sum_j <- sum(xvec[1:j-1])
x <- x + log(1 + xvec[j]/sum_j)
log_plus2 <- function(a, b, c) {
# assumes intended input of form sum(a/b * e^c)
if ((length(a) != length(b)) || (length(a) != length(c))) {
stop("Input equal length vectors")
if (!(all(c > 0) || all(c < 0))) {
stop("All values of c must be either > 0 or < 0.")
m <- length(a)
# initilialize log sum
x <- log(a[1]) - log(b[1]) + c[1]
# aggregate / loop log sum
for (j in 2:m) {
# build denominator
b2 <- b[1:j-1]
for (i in 1:j-1) {
d1 <- 0
c2 <- c[1:i]
if (all(c2 > 0)) {
c_min <- min(c2[1:j-1])
c2 <- c2 - c_min
} else if (all(c2 < 0)) {
c_min <- max(c2[1:j-1])
c2 <- c2 - c_min
d1 <- d1 + a[i] * prod(b2[-i]) * exp(c2[i])
den <- b[j] * (d1)
num <- a[j] * prod(b[1:j-1]) * exp(c[j] - c_min)
x <- x + log(1 + num / den)
