Google Analytics and Marketo RTP Link - google-analytics

I am trying to link Marketo with Google's Universal Analytics. In the link here ( and they do a great job at telling you the easy things. The tricky part is implementing the code.
As an example, UA will give you like this:
var dimensionValue = 'SOME_DIMENSION_VALUE';
ga('set', 'dimension1', dimensionValue);
You can push this with pageview as it is set on session but I have not been able to find what they want you to use as 'dimensionValue.' Has anyone successfully integrated the two systems in there UA?
Any help will give you instant karma points.

In most cases you don't need to code anything. You just need to assign the relevant dimension to the relevant slot. This is done in the UI under account-settings.
If you want to dynamically assign value via GA code then you'll need to use the RTP API so that you can assign the relevant value you want:
Another option is using segment(push to analytics) or to create an audience under RTP UI.
Hope that helps.


Google Analytics Tracking Code: Confirming Parallel-Run of Old ga.js & New gtag.js

All the while, I've been using the old classic ga.js (e.g. _gaq.push()) to generate monthly traffic report for my clients. Now, I decided to migrate over to the latest gtag.js in order to replace my custom variables with the new custom dimensions (or probably custom metrics as well). But one problem here:
How do I handle the Month Transition for the accuracy of report data?
When I think of parallel run of old and new tracking codes (at least 1 week before the coming month), I found this on Google Analytics Help:
You can, for example, install multiple instances of the Universal
Analytics tag (analytics.js) on your web pages but only one instance
of the Classic Analytics code (ga.js). Multiple instances of ga.js
might result in inaccurate data collection, processing, or reporting.
You can, however, install one or more instances of analytics.js on web
pages that also have a single instance of ga.js.
Therefore, I would like confirm this with some experts here: Is it SAFE to go ahead with one instance of ga.js and one instance of gtag.js on the same page? Note that if I don't implement old and new GA codes at the same time, let's say 1 week before the coming month, my custom variables will lose 1 week data; meanwhile, if I use the new report, my custom dimensions will lose 3 weeks data. Also, I just can't simply implement the new code on May 1, 2019 00:00 AM -- What if my new implementation doesn't work? I need several days to monitor it as well.
So this is important to me. I wonder if anyone of you here has experienced this and can assure me that this is safe to go ahead. Thank you so much!
IMPORTANT UPDATE, May 3, 2019: After using the below method for parallel-run for 1 week, the old tracking code doesn't seem to continue collecting traffic data even though I never change its configurations whatsoever. Apply it at your own risk.
Ok guys, after my full day experiment, it's confirmed that the classical ga.js (_gaq.push()) and gtag.js can be concurrently run on the same page and same site for the sake of resolving the migration issue as mentioned in my question above. The trick here is: Create a new property with new tracking ID for your new tracking code (gtag.js) with similar view settings and custom reports. Below are the steps:
For the new gtag.js:
Create a new GA property for the same website with new tracking code/ID.
Verify and complete your View Settings for the new property if necessary.
Define your Custom Dimensions accordingly.
Create your custom reports if necessary.
Get your new tracking code under your new Property -> Tracking Info -> Tracking Code.
Paste your new tracking code just right before your old tracking code (preferably in a different <script> tag).
Add your custom dimension code accordingly.
For the old ga.js:
Do nothing and keep it as it is.
After the cut-off date is over, just remove or comment out the old <script> tag of your old GA tracking code.
Open both your old and new GA reports with their respective property view and monitor the traffic result. If still no data on the new report, comment out the <script> tag of your new tracking code and troubleshoot again (or else it may affect even your old tracking code as well), make sure your custom dimension code has no errors, otherwise it should work with different tracking code managing different property ID (no conflict). If you need the same solution, hope this helps!

How to set up Google Analytics for a website that is based on RFQ's?

Looking for a way to set up Google Analytics that help track an organize RFQ's my client receives through their website. I know it can't all be explained in one post (or who would want to), but I am curious if there is a way to track a customers RFQ's in GA. If anyone has any information on this it would be much appreciated.
You can start by using GTM to track the forms they use to submit these RFQs.
You can also go a step further and generate an ID for the RFQ, pass this ID to GA as a custom dimension and also track it in your CRM so later on you can analyze the closing rate from RFQ to buying. If you can provide more details on the mechanisms/processes in your RFQ, we can go into more specifics.

Is Data Layer implementation necessary to push Custom Metrics and Custom Dimension data from Google Tag Manager to Google Analytics

As my heading suggest, I would like to know if it is necessary to implement a Data Layer to push Custom Metrics and Custom Dimension data from Google Tag Manager to Google Analytics.
Some guides I have seen seem to suggest you do not need to implement a Data Layer:
However, there are others that suggest you need to:
When I say implement a Data Layer, what I mean is insert code like this into your website:
// Set value for custom dimension #3.
ga('set', 'dimension3', 'variant a');
// Set value for custom metric #1.
ga('set', 'metric1', 1);
// Send pageview. Passes the dimension and metric to GA.
ga('send', 'pageview');
I have tried implementing the first method but failed. So was wondering what is the right way to go about it.
Thank you.
(Edited because of stupid). Your code example does not show a datalayer, it shows a part of Google Analytics tracking code that wouldn't event work with a standard GTM setup (because GTM uses unique tracker names).
A datalayer is an an array of JSON objects that you can use as a container for your data. However GTM is happy to accept data from almost anywhere, including values that are directly written into your tracking tags. So no, you do not need a datalayer (other than in the sense that GTM will automatically create the datalayer that it needs to function).
Remember the data takes some time (up to 24 hours) to show up, and custom dimensions/metrics are not part of the standard reports. You have to create custom reports, or select your custom dimensions as secondary dimension in a standard report.

Google analytics - How to send values for custom dimension/metrics

I'm starting with google analytics and i don't realize how make it works.
We are making a site and we want to add the user name as custom variable in google analytics in order to analyze the behavior of each user with the site.
For this, i start to use google analytics (analytics.js) a couple weeks ago and i created a custom dimension (to know who user access) and a custom metric (to know how many visits made) as it's indicated in documentation.
The dimension and metric were created with session scope because those values must be sent once per session.
After that, i add the code needed as is explained here:
ga('create', 'UA-#######-1', '');
ga('set', {
'dimension1': 'userName',
'metric1': 1
ga('send', 'pageview');
I've tried this code and others configurations but google analytics doesn't take the values.
Look this image (
What i'm doing bad? it can be because i'm sending the request with 'pageview' and the dimension is scoped with session?
Finally worked!!
Apparently you must wait a time (like 2 days for me) before Google starts to record the information. Documentation not specified this detail.
I hope this answer helps other people with the same question!!

Google AdWords custom conversion tracking

We are using AdWords to promote our business and have a customer enquiry form which is tied in to AdWords conversion tracking. Whenever an enquiry is submitted via the form it counts as 1 conversion.
What we would like to do is somehow tie the conversion to the name submitted with the form so that we can later review if this person actually made a purchase and thus determine our ROI.
Is this possible with AdWords and if so where would I have to look to learn how something like that is implemented. I'm willing to hire a developer for this but also assume this is a simple job.
I would greatly appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction.
I solved it by using goal conversion in Google Analytics... more specifically a header match that contains the customer enquiry info i.e. last name.
This is the code used on the form to make it work:
onSubmit="javascript: surname = document.getElementById('surname'); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview', 'email/' + surname.value]);"
Kara, AdWords recently launched offline conversion import. Read more here...
If you store the click ID (GCLID) along with your lead information, you can then register new conversions when that lead goes of to do something else like become qualified or converts into a customer. And best of all, it's available via their API.
