DFS in a non oriented graph confusion - graph

So I have been trying to figure out the order for a Depth First Search in this graph
And I can't seem to understand what comes first, if A-D or A-B and then how would I proceed considering B is also a direct descendant from D? Also does cost matters in DFS?


Representation of graphs in a hash table

I'm currently writing my master thesis about clusterings in graphs. My prof said he wants the graph to be represented as a hash table. Because it needs less space than the adjency matrix and it is faster in checking if a edge exists between two vertices than adjency lists.
Anyway, I have a lot of problems understanding how a graph can be built with (perfect) hash functions. I know there should be two tables inside each other. The first includes every node and the second contains all the adjacent vertices. But how do I find a hash function that makes this correctly?
After I built the graph I have to assign a weight to each edge. Is it better to build a new graph or keep the old one? How can I assign the weights correctly to each edge and how do I save it?
And the last question: How fast can I do a degree query for one vertex? O(1)?
Sorry for all these questions but I read so many papers and I'm still confused.
Thank you in advance for any help!!!
You have to ask your professor, but I would assume it is something simple.
E.g. let us say you have a triangle A,B,C then in the hash you just represent it as
A {B,C}
B {A,C}
C {A,B}
So the entry to the link A,B could be both from A and B.

decision tree for significant variables

how can I use decision tree graph to determine the significant variables,I know which one has largest information gain should be in the root of tree which means has small entropy so this is my graph if I want to know which variables are significant how can I interpret
What does significant mean to you? At each node, the variable selected it the most significant given the context and assuming that selecting by information gain will actually work (it's not always the case). For example, at node 11, BB is the most significant discriminator given AA>20.
Clearly, AA and BB are the most useful assuming selecting by information gain gives the best way to partition the data. The rest give further refinement. C and N would be next.
What you should be asking is: Should I keep all the nodes?
The answer depends on many things and there is likely no best answer.
One way would be by using the total case count of each leaf and merge them.
Not sure how I would do this given your image. It's not really clear what is being shown at the leaves and what 'n' is. Also not sure what 'p' is.

Edge bipartization with equal number of nodes

I'm trying to solve the standard bipartization problem, i.e., find a subset of the edges such that the output graph is a bipartite graph.
My additional constraints are:
The number of vertices on each side must be equal.
Each vertex has exactly 1 edge.
In fact, it would suffice to know whether such a subset exists at all - I don't really need the construction itself.
Optimally, the algorithm should be fast as I need to run it for O(400) nodes repeatedly.
If each vertex is to be incident on exactly one edge, it seems what you want is a matching. If so, Edmonds's blossom algorithm will do the job. I haven't used an implementation of the algorithm to recommend. You might check out http://www.algorithmic-solutions.com/leda/ledak/index.htm

Union-Find algorithm and determining whether an edge belongs to a cycle in a graph

I'm reading a book about algorithms ("Data Structures and Algorithms in C++") and have come across the following exercise:
Ex. 20. Modify cycleDetectionDFS() so that it could determine whether a particular edge is part of a cycle in an undirected graph.
In the chapter about graphs, the book reads:
Let us recall from a preceding section that depth-first search
guaranteed generating a spanning tree in which no elements of edges
used by depthFirstSearch() led to a cycle with other element of edges.
This was due to the fact that if vertices v and u belonged to edges,
then the edge(vu) was disregarded by depthFirstSearch(). A problem
arises when depthFirstSearch() is modified so that it can detect
whether a specific edge(vu) is part of a cycle (see Exercise 20).
Should such a modified depth-first search be applied to each edge
separately, then the total run would be O(E(E+V)), which could turn
into O(V^4) for dense graphs. Hence, a better method needs to be
The task is to determine if two vertices are in the same set. Two
operations are needed to implement this task: finding the set to which
a vertex v belongs and uniting two sets into one if vertex v belongs
to one of them and w to another. This is known as the union-find
Later on, author describes how to merge two sets into one in case an edge passed to the function union(edge e) connects vertices in distinct sets.
However, still I don't know how to quickly check whether an edge is part of a cycle. Could someone give me a rough explanation of such algorithm which is related to the aforementioned union-find problem?
a rough explanation could be checking if a link is a backlink, whenever you have a backlink you have a loop, and whenever you have a loop you have a backlink (that is true for directed and undirected graphs).
A backlink is an edge that points from a descendant to a parent, you should know that when traversing a graph with a DFS algorithm you build a forest, and a parent is a node that is marked finished later in the traversal.
I gave you some pointers to where to look, let me know if that helps you clarify your problems.

Reachable vertices from each other

Given a directed graph, I need to find all vertices v, such that, if u is reachable from v, then v is also reachable from u. I know that, the vertex can be find using BFS or DFS, but it seems to be inefficient. I was wondering whether there is a better solution for this problem. Any help would be appreciated.
Fundamentally, you're not going to do any better than some kind of search (as you alluded to). I wouldn't worry too much about efficiency: these algorithms are generally linear in the number of nodes + edges.
The problem is a bit underspecified, so I'll make some assumptions about your data structure:
You know vertex u (because you didn't ask to find it)
You can iterate both the inbound and outbound edges of a node (efficiently)
You can iterate all nodes in the graph
You can (efficiently) associate a couple bits of data along with each node
In this case, use a convenient search starting from vertex u (depth/breadth, doesn't matter) twice: once following the outbound edges (marking nodes as "reachable from u") and once following the inbound edges (marking nodes as "reaching u"). Finally, iterate through all nodes and compare the two bits according to your purpose.
Note: as worded, your result set includes all nodes that do not reach vertex u. If you intended the conjunction instead of the implication, then you can save a little time by incorporating the test in the second search, rather than scanning all nodes in the graph. This also relieves assumption 3.
