Testing Meteor packages with Velocity? - meteor

Velocity is an amazing testing framework for Meteor and I am currently using it to test my application code.
Now I added a local package to the app, but I don't know how (or if) I can test the package with Velocity, too. I would like to drop tinyTest in favor for a consistent testing framework - Velocity.
Is it possible to test packages with Velocity? How should the file structure look like?

Yes, it is possible to test packages with sanjo:jasmine. It works in nearly the same way as with TinyTest. You can find all information to get started in the sanjo:jasmine README. There is also an example package. To run the tests, use the commands from the README.
If you need additional information, let me know.


Add a logging entry to appsettings.json via a custom NuGet package

I have a NuGet package that I have created for my company. It works great. But it includes some code in the System.Net.Http.HttpClient.OAuthClient namespace that is very chatty in the logs at the Information level.
I would like to have my NuGet package automatically add the following line:
"System.Net.Http.HttpClient.OAuthClient": "Error"
At the end of the Logging->LogLevel section of the appsettings.json file of the project it is installed in (if its not already there).
Or failing that, is there a way to suppress these logs down to the Error LogLevel in code?
It's just my personal opinion, and it doesn't answer your question directly, but it did not fit into a comment, so posting it here.
I don't think it's up to your package to decide, what will be in the appsettings.json. There may be let's say production and test appsettings, and in test developers of some projects would actually want to see as many logs as possible.
If your package would modify it, you would take away the decision from developers who use your package. Or, imagine, the project that uses your package also used System.Net.Http.HttpClient.OAuthClient namespace, but for its own purposes. And developers again might want to see logs coming from that namespace.
I'd suggest just to put this info into your package's documentation, and than developers of each project shall decide for themselves, whether they want to suppress logs or not.
Update after comment:
Probably this will get you somewhere: http://www.roundcrisis.com/2014/08/03/Nuget-install-tricks/
The basic idea is that you can distribute init.ps1 script together with your nuget package that will run on installation of the package. And with powershell you could do pretty much anything, including replacing strings in text files.
Have a look also at this SO question: Execute an action after my nuget package is installed

How auto package installation of Grunt, Karma, package.json in one process

This is more of a question without code so, please forgive me.
Is there a way programatically create a Package.json, karma.conf.js and gruntfile.js without building them individually.
I want to automate the process without having to build each one individually.
Also, the same for creating a Spec.js file for describe testing
You could look into Yeoman generators to see if any of the pre-existing ones are in line with what you are aiming to create. It's a fairly straight forward node tool that scaffolds out an app skeleton for you.
If not, there's a fair bit of information available on how to write your own generator here:

sbt: Prevent erroneous command being issued?

I have an sbt project in which the build is normally invoked via package-tar. If a developer types package, it's very likely that they actually meant package-tar instead.
However, package-tar depends on package. How can I prevent or deter or warn when a developer seems to be making this mistake - since I can't actually disable the package task because it's necessary?
I considered integrating actual deployment into the build, but this is not compatible with our current deployment process.
Instead of making package-tar a separate task, how about just redefining package to do what you want? The new behavior can invoke the old behavior.
http://www.scala-sbt.org/0.13.0/docs/Detailed-Topics/Artifacts.html has examples of customizing what package does. The material on addArtifact looks relevant.

Using Gradle with R project

I am beginning work on a project that makes heavy use of R. I've used R in the past, but only in a casual mode, whereas I'm now interested in following a more rigid practice of test/source control/continuous integration. I'm hoping to use Gradle with this project if possible, but I can't find any evidence that it is possible to use Gradle with R. Is it possible to create an R project with Gradle, and if so, where can I find steps to help me get started?
There appears to be a third-party plugin (https://github.com/jamiefolson/gradle-plugin-r). Alternatively, if R provides some command-line tools or Ant tasks, you can call into them from Gradle.
We have been working on gradle-R-plugin. (link to source is here https://github.com/arekbee/gradle-R-plugin). We have used it for CI/CD with TeamCity. gradle-R-plugin is base on devtools R package. I am happy to help you with this plugin.

Using Maven for R projects

I am beginning work on a project that makes heavy use of R. I've used R in the past, but only in a casual mode, whereas I'm now interested in following a more rigid practice of test/source control/continuous integration. I'm hoping to use Maven with this project if possible (having been pleased with how this manages packages with Java), but I can't find any evidence that it is possible to use Maven with R. Is it possible to create an R project with Maven, and if so, where can I find steps to help me get started?
I've found this question and this question, but they don't mention R.
Well you could make use of the Maven Exec Plugin with the resource, filter and jar plugins to fake an R project type.
You can do something like this to set up multiple R goals with the exec plugin so that compile, filter, test, et al have some kind of R call associated.
