Facebook like count accuracy issue. Showing zero even if it's not - wordpress

I have a wordpress website where I integrated the facebook like button on each article. It was showing correct like counts for a while now but suddenly it began showing zero number of likes.
Upon further testing, it is showing the correct number of likes only once I, the user, has clicked the Like button itself. (and refreshing afterwards)
What could be the cause of this issue? Is this an issue with Facebook's API? or has something to do with URL? Any help will be appreciated.

This issue will happen only if you are using URL Masking for your website, which loads the page inside an iFrame on a different domain. see: http://ycouriel.blogspot.com/2009/11/hide-url-in-address-bar-using-iframe.html
The solution is to use Addon Domain instead of URL Masking (iframe).


LinkedIn Not utilizing og:image

I've got a site that has multiple share buttons on entries in a WordPress site.
We designed this so there are no individual entries to view, they're Podcasts and videos. The listing page has a minimum of 10 entries, each with share buttons.
Currently the share links and titles are working correctly. But the page is not recognizing the og:image, and instead is picking up the default logo for the site itself.
I read another post on Stack Overflow that said it might be an issue for LinkedIn if the image is utilizing SSL for the link. But I just find that hard to believe.
The other issue I'm struggling with, the docs say once an image is scraped it stays cached for approximately 7 days.
I had an issue with FaceBook and there's a debugger that allows you to rescrape the page which let's me verify my changes worked.
My two questions are, is there something other than the og:image i should be specifying? since I can't specify it per post, it's in the head of the page itself, i would think it would pick that up. No?
Second, is there a way a developer can re-check after the meta info has been changed to see if the changes worked, without having to wait the TTL on the cache?
try this:
to get around the cache.
This should trick it into thinking its a new page each time.
Can i get a link to test?
Anthony Walz posted the correct answer. Through email he also helped another problem i had which corrected a new issue i didn't realize I had until i looked.
my LinkedIn shares were not picking up the show title, they were picking up the page description instead (i have several podcasts showing on one page, we don't use individual post pages, they all play from the listing.)
he pointed me to the developer docs on formatting sharing links
Which gives a real world example - here:
Thanks a ton for assist Anthony!

Google custom search engine not showing result from my website

I recently created Google Custom Search Engine for my website and attached it on my site. Its working fine when I select
Search only selected site
under the advance option of Basic tab under setup menu of Google CSE. The problem arises when I select
Search the entire web but emphasize included site
As I understand from the last option that, it should show result from entire web but give preference to the included website. However, I could not find any result from my website.
I tried by typing in search
and it's showing all results to the specific website but if I place
It shows no results.
Can anybody shed some light on this.
Refreshing the page several times fixed it for me, though it's not a perfect solution. I think this is a problem that Google has to fix.

facebook like box duplicates faces.. or not

I tried to read everything I could in order not to disturb, but the behavior of the facebook like box plugin is wired.
I must begin with the fact that everything in my facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/pages/tennisitgr/428483287200942) is shown correctly.
When i try to produce the code for the like box plugin from http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like-box/ :
if I am not logged in to facebook i can see only the stream, the
header, and the number of people who liked my page but there are NO
faces (the show faces option is checked..).
if I am logged in to facebook I can see faces but all the faces shown
are duplicate (except mine).
Maybe I have a setting wrong in my page (I checked the permissions..) because when I try to generate the plugin for another page it is shown correctly.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you in advance.

Correct way to link to new page in canvas page app php-sdk

I'm running in to a couple of issues and wondered if anyone had any insight. I'm using the latest php-sdk I'm developing a canvas app that has a number of different steps. These steps are spread across multiple pages. Now when I first enter the app everything seems to work fine. The access token is there and I can call the api functions. On the second page (which is linked to in the same iframe) I get OAuth errors. Now if I use this on the 2nd page:
$me = $facebook->getUser();
it returns the correct user id, but I still get errors when trying to use an api query (specifically a FQL one in this instance)
Now, bear in mind these links are within the iframe so I was assuming the signed_request is getting lost somewhere, I know facebook normally issues this via a POST. If I set all my links to target="_parent" with a url such as http://apps.facebook.com/myapp/page2.php then everything works fine. Facebook clearly posts the correct info this time. Subsequently, then when I use links that only redirect the iframe it seems to work fine again (implying a cookie is being set somewhere).
Now I've seen other apps that don't have a target="_parent" that seem to work correctly, only ever loading the iframe on subsequent clicks and not the full facebook site. So I can only assume they are storing this info somewhere. I've tried to inspect these apps using httpfox but I can't see anything obvious. Does anyone have any links for best practice with multiple page apps? I know I can get around this using full urls and target="_blank" but I would like to know what's going on here. I've looked through the developer docs and the canvas page examples, but there's nothing obvious to me.
Any help or info would be appreciated
Many Thanks
There is some ways to achieve this
using Facebook JavaScript SDK (which will set cookie for you, so PHP-SDK can rely on it)
issuing POST request to your pages including signed_request from initial page loaded in canvas

Like button incorrectly reports zero likes for some pages

On a fairly simple website, all of the user-facing pages have the Facebook like button on them, using the iframe embed method. Thing is, on some of the pages the like count is always reported as 0; on other pages, the like count is reported correctly. This is particularly odd, given that the working and non-working pages share the same page template, and therefore have the same code.
So far, I have:
Used the FB Lint tool to confirm that the non-working pages validate correctly with no errors
Confirmed that the og:url tag is pointing to the correct URL for the page
Confirmed that the Like button actually works (liked content shows up on FB)
Confirmed (via the query API) that FB actually is counting the likes, and that the likes are >0
Confirmed that the issue seems to be page-specific; in other words, the like button always fails on the same pages, and always works on the same pages
Anyone know what might be causing this?
