facebook like box duplicates faces.. or not - iframe

I tried to read everything I could in order not to disturb, but the behavior of the facebook like box plugin is wired.
I must begin with the fact that everything in my facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/pages/tennisitgr/428483287200942) is shown correctly.
When i try to produce the code for the like box plugin from http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like-box/ :
if I am not logged in to facebook i can see only the stream, the
header, and the number of people who liked my page but there are NO
faces (the show faces option is checked..).
if I am logged in to facebook I can see faces but all the faces shown
are duplicate (except mine).
Maybe I have a setting wrong in my page (I checked the permissions..) because when I try to generate the plugin for another page it is shown correctly.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you in advance.


Facebook does not display my post image and can't fix it via facebook debugger

Every times I post any web page from my website on facebook, I expect its main image to be displayed for better communication rank and this is ok in the preview page, when I'm pasting the post url immediatly as you can realize it from the attached image. but when it's saved, the images goes off as you can see from another attached image.
After searching a while on google in order to know what is wrong with my web page, I realize that the page can be debugged via this tool provided by facebook, but even when I followed all the recommended step, I still face the same issue. (anyone can try it and see the result).
When continuing my research I find that there would be some issues with og:image as facebook debugger shows in the following message:
Inferred Property
The 'og:image' property should be explicitly provided, even if a value can be inferred from other tags. but the truth is that I really don't know what to do exactly to fix this.
Any help will be appreciated.

Wordpress code causing 404 errors

I am receiving 404 errors (showing on Google search console)that somehow relate to Facebook.
eg http://www.beerandcroissants.com/staying-in-mykonos-myconian-k-hotel/room-at-myconian-k-hotel-mykonos/%22https:/www.facebook.com/pages/Beer-and-croissants/1423705111261254
What it seems to be doing is taking one link (eg part of the whole link above) which relates to a photo on my blog and then appending the facebook page url. So, if I take the first part of the link above
(before the facebook part starts) I get a perfectly good link through to my site. If I take the second part (where the facebook link starts) then it takes me to my FB page. Again fine.
Why are these two linking together like this as it is this that seems to be causing the 404. Is it something in my settings. It's only just started happening.
Going to facebook directly and clicking on my post links takes me to the correct part of my blog.
I am not sure how to fix this. There are no broken links attached in google for me to view either. They keep happening every day. I now have 295 crawl errors and growing.
Would appreciate any help that can be given to lead me in the right direction.
I've had this as a suggestion....but don't know where to look for this code....
I'd say it may be coming from the following code on :staying-in-mykonos-myconian-k-hotel/room-at-myconian-k-hotel-mykonos/
It's also likely this is carried through the entire site.
Note the " in the URL before https://www.facebook
I suggest you go through your code looking for similar issues.
Could someone please assist me if they are able.
Greatly appreciated.

Facebook like count accuracy issue. Showing zero even if it's not

I have a wordpress website where I integrated the facebook like button on each article. It was showing correct like counts for a while now but suddenly it began showing zero number of likes.
Upon further testing, it is showing the correct number of likes only once I, the user, has clicked the Like button itself. (and refreshing afterwards)
What could be the cause of this issue? Is this an issue with Facebook's API? or has something to do with URL? Any help will be appreciated.
This issue will happen only if you are using URL Masking for your website, which loads the page inside an iFrame on a different domain. see: http://ycouriel.blogspot.com/2009/11/hide-url-in-address-bar-using-iframe.html
The solution is to use Addon Domain instead of URL Masking (iframe).

FB Like Button not working properly, counts multiple posts at one

My problem is that I was using a "Like button" plugin on wordpress and I didn't liked the looks of it. I deactivated the plugin and then tried with manual code of XFBML button. That screwed the count to some of the posts, having their counts all in one. I reverted the changes, using the plugin again, deleted the code added and the problem persists. Some of the posts have the "shared" count box. And when you "Like!" any of that posts, only the last one appears on Facebook.
It's it possible that this is a caché issue or something that is wrong in the code?
I tried reverting the meta tag "og:type" from "blog" to "website" but it didn't allowed me, can this be the problem?
Why do some of the posts share that countbox if the links are not the same?
And the wierdest thing, why only some of the posts have the issue while some are shared correctly?
As for an example, say post 1, 5 and 7 share the same countbox (+200). When you "like!" any of them, only the last of them (the most recent) gets to the FB wall.
This doesn't happen with the new posts, only with part of the old ones.
If the case, you can see it working: http://elrincondelacritica.com/
Thanks in advance.
By the way, if you need any piece of code just ask, this is not my page and I really need to fix this asap, also because it's online and running.
Thank you.
The FB debug tool shows that you didn't supply the fb:app_id > which seems to be crucial to render the news feed.
See: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/og/object?q=http%3A%2F%2Felrincondelacritica.com%2F
You can create a Facebook App here: http://developers.facebook.com/apps
Once you've done that you can add the fb:app_id by adding this into your header:
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="000yourAPID000"/>
Thanks mate for the share. Next time I make a website I'll make sure to create an APP too.
And by the way, the error was because of the meta tag og:type changed from website to article. What I did was to leave it to article (not trying to change it "forcing" og:type - website) and placing each "bad" post in the FB Debugger. There were 30 or so... but it worked, and now the new posts work too, with zero count from the start and incrementing correctly, each in particular.

Social links in wordpress

Every time I try to set a social link for example to yigg i get messed up links in adress bar
It looks like this http%253A%252F%252Fbleibgesund.org%252Farchiv%252Fzitate%252F
And it schold be http://bleibgesund.org/archiv/zitate/1000-krankheiten-nur-eine-gesundheit/328
It does not matter what plugin for social bookmarking I use. They have all the same problem.
I searched for solution in internet but still not found a solution.
Anybody an idea what could the problem be?
The URL is getting encoded to be passed through a the API URL. That's normal. I tried the social links on the page you used there and they worked. Where isn't it working?
