Apply conditional class in a rails view inside map{} using haml - css

I am trying to apply a class conditionally to the names associated with a reminder. If there are three persons associated with a reminder - Jay, Jonah and Jamison... and Jonah is the one who acknowledged the reminder, then I want his name to have the class "acknowledge", though I want to display all three names.
-reminder.each do |r|
%td{|n|{:class=> ("acknowledge" if ==} }.join(',')
I tried to apply the class inside the map{} as shown above but get an error saying
syntax error, unexpected =>, expecting '}'
Any help is much appreciated.

- reminder.each do |r|
- r.persons.each do |person|
%span{class: "acknowledge" if ==}=


How do I access a calculated field in Rails?

In my first attempt to develop something in Ruby on Rails :) ... I have a list of names stored in fields "first_name" and "last_name". In my Person model, I have defined something like this:
def sort_name
sort_name = last_name + ',' + first_name
Now I want to show all persons shown in a list, sorted by sort_name, but (in my controller) something like
#persons = Person.order(:sort_name)
doesn't work (Unknown column 'sort_name' in 'order clause'). How do reference to the calculated field sort_name in my controller?
I am sure this is a "oh my god I am so stupid moment" but happy for any advise!
If the model Person has the fields name, first_lastname and second_lastname, you can do the next:
Person.order(:name, :first_lastname, :second_lastname)
By default is ordering in ascending way. Also you can put if you want ascending or descending way for each field:
Person.order(name: :asc, first_lastname: :desc, second_lastname: :asc)
Additional if you want add a column with the complete name, you can use select, using postgresql the code would be:
people = Person.order(
name: :asc, first_lastname: :desc, second_lastname: :asc
"*, concat(name,' ', first_lastname, ' ',second_lastname) as sort_name"
# the sort_name can be for example "Adán Saucedo Salas"

Show table by button click

TABLES: mara, marc.
"marc is N
"mara is 1
ls_mara TYPE mara.
ls_marc TYPE marc,
Sum type P length 8 DECIMALS 2.
PARAMETERS: p_mtart TYPE mara-mtart.
SELECT-OPTIONS: so_werks FOR marc-werks.
WHERE mtart = p_mtart.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
WHERE matnr = lt_mara-matnr
AND werks IN so_werks.
LOOP AT lt_marc INTO ls_marc.
READ TABLE lt_mara INTO ls_mara
WITH KEY matnr = ls_marc-matnr.
sum = ls_mara-brgew + ls_mara-ntgew .
WRITE:/ ls_mara-mtart, ls_marc-matnr , ls_marc-werks , ls_mara-brgew, ls_mara-ntgew,sum.
How Can make this happen:I want that on click of the button to show the table.Please the code to be as simple as possible and as easy to understand as possible.if you can't make it with a button make it with a radiobutton or smth else.
Thanks in advance!
If you want to keep it simple, you can use "sy-ucomm" which stores your last triggered action. With your button, it'd look like this:
CASE sy-ucomm.
*code for displaying your table via ALV or WRITE goes here*
The most common way to display internal tables like this is with an ALV, a simple example of how to build up an ALV can be found here:
If you'd like it to do the WRITE: to screen under one circumstance, and display the ALV Grid in another, you should use Select Options and parameters.
Your code needs the addition of EVENTS, please take a look here on what they are and how to use them:

Primefaces datatable, nested conditional row coloring

I'm using PF 3.4.1 and JSF.
I would like to have a conditional selection of the css rowclass depending on two conditions:
One style should be for objects that are disabled, and one for objects that are expired.
I was able to put this two conditions in the same time, but, obviously, this cause a redundancy of css classes. I would like to have an overwrite of the classes in order to have predominance of the css class of disabled objects on expired objects.
Should look like this structure:
if (expired){
if (disabled){
return css1;
return css2
However, that is the code:
<p:dataTable id="results" var="utente" value="#{searchController.userList}"
paginator="true" rows="10"
rowStyleClass="#{user.expDate le user.currentDate ? 'rowdatatable3' : 'rowdatatable2'} #{user.enabled eq 'FALSE' ? 'rowdatatable1' : 'rowdatatable2'}"
paginatorTemplate="{CurrentPageReport} {FirstPageLink} {PreviousPageLink} {PageLinks} {NextPageLink} {LastPageLink} {RowsPerPageDropdown}"
rowdatatableX are css styles.
With this code, results have always rowdatatable2 or rowdatable1 and never the 3rd option.
My idea was something like this:
rowStyleClass="#{user.expDate le user.currentDate ? #{user.enabled eq 'FALSE' ? 'rowdatatable1' : 'rowdatatable3'} : 'rowdatatable2'} "
..but it doesn't work.
Please help to find a solution. Thanks.
Try writing a method in your Bean (or transient method in user entity) that compares 2 dates expDate and currentDate
public boolean isExpired() {
return getExpDate.before(getCurrentDate);
If user.enabled is of type boolean skip the FALSE comparison. Since your table variable is utente you should use it! Your expression should look like that
"#{utente.expired ? (utente.enabled ? 'rowdatatable1' : 'rowdatatable3') : 'rowdatatable2'}"
IF expired AND enabled -> 'rowdatatable1'
IF expired AND disabled -> 'rowdatatable3'
IF NOT expired -> 'rowdatatable2'

Access 2007 - Referring to sub-report value from sub-sub-report

I have a report that has several sub-reports as well as a sub-report to one of the sub-reports.
The one that concerns me:
rptProgressReport ->rptEmployee (sub of rptProgressReport) -> rptSubEmployeeProject (sub of rptEmployee)
So far everything is generating as needed. Employees list in order, and the sub-report pulls out various project details. Except I need to add together time spent from one table.
tblProject (main table) -> tblProjectHistory (related table to tblProject via projectID->fldProjectID).
tblProjectHistory has the following fields.
[historyID],[fldProjectID], [History Information], [History Date], [Time Spent], [Employee].
I need to do a sum of all [Time Spent] for projects that equal what is being displayed and as long as the employee matches and the date is within the specified date range.
Specified date range is via the launching Form (frmReportGeneration) with fields txtStartDate and txtEnd Date.
Sub-report rptSubEmployeeProject has a text box (txtTimeSpent) that I have the following for a control source.
=Sum(DLookUp("[Time Spent]","tblProjectHistory","[Employee]='" & [Reports]![rptEmployee].[txtTempEmployee] & "' AND [History Date] > " & [Forms]![frmReportGeneration].[txtStartDate] & " AND " & [History Date]<" & [Forms]![frmReportGeneration].[txtEndDate] & "))
the rptEmployee field of txtTempEmployee correctly displays the current employee to match in that sub-report.
The problem is I get prompted for each value part of the above code - txtTempEmployee and txtStartDate/txtEndDate, even if I change the report value to be [Reports]![rptProgressReport]![rptEmployee].[txtTempEmployee]
Any idea how to correctly pull variables from the parent report or the first sub-report?
Thank you.
+++++ Update +++++
Okay update/close on this. I ended up needing to do something similar to what was suggested in the accepted answer. I could not get the idea posted to work - but i was able to set tempvars in vba and used those throughout the report/sub-report(s).
it is not recommended to refer to other objects via this construct "Forms!...." (or "Reports!...")
i made some bad experience with it. i suggest to put the values into a variable and make a
in a Module you define:
Publicg dtStart As Date
Public gdtEnd As Date
in the form you assign the start and end date in the button where you fire the report
gdtStart = Me!txtStartDate
gdtEnd = Me!txtEndDate
now the Get-Function:
Public Function Get_Date_Start () As Date
Get_Date_Start = gdtStart
End Function
Public Function Get_Date_End () As Date
Get_Date_End = gdtEnd
End Function
in the Query you can use it now like this:
... AND [History Date] > " & Get_Date_Start() & " AND " & [History Date] <" & Get_Date_End()
BTW: don't use spaces in any object-name: instead of [History Date] name it History_Date, you can avoid Brackets in Code :-)

How to use ? : if statements with Razor and inline code blocks

I'm updating my old .aspx views with the new Razore view engine. I have a bunch of places where I have code like this:
<span class="vote-up<%= puzzle.UserVote == VoteType.Up ? "-selected" : "" %>">Vote Up</span>
Ideally I'd like to do this:
<span class="vote-up#{puzzle.UserVote == VoteType.Up ? "-selected" : ""}">Vote Up</span>
However there's two problems here:
vote-up#{puzzle.UserVote .... is not treating the # symbol as a start of a code block
#puzzle.UserVote == VoteType.Up looks at the first part #puzzle.UserVote as if it's supposed to render the value of the variable.
Anyone know how to address these issues?
This should work:
<span class="vote-up#(puzzle.UserVote == VoteType.Up ? "-selected" : "")">Vote Up</span>
#( condition ? "true" : "false" )
The key is to encapsulate the expression in parentheses after the # delimiter. You can make any compound expression work this way.
In most cases the solution of CD.. will work perfectly fine. However I had a bit more twisted situation:
#(String.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.MaidenName) ? " " : Model.MaidenName)
This would print me " " in my page, respectively generate the source &nbsp;. Now there is a function Html.Raw(" ") which is supposed to let you write source code, except in this constellation it throws a compiler error:
Compiler Error Message: CS0173: Type of conditional expression cannot
be determined because there is no implicit conversion between
'System.Web.IHtmlString' and 'string'
So I ended up writing a statement like the following, which is less nice but works even in my case:
#if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.MaidenName)) { #Html.Raw(" ") } else { #Model.MaidenName }
Note: interesting thing is, once you are inside the curly brace, you have to restart a Razor block.
