Iron Router OnBefore Hook with Params URL Not Calling Function - meteor

I am looking to restrict access to a page using iron router, but the before function doesn't seem to be running.
# Limit which challenges can seen to members.
isMemberHook = () ->
challenge = Challenges.findOne _id: #params._id
if Meteor.userId() in challenge.members
#redirect '/'
Router.onBeforeAction isMemberHook,
only: ['/challenge/:_id']

Turns out that for routes with "/" you need to use ".".
So in this case I used:
only: ["challenge.:_id"]
Problem solved!

You have to be careful to account for when a user is logged in, not logged in, and when they are logging in.
The following is code for a requireLogin function that I place in a onBeforeAction hook.
If there's no Meteor user, check to see if they're logging in, and if so, render a loading template.
var requireLogin = function() {
if (! Meteor.user()) {
if (Meteor.loggingIn()) {
} else {
} else {;
Router.onBeforeAction(requireLogin, {only: ['AdminMain', 'postSubmit', 'appointmentsList', 'AppointmentShow']});
Ok, this is what's happening:
What's not perfectly clear from the documentation is what kind of arguments the array takes in the onBeforeAction
Router.onBeforeAction(requireLogin, {only: ['routeName', 'anotherRouteName']});
Here's a set of routes that work with the hook:
this.route('/order', {
template: 'order',
name: 'order',
layoutTemplate: 'layout'
this.route('/order/:_id', {
template: 'order',
name: 'orderEdit',
layoutTemplate: 'layout',
data: function(){
var id = this.params._id;
var beforeHook = function(){
console.log("beforeHook run!");
Router.onBeforeAction(beforeHook, {only: ['orderEdit']});


what is the difference of subscribing collection under waitOn , subscriptions and onBeforeAction

I would like to the difference if any in the following ways of subscribing data,
using waitOn
Meteor.subscribe('//some published function)
using onBeforeAction
Router.onBeforeAction : function(){
Meteor.subscribe('//some published function)
using subscriptions
subscriptions: function() {
If you want to publish data only for authorized users, it is possible that you check (if user is authenticated) for a route, in onBeforeAction. Something like:{
this.route('home', {
path : '/',
template : 'home'
this.route('register', {
path : '/register',
template : 'register'
this.route('login', {
path : '/login',
template : 'login'
this.route('requestlisting', {
path : '/requestlisting',
template : 'requestlisting',
waitOn : function(){
return Meteor.subscribe('RequestsPublication');
var requireLogin = function () {
} else {;
Router.onBeforeAction(requireLogin, {only: ['requestlisting',...]});
In this example, in onBeforeAction, routing occurs for 'requestlisting' only if a user logged in, after then it makes sense to subscribe to any data.

Iron-Router checking document existence before route runs

I have a basic chat room App where you can create a room from the main page which calls this method :
createNewRoom: function (){
//Room containers unique ID for the object
var room = Rooms.insert({
createdAt: new Date()
return room;
The rooms are routed like this :
Router.route('/rooms/:_id', {
name: 'room',
template: 'chatRoom'
I am trying to set it up though so that you can't just type any random ID and get a room, it has to already exist. So I created this iron-router hook:
var checkRoomExists = function() {
var room = Rooms.findOne({_id : this.params._id});
if(typeof(room) == "undefined"){
else {;
Router.onBeforeAction(checkRoomExists, {
only : ['room']
room in the checkRoomExists always returns undefined though, even if I test the exact same statement elsewhere with the same _id and the room exists. So if I send the link to someone else it will redirect even if the room exists. Is this the wrong type of hook or is there a better way to accomplish this?'
Edit some additional information:
This is the code that creates a room the first time around :{
'click #create-room' : function(event){
event.preventDefault();'createNewRoom', function(error, result){
if (error){
}else {
Session.set("room_id", result);
Router.go('room', {_id: result});
If I try to use the full link after, like http://localhost:3000/rooms/eAAHcfwFutRFWHM56 for example, it doesn't work.
I am trying to avoid users going to some random ID like
localhost:3000/rooms/asdasd if a room with that ID doesn't already
If you want to do this you can follow the next.
on the Layout configure add this.
layoutTemplate: 'layout',
loadingTemplate: 'loading',
notFoundTemplate: 'notFound' //add the notFoundTemplate.
and this simple onBeforeAction.
Router.onBeforeAction('dataNotFound', {only: 'room'});
Create some sample template like this.
<template name="notFound">
<span> Dam this route don't exist go back to home
Im not sure if this still working but you can define this on the very last of the routes.js js
this.route('notFound', {
path: '*' //this will work like the notFoundTemplate
If you don't have layout template use like this.
Router.route('/rooms/:_id', {
name: 'room',
notFoundTemplate: 'authorNotFound',
template: 'chatRoom'

iron-router except fails?

So i'm just getting started with iron-router, and I've been building a login system. It works via a .onBeforeAction hook before every route, checking if the user is logged in. However, there are a few routes I want public, so I've added an except option, as per the docs. Except the problem is it doesn't work :( can anybody see why?
Router.route('/new', function () {
name: 'new',
Router.route('/c/:_id', {
name: 'compPage',
data: function() { return Comps.findOne(this.params._id); }
Router.route('/c/:_id/embed', function () {
name: 'embed',
this.render('compEmbed', {
data: function () {
return Comps.findOne({_id: this.params._id});
function loginFunction(){
// all properties available in the route function
// are also available here such as this.params
if (!Meteor.user()) {
// if the user is not logged in, render the Login template
if (Meteor.loggingIn()) {
} else {
} else {
// otherwise don't hold up the rest of hooks or our route/action function;
Router.onBeforeAction( loginFunction, {
except: ['embed'] // this aint working
The problem seems to be in your route definition, the name param should be in the third param of Router.route(), like this (so your route actually didn't have a name, thus the except:[''] doesn't work):
Router.route('/c/:_id/embed', function () {
this.render('compEmbed', {
data: function () {
return Comps.findOne({_id: this.params._id});
}, {
name: 'embed',
More info about named routes here:

What changes in the execution of an iron router route when coming in on a deep link?

I have a small meteor app going with iron router. Here's my routes.js, which is available to both client and server:
layoutTemplate: 'defaultLayout',
loadingTemplate: 'loading'
// Map individual routes {
this.route('comicCreate', {
path: '/comic/create'
this.route('comicDetails', {
onBeforeAction: function () {
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
path: '/comic/:_id',
layoutTemplate: 'youtubeLayout',
data: function() { return Comics.findOne(this.params._id); }
this.route('frontPage', {
path: '/',
layoutTemplate: 'frontPageLayout'
this.route('notFound', {
path: '*',
where: 'server',
action: function() {
this.response.statusCode = 404;
this.response.end('Not Found!');
I need to feed some fields from my comic collection document into a package that wraps Youtube's IFrame API, and I'm doing this via the rendered function:
Template.comicDetails.rendered = function() {
var yt = new YTBackground();
if (
yt.startPlayer(document.getElementById('wrap'), {
muteButtonClass: 'volume-mute',
volumeDownButtonClass: 'volume-down',
volumeUpButtonClass: 'volume-up'
This works great when I start by going to localhost:3000/ and then clicking on a link set to "{{pathFor 'comicDetails' _id}}". However, if I go directly to localhost:3000/comic/somevalidid, it doesn't, despite the fact that both routes end up pointing me at the same url.
The reason appears to be that when I go directly to the deep link, "" is undefined during the execution of the rendered function. The template itself shows up fine (data correctly replaces the spacebars {{field}} tags in my template), but there's nothing in the "this" context for data when the rendered callback fires.
Is there something I'm doing wrong here?
try declaring the route in Meteor.startup ... not sure if that's the problem but worth a try

Do Meteor-Roles and Iron-Router play nicely together?

I have a Meteor app with an editor page that should only be accessible to editors. I am using Iron-Router and my looks like the following. However, this is not working in an odd way. If I provide a link to the editor page, then all is well, but if I try entering the /editor url, then it always redirects to home, even if the user role is correctly set.
(One thing I ruled out was if Meteor.userId() is not set before Roles.userIsInRole is called in before.)
Anyone know why this would be? {
this.route('editor', {
path: '/editor',
waitOn: function() {
//handle subscriptions
data: function() {
//handle data
before: function() {
if ( !Roles.userIsInRole(Meteor.userId(), 'editor') ) {
The Roles package sets up an automatic publication that sends the roles property on the Meteor.users collection. Unfortunately, you can't get a subscription handle for automatic publications, so you'll need to make your own.
Set up a new subscription that publishes the required data of a user, then configure Router to check that the data is ready before showing any page.
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.publish("user", function() {
return Meteor.users.find({
_id: this.userId
}, {
fields: {
roles: true
if (Meteor.isClient) {
var userData = Meteor.subscribe("user");
Router.before(function() {
if (Meteor.userId() == null) {
if (!userData.ready()) {
}; // Needed for iron:router v1+
}, {
// be sure to exclude the pages where you don't want this check!
except: ['register', 'login', 'reset-password']
