Updated woocommerce, all old orders now missing from woocommerce back-end - wordpress

So I recently updated the woocommerce plugin on a wordpress ecommerce store that I manage, however, previously the theme being used on the site had been developed from a template & once the update of woocommerce completed, the front-end of the site broke.
As a result I reverted back to the old version of woocommerce as a temporary fix. The problem is that now in the back-end in the orders tab, none of the orders from before the update are being shown - even though it states that there are over 4000.
I assume that this is something to do with the DB?
Any ideas?

Not sure, but maybe this might contain the solution because it's kind of a similair problem. And if you can't get the answer here, you might wan't to ask the woocommerce support.


2 Woocommerce Installations with same products

I dont know if this is possible but I would like to create my Woocommerce Shop Frace65.com into multilingual. But the Plugins to make this happen are to expensive for me. Is it possible to install a new Wordpress but connect the Woocommerce products, sales etc from both installations togheter in one database?
You can use this free plugin which is compatible with WooCommerce - WP Multilang. No need of any add-ons and its tab-based language switching in admin panel would be very user-friendly.
Yes, Its possible to install wordpress and woocommerce in one database. You can just follow the steps by link, https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/start-with-woocommerce-in-5-steps/
Use qTranslate-X with the Woocommerce addon. Yes, the plugin is a little old now, but there is a project to revive it and bring it up to date. That said, I use it on 2 sites, one with Woocommerce, and can confirm that it works perfectly well. It's free and has the major advantage that all of the translations are kept in the same post, so there's no duplication.

Woocommerce extensions in Wordpress

I currently have a Wordpress site hosted on my own servers with Woocommerce installed.
I would like to be able to sell carpet on this site by the meter with decimals. For example, the customer would enter "3.5" meters into an input field which would calculate the price.
It looks like this extension will do exactly this but I just wanted to make sure that Woocommerce extensions would work on my Wordpress site.
Is this correct?
Thank you
As long as your site is up to date with WordPress and WooCommerce versions, then you should be able to install and use the WooCommerce extensions.
WooCommerce is maintained by Automattic who are the main developers and maintainers of WordPress so you should also get reliable support if you find yourself struggling. The main challenge I always have with WooCommerce plugins is configuring them so that they work exactly as I want them to work!
They state they have a 30 day money back guarantee and they have certainly refunded me in the past without argument.
Yes, It should because of Woocommerce's unified compatibility to it's extensions.
No worries.

What if you update your version of woocommerce,What happned to our data?

What if you update your version of woocommerce,What happens to our data? Does it remain unchanged?
Your products, orders and customer data is stored in your database, so updating WooCommerce shouldn't affect them, but you should always backup your database before you update anything just in case something goes wrong. You can either use a plugin like WP migrate DB, or else export a copy of the DB via PHPMyAdmin.
If your theme uses custom templates for WooCommerce, these may have to be updated: WooCommerce will flag any templates that need updating.
If you've made any changes to the WooCommerce plugin files themselves you will definitely lose those changes: you should avoid editing plugin files directly.
Finally, it's worth reviewing the WooCommerce changelog to see what changes have been made and how they may impact you.

Woocommerce - Billing / shipping address doesn't update in My Account

I'm facing a little weird problem: when I change the billing or shipping address inside My Account screen, the address seems to have changed, however after refresh the page, the old address remains there and I look at the admin and check that anything was changed.
Have you ever seen that issue before? My theme still uses Woocommerce 1.6.4 because we're working on a new theme development and we can't update WC yet.
Any helps?
This has happened to me before. The problem was the WP Super Cache Plugin. The document below on the Woocommerce website explains why this happens. The cart, my account, and checkout page need to stay dynamic since they display information specific to the current customer.
If you aren't using a caching plugin, try clearing out your browser cache. If that doesn't fix the issue, I would revert back to the basics. Updating Woocommerce would be highly recommended, but in your case, I would disable any new plugins you have added. Since you are using an old version of Woocommerce, any new plugins added could be creating a conflict. I hope that helps!

How to delete all plugin references in database?

How does one completely remove a plugin from WordPress?
I have deleted the plugin via WordPress admin and then reinstalled, problem persists.
I see 8 records in cmsoptions table referencing the offending plugin. Since WP Admin drags to a grinding crawl with the plugin active, and for weeks the plugin was working just fine, I have to conclude that the problem exists due to the plugin references in the DB.
If anyone has the inside word on completely obliterating a plugin from WP, please do share.
The the options API (http://codex.wordpress.org/Options_API) is open to the plugin to store whatever data it wishes (under whatever name it wishes). You'd have to search the plugin code to see what it is storing (and how) in order to get rid of the offending data.
The issue isn't with WordPress, it's with the plugin. WordPress is a framework and can't take responsibility for whatever gets built on top of it (ie plugins). It's like blaming a hammer for a poorly built house.
