Windows Phone 8.1 universal app, Navigate to a particular on tapping of receive Push Notification - push-notification

I am sending Push notification from Azure Notification hub. I want to navigate to particular page on tap of received Toast Push Notification. I am receiving Push notification but unable to navigate to a particular page.
Here is my insert code:
function insert(item, user, request) {
var payload = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><toast><visual>' +
'<binding template="ToastText01"> <text id="1">' +
item.subject + '</text></binding></visual></toast>';
success: function () {
// If the insert succeeds, send a notification.
push.wns.send(null, payload, 'wns/toast', {
success: function (pushResponse) {
console.log("Sent push:", pushResponse);
error: function (pushResponse) {
console.log("Error Sending push:", pushResponse);
request.respond(500, { error: pushResponse });
Can any one please help?

There is a number of steps here and you didn't give very much detail on your problem. I'll try to explain the concept in full of anyone who might need the whole thing. Be sure you've set up all the steps in this article first:
First, you need to send the push notification with the page you want to load. So let's say you have a page that shows some details about an item. When you get a push notification, it automatically opens up that item. You could send a payload like:
var payload = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><toast><visual>' +
'<binding template="ToastText01"> <text id="1">' + + '</text></binding></visual></toast>';
Then you need to respond to the push notification. You can see the documentation page for this here:
Your set up code would look something like this:
ShellToastNotificationReceived +=
new EventHandler<NotificationEventArgs>(httpChannel_ShellToastNotificationReceived);
public static HttpNotificationChannel CurrentChannel { get; private set; }
// This is from the tutorial linked in the first paragraph
private void AcquirePushChannel()
CurrentChannel = HttpNotificationChannel.Find("MyPushChannel");
if (CurrentChannel == null)
CurrentChannel = new HttpNotificationChannel("MyPushChannel");
CurrentChannel.ChannelUriUpdated +=
new EventHandler<NotificationChannelUriEventArgs>(async (o, args) =>
// Register for notifications using the new channel
await MobileService.GetPush()
CurrentChannel.ShellToastNotificationReceived +=
new EventHandler<NotificationEventArgs(async (o, args) =>
RootFrame.Navigate(new Uri("/ItemPage.xaml"), args.Collection['1']);
I haven't tested any of this code, but it should be good enough to point you in the right directions. Basically,
Send the info you need to react in the Push Notification
Listen for event on your Client
Navigate to the frame you want to be on
Be sure to checkout this tutorial on Navigation:


Xamarin: iOS remote notification has no sound

I've been banging my head for a few days now trying to figure this out.
I followed this article to setup local notifications for both iOS and Android
I also added push notification service for both platforms, on Android everything works fine (both local and remote push notifications).
For iOS, the article doesn't mention that you have to add a line of code to make the notification alert with sound, so I modified the SendNotification method to have the content object like this
var content = new UNMutableNotificationContent()
Title = title,
Subtitle = "",
Body = message,
Badge = 1,
Sound = UNNotificationSound.Default
Now the notifications have sound on iOS for both local and remote notifications, but when the app is closed (in background) the notification still shows without sound.
What am I missing?
You could add the following code in the AppDelegate.cs file :
public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)
if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion(8, 0))
// you could register different settings
var notificationSettings = UIUserNotificationSettings.GetSettingsForTypes(
UIUserNotificationType.Alert | UIUserNotificationType.Badge | UIUserNotificationType.Sound, null
The code above ask for the permisson to display notifications and we could register different settings as we like. So the following code in Intialize method in Xamarin LocalNotifications sample code is not needed any more as well as the bool hasNotificationsPermission .
public void Initialize()
// the following code could be deleted
UNUserNotificationCenter.Current.RequestAuthorization(UNAuthorizationOptions.Alert, (approved, err) =>
hasNotificationsPermission = approved;
Hope it works for you.

Xamarin.forms NotificationTapped event not fired when tap on notification

I am using Plugin.LocalNotification to create notification after file is downloaded. But my issue is I am not able to open that file by tapping notification. Instead it navigates to MainPage(Login Page in my case)
public App()
NotificationCenter.Current.NotificationTapped += Current_NotificationTapped;
private void Current_NotificationTapped(NotificationTappedEventArgs e)
// This event doesn't get fire.
I show Notification using following code after creating pdf file.
var notification = new NotificationRequest
Title = "Invoice",
Description = message,
ReturningData = filepath, // Returning data when tapped on notification.
// NotifyTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(2) // Used for Scheduling local notification, if not specified notification will show immediately.111
NotificationCenter.Current.NotificationTapped += Current_NotificationTapped; // tried calling tapped event here as well. but no success.
private void Current_NotificationTapped(NotificationTappedEventArgs e)
Someone has also reported bug regarding this issue on github.

Unity: Receive Firebase Short Dynamic Link in DynamicLinkReceived callback event

I would like to use Firebase Dynamic Links for Unity (Android/iOS) so users can invite friends and be rewarded with.
Each user gets a different Short Dynamic Link in the form of
The user can share this Short DynamicLink with friends.
When the invited friend comes into the app, this callback is called.
private void OnDynamicLink(object sender, EventArgs args) {
var dynamicLinkEventArgs = args as ReceivedDynamicLinkEventArgs;
Debug.LogFormat("Received dynamic link {0}",
Unfortunately, I only get back the base link that was necessary to create the short dynamic link.
Received dynamic link
I get an additional native output in my iOS app:
IOSNative::Native->Unity callback data:
2020-01-14 15:30:20.455009+0100 ambassador[315:8406]
IOSNative::Native->Unity callback data:
Now my question is how do I get the generated short dynamic link that I have shared with a friend in OnDynamicLink callback(
I need the value behind the parameter "&_osl" as seen in additional native output. But I only get the Base Url back in Unity (
My solution at the end was to shorten the BaseLink with the help of DynamicLinks.GetShortLinkAsync.
//unescape url
baseLink = UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest.UnEscapeURL(baseLink);
var components = new DynamicLinkComponents(
// The base Link.
new Uri(baseLink),
// The dynamic link URI prefix.
domainUriPrefix) {
IOSParameters = new IOSParameters(PackageName) {
AppStoreId = "XXXXXXXXX"
AndroidParameters = new AndroidParameters(PackeName)
string inviteLink = string.Empty;
await DynamicLinks.GetShortLinkAsync(components, options).ContinueWith((task) => {
if (task.IsCanceled) {
Debug.LogError("GetShortLinkAsync was canceled.");
if (task.IsFaulted) {
Debug.LogError("GetShortLinkAsync encountered an error: " + task.Exception);
// Short Link has been created.
inviteLink = task.Result.Url.ToString();

Xamarin android: Async await calls not working when app open by clicking push notification

When I open app by tapping on FCM push notification, The API service calls I am making by using await keyword those are not working. Entire app not returning data.
Code for API calling
var result = await objHomework.GetHomeWorksForStudentPagesAsync(studentId.ToString());
result returning null. if app already open, everything working fine. See the Image below screenshot of app
Notification messages are delivered to OnMessageReceived callback only when the app is in the foreground.
Override the HandleIntent Method of the FirebaseMessageService to work for background as well
public override void HandleIntent(Intent intent)
if (intent.Extras != null)
var builder = new RemoteMessage.Builder("MyFirebaseMessagingService");
foreach (string key in intent.Extras.KeySet())
builder.AddData(key, intent.Extras.Get(key).ToString());
catch (Exception)
Actually, I was missing some keys which is necessary for service call authentication in my project. I am getting those keys in MaiActivity but notification click even starting app from somewhere else therefore keys values was null and service calls was not happening.

Push Notification using RHMAP

I am trying to send push notification using RHMAP to iOS devices. Can anyone please let me know how to send push notification to specific device ID using RHMAP. I am able to send notification to all the devices but not to a specific device.
I couldn't find anything regarding this in RHMAP documentation also.
RHMAP has a lot of documented material and examples about push notifications.
The information that you are looking for is in the section " Recipient filtering"[1] of the Product features documentation.
"alias - user identification, such as a user name or an e-mail representing a single person (with possibly multiple devices). Intended to enable a unicast communication model."
For more information and examples you can check to fh.push client API[2] and fh.push cloud API[3]. There you can find the following example with filter criteria in the push notifications.
Push a message for specific deviceType in a specific Client App
var message = {
alert: "hello from FH"
options = {
apps: ["3uzl1ebi6utciy56majgqlj8"], // list of App IDs
criteria: {
deviceType: "android"
$fh.push(message, options,
function (err, res) {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log("status : " + res.status);
In the example above, for you implement your method using alias, you need to change the deviceType for alias as the following example.
alias: [] // Set here the alias that you are looking for
The following is an example for Android.
import com.feedhenry.sdk.PushConfig;
private void register() {
PushConfig p = new PushConfig();
FH.pushRegister(p, new FHActCallback() {
public void success(FHResponse fhResponse) {
startActivity(new Intent(RegisterActivity.this, MessagesActivity.class));
public void fail(FHResponse fhResponse) {
fhResponse.getErrorMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
[1] -
[2] -
[3] -
You can set an alias for the device and use that alias to send the notification to it.
As you don't mention which SDK (Objective-C, Swift, Cordova) are you using I can't help you on how to set the alias as it's different for each of them, if you provide more information I can try to help you.
