Comparative view in Paraview with identical Pipeline - pipeline

I am visualizing multiple steps of a simulation and exporting them as a movie. Since the geometry is complicated, I would like to show it from several perspectives side-by-side, with the same pipeline.
Paraview has "Render View (Comparative)" which lets me do just that, but it resets the pipeline for each new comparative view. Since the pipeline is complex, I have to set it up manually for each new view, which is tedious, and changes to one don't change the other.
Am I overlooking a simple way to just show exactly the same thing, just from different point, in the comparative render view?

You can open a new view in the same layout ( , and when you make a video you will record both because they are in the same layout.
Still, they will not be synchronized (to change the visibility of an object, you will have to do it in each view), maybe for automating this the python tracing can help.


Learning Qt: Which methodology to be used for this "advanced UI"?

I am learning Qt5 using PyQt.
My goal is to create a UI with several goals (I will base my need on the screenshot below).
So here are my goals:
My need
Add directories to a list of directories to be scanned (I know how to use QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory for that). For this I'd like to have a "+" button.
When pressed the QFileDialog would open and a new row would be added.
Then I would scan the directory to look for files. It won't be my first implementation but I'd like to have a circular progress bar being displayed during the scan (at the place of the classic progress bar).
When the scan is done, the UI would display the number of files found during the scan. And the progress bar would be replaced by a tick mark icon (not shown on the screenshot...).
At the beginning of each row, I'd like to have a "-" button to delete the row.
My goal is to learn
This is important, I know I am not the first one to have the idea of such a UI.
So I not looking for a third party lib on top of Qt.
My goal is to learn Qt5 (with PyQt) with this example.
But if its unrealistic, please tell me!
My knowledge
Mode View: I implemented some basic model view widgets to display strings, and I understand how to extend the idea to tables or trees.
In this case the number of rows in the table would be handled automatically.
But is it possible to created a table that would display not only strings but also widgets?
Widget Mapper: I read that another methodology is the QDataWidgetMapper. In this case, I would have to deal with creation of news rows by myself, and then I would map data onto them.
But it seems to be a hard and long job.
So, is it a good idea?
So finally could someone tell what is the best direction for that?
I am not looking for code, but since it takes a lots of time to learn new concepts, I'd like to learn and use the correct one before starting coding.
Thank you for your help :)!
After so more searches, I found that I need to use the delegate methodology.
In Qt5 it's QStyledItemDelegate and in Qt4 it's QItemDelegate.
I could find a nice tutorial at the moment, but I started coded it.

how do I do "model" calculation in Plone or Zope

This is a really basic design question, but I can't seem to find an answer. I'll use a really simple example, but my concern is for cases where the model-level calculations, "2+2" in this example, become complex.
Let's say I'm designing an application to run in Zope or Plone; its job is to add two numbers. Dexterity lets me easily create a content type with fields addend1 and addend2, and will generate add, edit, display forms for me. I could modify the display form to also present a field named "sum," but "sum" is a result of extensive calculation in my model, and I don't want to present it in the "add" or "edit" forms because I don't need that as input, just as a result of calculation. I don't want to calculate it in my view, because it's expensive, I'd like to reuse it after initially calculating it, and I don't want my "view" to need any knowledge of how I do my calculations anyway.
So what is the proper "zca"ish approach for doing model-work that has nothing whatsoever to do with presentation of results? Do I create an interface like ISum and create an adapter that converts my content type to one including a sum, then do a view for the ISum interface? If not that, what? Searching PP4D and the Zope 3 Developers Handbook hasn't helped.
Thanks in advance for any insights.
Use events; you can register event handlers for when your content type is added, or edited, and you set the value on the object whenever these events trigger your handler.

In the Presentation Model pattern can view specific logic reside in the view?

I'm currently using RobotLegs with the Presentation Model pattern to develop a Flex 4 project. I understand that all business logic related to a View resides in the Presentation Model associated with that view, however, I am confused when it comes to View specific logic.
For example, I have an indicator that needs to be positioned relatively to list items depending on which list item is selected. Is it acceptable in the Presentation pattern to put the logic that will position the indicator in the View and simply have that logic run in reaction to a selectedIndex property changing in the presentation model?
The reason I am considering this is that since the Presentation Model does not have a reference to the view it is difficult to come up with an ideal solution for manipulating view components.
Ask yourself this: if you had to use the same Presentation Model with a view that looked different (for instance, a mobile View), would you still need to handle this, and could you abstract it enough to handle it the same way from the PM?
It sounds to me like you're moving the indicator relative to the itemRenderer, which suggests that you may want to have some sort of reference to the renderer or its coordinates in the PM (var indicatorIsRelativeTo:InteractiveObject or var indicatorIsRelativeTo:Rect). You may even want to have another variable that describes how it is relative to that object (above, below, left, right).

Does anyone know how to create a interactive graphs using flare or other visualisation classes?

Does anyone know of software or flex/flash/as3 source or visualisation software that could be used to make interactive graphs, where the user would enter a query that would pull data from a MySQL database and the user would build a sunburst or icicle graph by dragging and dropping items into a tree-like structure and they would be able to view the graph? i have attempted to use flare but my programming skills are pretty bad. So far from what i gather, flare only allows the graphing of defined datasets rather than allowing a user to modify the dataset and thus creating a new dataset.
This is far too big for the scope of a single question. You're going to need to write at least a few different pieces.
1.) Access to the database and a way to view datasets
2.) Control handlers to drag and drop datasets onto your chart object
3.) A chart object that can handle receiving dropped dataset items and render itself accordingly.
There are lots of good charting frameworks out there including Flare, Axiis, Flex charting, Fusion Charts, iLog Elixir. I'm not sure what you're trying to do but any one of those should be able to serve as your charting piece.
We worked on a project that used Flare and Flex. We had to provide the data to Flare in an XML format called GraphML, so we had code to convert the data into the required format in our C# backend, and then we passed it to Flex. There were naff all tutorials for it though, so took some time to figure it out.
There is a properly cool graphing tool (although its commercial) called Kapit. Check out their Diagrammer and Visualizer demos. It could be the case that its worth the spend.
But I agree with Mr Owen, theres some mad scope in that question:)

Notes and remarks over the GUI

I am developing a flex application for collaborative data analysis. To present the data my application uses standard and custom components (grids, charts etc.).
I want to deliver the feature that allows users making notes over the GUI of my application. So, other users will see they notes late on.
At the moment my question is: How can be implemented mechanism that allows making notes over the GUI? All suggestions and examples are welcome?
There are a lot of ways to approach this. ( Check out Buzzword, MS Word, and Acrobat all for slightly different approaches of note taking on a document--I assume an application GUI could use any of the same approaches ).
I'd start by saying that the click event bubbles:
So, listen for the click event on every child of your main application file. When you receive that click event you can provide some business logic as to whether or not you want to add a comment /note on the component that was clicked. Then you just some "note" component for collecting and displaying the note data. You an position them based on the x, y values of the click event.
So, actually my problem is much easier then I expected (thank for great design of Flex).
I decided to utilize PopUpManager functionality for my task. It does everything I need at the moment.
