Issue to combine the Clueweb09 annotation data and Freebase dump data - freebase

I am using Freebase dump data to use RDFs and combine it with the annotation ClueWeb09 data. But, I face with the following problem:
clueweb09-en0000-00-00011 ISO-8859-1 English language 17964 17980 0.999813 0.000165 /m/02h40lc
But, when I read Freebase dump data with (Java & Ubuntu)the mid is mentioned /m.02h40lc when I read the gz file. I want to know that I did something wrong OR I should change /m.02h40lc to /m/02h40lc manually.

Yes, you need to replace all slashes (/) in identifiers with periods (.) when working with the current data dumps. This transformation was necessary to make URIs containing the identifiers work properly. This is true not only for MIDs, but also other identifiers used for types, namespaces, etc. For example, type/object/name becomes in the data dump.


Read embedded data that starts with numbers?

I have embedded data that I have imported into Qualtrics use a web service block. The data comes from a .json file and reads something like 0.male, 1.male, 2.male, etc.
I have been trying to read this into my survey using the Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.getEmbeddedData method but without luck.
I'm trying to do something that takes the form.
let n = 2
Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.getEmbeddedData(n + ".male")
but this has been returning a NULL result. Is it possible to read embedded data that starts with a number?
Also see:
The issue isn't the number, it is the dot. getEmbeddedData() doesn't work when the name contains a dot. See for possible alternatives.

Write lines of text at a given position in a file in R

I would like to write a line in a text file at a given position (i) by avoiding the sequential reading.
There is WriteLines base function but I don't know how to insert the text at position (i) given as parameter.
This is — unrelated to R — fundamentally impossible. Most (all common) filesystems do not support inserting or removing content in the middle of a file. The only supported operations are appending (or truncation) at the end, and R only supports appending, not truncation.
The way virtually all software solves your problem is by reading the file, modifying it, and writing it back to disk. If you want to get fancy because the file is very large (at least in the order of hundreds of MiB), you can stream edit the file: Read a part, edit that part, write it back to a new file. Rinse and repeat.
Technical aside: There is one exception to the above with low-level file operations, since files are stored as as non-contiguous “blocks”. But even if R supported this it wouldn’t help you since it doesn’t permit byte-level or line-level granularity: Blocks are typically at least 4 kiB in size.

Missing Foreign string characters in sqlExecute() queries

we needed to fetch data from our database to R directly, we employed sqlExecute(). However, because our string columns contain escape letters such as “ş”, “ö”, “ğ” (Turkish characters which don’t exist in US-Char codes), these characters left missing in my query outputs. Do you know any arguments for sqlExecute() to solve this problem?
You need to set your R locales at the very least and possible set your system locale to allow the use of valid codes and fonts. Since you have provided none of the details of your system and applications, specific advice is not possible. Read ?locales which does say that setting this in R should be honored by your system facilities but that exceptions have been observed.
Here's further information from:
package_name lang_name locale localewin localewincharset
> cat(trk)
tr_utf8 Turkish tr_TR.UTF-8 Turkish_Turkey.1254 WINDOWS-1254

R: Extract value and lines after key word (text file mining)

I have (simple) .csv and .dat files created from laboratory devices and other programs storing information on measurements or calculations. I have found this for other languages but nor for R
Using R, I am trying to extract values to quickly display results w/o opening the created files. Hereby I have two typical settings:
a) I need to read a priori unknown values after known key words
b) I need to read lines after known key words or lines
I can't make functions such as scan() and grep() work.
c) Finally I would like to loop over dozens of files in a folder and give me a summary (to make the picture complete: I will manage this part)
I woul appreciate any form of help.
ok, it works for the key value (although perhaps not very nice)
variable<-scan("file.csv", what=character(),sep="")
returns a charactor vector of everything
variable[grep("keyword", ks)+2] # + 2 as the actual value is stored two places ahead
returns characters of seaked values.
as.numeric(lapply(variable, gsub, patt=",", replace="."))
for completion: data had to be altered to number and "," and "." problem needed to be solved.
in a line:
data=as.numeric(lapply(ks[grep("Ks_Boden", ks)+2], gsub, patt=",", replace="."))
Perseverence is not to bad of an asset ;-)
The rest isn't finished, yet, I will post once finished.

How to read a non-standard DBF memo (BLOB) file from ACT?

I am trying to convert data from Act 2000 to a MySQL database. I have successfully imported the DBF files into individual MySQL tables. However I am having issues with the *.BLB file, which seems to be a non-standard memo file.
The DBF files, identifies themselves as dbase III Plus, No memo format. There is a single *.BLB which is a memo file for multiple DBFs to share BLOB data.
If you read this document:
You can see that the REGARDING column is a 6 character one. The description is: This 6-byte field is supplied by the system and contains a reference to a field in the Binary Large Object (BLOB) Database.
Now upon opening the *.BLB I can see that the block size is 64 bytes. All the blocks of text are NULL padded out to that size.
Where I am stumbling is trying to convert the values stored in the REGARDING column to blocks location in the BLB file. My assumption is that 6 character field is an offset.
For example, one value for REGARDING is, (ignoring the square brackets): [ ",J$]
In my Googling, I found this:
It explains that in memo fields (in normal DBF files at least) the space value is ignore (i.e. it's padding out the column).
Therefore if I'm correct (again, square brackets) [",J$] should be the offset in my BLB file. Luckily I've still got access to the original ACT2000 software, so I can compare the full text in the program / MySQL and BLB file.
Using my example value, I know that the DB row with REGARDING value of [ ",J$] corresponds to a 1024 byte offset (or 16 blocks, assuming my guess of a 64 byte sized block).
I've tried reading some Python code for open source projects that read DBF files - but I'm in over my head.
I think what I need to do is unpack the characters to binary, but am not sure.
How can I find the 64-block based spot to read from based on what's found in the DBF files?
EDIT by Jerry Dodge
I've attempted to reverse-engineer the strings in this field to hexadecimal values, and then to an integer value using StrToInt64, but the result still does not match up with the blob file. I've also tried multiplying this integer value by 64 and not multiplying, but the result keeps winding up outside of the size of the blob file, not actually finding any data.
For example, a value of ___/BD (_ = space) translates to $2f4244 hexidecimal, which in turn translates to the integer value of 3097156, but does not correspond with any relevant portion of data in the blob file, even when multiplied or divided by 64.
According to the SDK you linked, the following happens as I understand:
There is a TYPE field (right behing REGARDING) that encodes what REGARDING is used for (see the second table of the linked chapter). So I'd assume that if type=6 (meeting not held) the REGARDING is either irrelevant or only contains a meeting ID reference from some other table. On that line of thought I would only expect REGARDING to be a BLB offset if type=101 (or possibly 100). I'd also not abandon the thought that in these relevant cases TYPE might be a concatenation of BLB file index and offset (because there is a mention that each file must not be longer than 30K chars and I really expect to be able to store much more data even in one table).
