Using <google-chart> with Angular2 - web-component

I'm unable to get the web-component <google-chart> working in Angular2. If I add this:
<link rel="import" href="bower_components/google-chart/google-chart.html">
<google-chart>details omitted</google-chart>
to the Quickstart index.html the chart fails to draw. If I comment out all the Angular 2 related stuff then the chart draws.
I get an unhelpful error that
"Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'value' of undefined" in
I played around with this using the gulp-based ToDo app found on Reddit and found that if I comment out zones.js then the ToDo elements and chart draw, but the form and ToDo list fail to communicate. Putting zones.js back in, the ToDo app works but the chart doesn't draw. So it appears to be related to how Angular 2 uses zones.
Am I doing this wrong, or is this an Angular2 bug?

I too was facing similar issue when using the polymer element in an Angular 2 App. I finally fixed it by using the new binding mechanisms in Angular 2. The specific change is present in this commit. Hope this helps.


Layouts inside folders Nuxt js 3

Layouts inside "layouts" folder work as expected but when I try to save a layout inside a folder like "layouts/mobile/custom.vue" does not seem to work.
just throws this message as if the layout does not exists.
Invalid layout `mobile/custom` selected.
when I try to use it inside "pages/index.vue" like this.
<NuxtLayout name="mobile/custom">
some code ...
This works for "layouts/custom.vue" inside "pages/index.vue".
<NuxtLayout name="custom">
some code ...
I know that Nuxt 2 added support for this after an issue, but I'm not familiarized with it as it has 1 failing check but at least says "merged".
Adds support for folders in /layouts #1865
I tried to search any type of information about it but not even the documentation of Nuxt 3 itself says something related to this. Nuxt 3 Issues no luck.
Nuxt 3 - Layouts
Does anybody knows why this happens ? or is it that this feature is not supported yet in Nuxt 3.0.0 rc4.
I tried on a clean Nuxt 3 installation.
This feature was added in Nuxt 2 long ago.
Adds support for folders in /layouts #1865
Nuxt.js does not respect layouts in separate folders. #1854
It does not seem to work the same way in nuxt 3.
I checked the source code for Nuxt 3 and definitely is not supported.
example: layouts/folder/custom.vue
and then use it in pages like follows
<NuxtLayout name="folder/custom">some code ...</NuxtLayout>
I just sent a PR for this feature.
Adds support for folders in /layouts #5796
Hopefully it gets accepted or at least it gives someone the idea to add this.

Could not navigate to "view"

I am using vaadin 10. I would see this error on my login view class if I used #Route("") but when I write it as #Route(value="") it worked. But doing that to another view I get this error. Most questions asked are way too advanced. I just have a simple project with vaadin and springboot.
With the source code you provided as link in the question's comments, I cannot reproduce your issue. However, there were 2 problems with your code before I was able to run the application:
the #Theme annotation needs to be placed on a view or router layout; I moved it to your LoginView
the Valo theme is not available in Vaadin 10, so the reference on ValoTheme class was a compile error; I removed it
After fixing these problems everything ran fine, #Route(value="") and #Route("") were both working. Which Java version are you using? Java 8 is required minium for Vaadin 10. Also please try to remove lombok for testing, maybe it is causing a problem.
Try annotating your EmployeeDisplay class with #Route(value = "employeeDisplay") instead of #Route(value = "/employeeDisplay"). In other words, remove the /. doesn't contain a definition for button and Layout

I created an Android project on Xamarin and added a button in the layout but I'm having this error of Resource.Id doesn't contain a definition for Button when i create the button using FindViewById in the Activity. Despite giving the an id to the button and layout using (android:id="#+id/btnShow"), I'm still having the error. I checked the Resource.Designer but could not find the aapt for the button.
Another issue that I faced is when I created a layout, gave it and defined it in an activity but the Resource.layout doesn't contain a definition for the layout.
However, other buttons and layouts can be defined in my activities
Actually this problem occurs when your ResourceDesigner.cs file has not yet mapped the file that you added to your resource directory(Xamarin Bug). The easiest way i would suggest to handle this situation is you comment the code you are trying to write and clean build your project and it will work like a charm. Good luck!

How would I create a RouteModule in Angular 2 without forRoot

I am working on going through the Style guide for Angular 2 and I happened upon this line
Do end the filename of a RoutingModule with -routing.module.ts.
I haven't had luck finding anything on routing module examples so I went to Papa's blog. There I found this line...
The forRoot() function should only be used for creating the root modules' routes. When we get to child modules and routes, we'll use other techniques that we'll see in later posts.
So how do I create a RouteModule that isn't using forRoot like suggested.
I think I found an example here...

Can't make og:determiner work on Open graph object

I am trying to post an open graph action with one of my objects.
Everything works fine except that I need the 'a' article used with my object, so I added the og:determiner meta tag as described in the docs:
<meta property="og:determiner" content="a" />
But when I check the post on my timeline I see that the determiner is not used at all and the sentence comes out strange.
What might be wrong? am I missing some definition in the dev app?
