show website to client without having domain or web hosting -

I have developed website on for my client . I want to show him progress of work . I have no domain or web hosting to show him . Is there any possibility to show my website built on to my client ??Also I have used ngrok but its another case its not wirking . Any other software or free domain or web hosting???

You can try azure free websites.
Other than that, you can host the website on you own computer and give your client your ip address (you may have to play around with port forwarding and windows firewall).


Multiple websites under a folder in IIS

I have a problem with websites in IIS.
The first thing that I did was that I set basic .html website in IIS under Default website (port 80). I moved the code in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Test and it works.
When I type in the browser localhost/Test, it works but I have an ASP.NET Core web app and I want to open it using localhost/MyAspNetSite in the browser. Is this possible???
I'm asking that because when I right click on the Default website I have no possibility to add new website, only virtual directory or application. In my case, I put my .net code in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\New and in I added the new website on port 5000 and it works like localhost:5000 but not like localhost/New. I hope that you understand me.
Is it possible to have two websites on the same port or to connect two websites or something like that?
I am sending image about this problem. Thank you
You can host multiple sites under the same IP Address. In this case, the IP Address is called "Shared IP Address". This concept is used by all the shared host providers in this world.
That you basically need to do is to go to your IIS -> click your domain -> Bindings -> and add "" and "" to the IP. If you have a second site, you just have to do exactly the same thing, you can check this blog post it can help u to understand all that things

How to host website with SQL Server database on server (personal Laptop)

I have website which was developed in ASP.NET, I want to host this website on a server which is my own laptop (for test purposes). Also the website has interaction with SQL Server. So then anybody can use this website when my laptop is turned on. Is it possible? If yes, please inform me of the correct way to host my website
You just have to install IIS on your PC and use it as a web server. Your site will be available by IP or domain name (how-to or Youtube how-to). Also you can use dynamic IP and domain name with Dynamic DNS service like

Contact form not working when published

My contact form works when running locally on my computer but doesn't work when published on the domain i bought, the web hosting provider i am using is HostGator.
My site is in 4 and i am using hotmail as host.
Here is my Web.Config content:
The issue is with ports. You need to have your hosting provider open whatever ports you are going to use or see if you can use an already open port with hot mail.

Deploy web site without using a domain

I am new to the web world, so I apologize if this question is silly.
I have an ASP.NET web site I wish to deploy.
The server has IIS 7 deployed on it, and I've added the site
to that IIS server as a web site.
For the time being I don't have a domain mapped to the site,
I would like the users to browse for the site directly by using the server's IP.
Is that even possible? because I failed to do it.
The only option that worked so far is using the hosts file to declare
a fake domain.
It would be nice if someone could clarify that issue for me.
Thanks a lot,
If you set the site bindings to IP address: All Unassigned on port 80, and do not provide a host name, then any request that makes it through to IIS should be served by that site. Make sure you stop any other sites that might have that binding (e.g., "Default Web Site" is normally bound to this).
In order to access the site by IP, you can't have the host name populated in IIS. Your best bet would be to use the "Default Web Site" that's already in IIS, and point that to your application.
Using IP is possible, but you need to make sure your users can see this ip from their machines.

web services on a dedicated port within an web site

Is it possible to have a web service within an ASP.NET forms web site run on a different port, sort of like how SSL has a dedicated port?
The service needs to see the app_code folder in the existing site and of course app_data.
Any links to articles or tutorials would be greatly appreciated.
You can have several different ports bound to a website in IIS, however if you bind that port, it will work on the whole website. You can't bind a port specifically to a directory within a site.
So you can have a secondary port (ex: 8080) added along with a hostname through the website bindings in IIS.
If you don't want to have the rest of the site (that's not the web service) to respond to the secondary port, you would have to do it through either code, or configuration.
