Contact form not working when published -

My contact form works when running locally on my computer but doesn't work when published on the domain i bought, the web hosting provider i am using is HostGator.
My site is in 4 and i am using hotmail as host.
Here is my Web.Config content:

The issue is with ports. You need to have your hosting provider open whatever ports you are going to use or see if you can use an already open port with hot mail.


How to GET RID of the iFRAME on Azure that wraps my website I uploaded via FTP

this is driving me NUTS!
I have a website I built that's on AZURE.
I built it in NETBEANS 8.2 like I do with EVERY SITE since 2011.
I uploaded to AZURE via FILEZILLA with no issue. When I got to login, BOOM! I get this error:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)
It's because of AZURE WRAPPING MY SITE with TWO IFRAMES!!! Whiskey Tango Foxtrot???
UPDATE: BRANDO, here's the config on Azure for Virtual Directories. It's pretty straight forward and I get an iFRAME!!! Azure "IS" doing this!!]1
Azure web app will not add any codes to your html page.It is just a host platform. <--- custom domain, add the frameset <--- azure web site doesn't add the frameset
So this issue is not related with azure web app.
So I guess the frame set is added by your custom domain company server or you set the frame by code at some other place(by js) not the azure.
I suggest you could try to connect with your custom domain support and could follow this article to bind the custom domain with your azure web app.

How to host website with SQL Server database on server (personal Laptop)

I have website which was developed in ASP.NET, I want to host this website on a server which is my own laptop (for test purposes). Also the website has interaction with SQL Server. So then anybody can use this website when my laptop is turned on. Is it possible? If yes, please inform me of the correct way to host my website
You just have to install IIS on your PC and use it as a web server. Your site will be available by IP or domain name (how-to or Youtube how-to). Also you can use dynamic IP and domain name with Dynamic DNS service like

show website to client without having domain or web hosting

I have developed website on for my client . I want to show him progress of work . I have no domain or web hosting to show him . Is there any possibility to show my website built on to my client ??Also I have used ngrok but its another case its not wirking . Any other software or free domain or web hosting???
You can try azure free websites.
Other than that, you can host the website on you own computer and give your client your ip address (you may have to play around with port forwarding and windows firewall).

Deploy ASP.NET to intranet server with host name,keeps asking me for credential

i am deploying an ASP.NET 4.0 Application to a production server .
The server is an intranet server. In the binding of the site, I assigned an IP Address and a port number and it works fine in the form http://xx.x.xx.x:888/. Then I would like our user to use a friendly URL to access to the website. So I asked our IT manager to assign a friendly URL to this url. the friendly URL is like this
The problem is when I try accessing the site with the friendly URL it keeps pop-asking me for my credential and never lets me get into the site. Thanks for your helping.
Server environment:
Windows 2008
IIS 7.5
Server and users are all in intranet.
If I stop the site, it gives me another "Internet explorer cannot display the page" error. So I guess this site is taking care of the request for this host name
I found that I can browse this site using host name if I am on the production server.But it doesn't work if I try on another computer.
Just found that It doesn't work with IE 9 32 bit but it works with Chrome and firefox, which is very weird...
The site's authentication and authorization is like below
I don't see that you mentioned this, but did you try adding the port to your friendly URL? ie. ?
Let us know!
Enable anonymous authentication. That's it ;)

Allowing remote access to IIS 7.5

I have developed an web site and deployed it to IIS on my local pc. I am trying to set up my pc to be a temporary web server, but no matter what I do, I cannot access it from another machine. I just get a "Server not responding message". I have turned off the firewall and MS Security Essentials, but it is making no difference. All the other tips I have seen do not work.
The trouble is there are so many ways to go wrong here.
You are currently running IIS and not just testing in Cassini?
You can go to IIS Manager and see Default Web Site?
You can do a Browse under Actions when Default Web Site is selected?
You can get to your machine from another machine?
On your machine, can you browse to http://your-machine/your site? (Not just http://localhost).
Ensure that remote access and http access is turned off on your firewall. Are the other machines you've tested within your domain?
