Configure Visual Studio Azure cloud service project -

I'm looking to host a CMS-driven ASP.NET web application using Azure cloud services.
I'm new to Azure but have successfully managed to configure a basic Visual Studio project and publish it to an Azure web role from Visual Studio.
The application I'm building will have a very specific configuration where the IIS default web site will itself contain multiple IIS applications, each configured with physical path pointing to the same directory as the main website.
So what I'd like to know is, can this kind of setup be configured within the Visual Studio project. If so, can anyone explain how? If not, how can I ensure that my auto-scaling web roles all adopt the correct IIS configfuration?

By using the Sites element within the service definition file, ServiceDefinition.csdef, you can configure your web role to support multiple websites and web applications. This is accomplished using the sites, applications, and virtual directories features in Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0. These features enable each web role in Azure to support configuration for multiple websites and applications.
Hope this helps.


How can i host an ASP.Net web application

i tried to publish my ASP.NET web application to many ways such as FTP, Folder,and Azure
put it didn't work with me with url (
so i tried to host it online with GoDaddy and Hostinger also didn't work.
What is the best way to host my website with this URL?
For the best hosting experience with ASP.NET projects, I recommend Azure Cloud Hosting. In there you can define a new Web App Service and deploy your website directly from Visual Studio.
If you already have a domain you can transfer it to Azure.

How to host website and webapi using PAAS model on windows azure

I have a website and web api project. I am trying to host them on windows azure using the PAAS model. At present in my local dev environment I have hosted the website and web api as shown in the screenshot below:
Both the website and web api are attached to different Visual Studio Solutions. The web api project is referenced within the website.
At present for website I use Visual Studio 2013 for publishing the package. I want to host the web site and the web api in the same pattern done in local dev envrionment on azure using the PAAS model.
Can anyone help me to resolve this issue?
In VS2015 and possibly in VS2013Z(I cannot confirm since I don't have it installed anymore), you can just right click on the API/web project and select 'Publish' in the context menu. In the 'Publish Web' dialog, select the 'Microsoft Azure App Service'. Follow the instructions in selecting your azure account and resource group.
Not quite if this is what your are looking for.

Difference Between Azure Web Site and Azure Cloud Service

I'm about to migrate several separate ASP.NET 4.0 Web Forms applications to Azure. Several are apps using SQL Server 2008. I'm seeing "conflicting" tutorials for this:
Deploying an ASP.NET Web Application to a Windows Azure Web Site and SQL Database
Deploying an ASP.NET Web Application to a Windows Azure Cloud Service and SQL Database
This StackOverflow question goes some way towards explaining this. However, there have been several changes to Azure in recent months and I'm not sure how up to date the information is.
I want as simple a migration process as possible because of the number of sites I have to migrate. Is there a situation where I would have to use the Cloud Service route?
Aside from what the linked-to answer provides: You have to go the Cloud Service route if there are apps you need to install (e.g. an MSI, COM object, etc.). There's simply no facility to do this with Web Sites. In Web Sites, you cannot alter the VM instance at all. With Cloud Services, you have lots of flexibility to install software, alter IIS behavior, pretty much anything you need to do (as long as the installs can be automated).
One point which can be very valuable if you consider migration of ASP.NET 4.0 Web Forms applications - Microsoft Azure Websites do no support SSL for custom domains yet. That might be a blocker for your migration work to the Websites service.
Note that Windows Azure is very dynamic environment with great number of new features coming every new release. In order to be up-to-date I would suggest following ScottGu's Blog to find out about new features and their release dates.
Windows Azure Website supports SSL for custom domains now. SSL Certificates and SSL bindings can be configured in Configure tab.
You can also read more about SSL configuration for Azure Website at Configuring an SSL certificate for a Windows Azure web site.

Compiling an ASP .NET website into an executable (with server)

I remember many years ago using a program that would allow Classic ASP websites to be compiled into an .EXE and run as if they were under IIS. I used this program to create an interactive CD-ROM. Things like Request.QueryString() etc all worked as expected.
Does anyone know of a similar program that will do this for ASP.NET?
UltiDev Web Server Pro. Its a free redistributable web server but requires it to be installed in the client machine.
Microsoft calls it Hosted Web Core Applications :
"Hosted Web Core is a new feature in IIS 7 that enables developers to create applications that load the core IIS functionality. Applications that load the Hosted Web Core use a separate configuration file from IIS, and this feature enables software developers to customize the functionality for their applications. For example, you can write an application that uses the Hosted Web Core functionality to serve Web pages and applications from a Web site that is separate from the Web sites that are hosted by IIS on the same server. When the World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW service) for IIS is recycled, your application will continue to serve Web pages to Web clients."
Not exactly, but you can pre-compile your application and ship it with IIS Express. But this won't be a single executable.

Best way to develop web application with specific user rights

I'm developing a web application wich needs access to a specific directory on one of our servers. When the application is deployed it will run as a specific 'user' (configured in the IIS Application Pool) with access permissions to the given directory.
While developing/debugging the application with Visual Studio 2010's built-in webserver, the application has no permissions to the directory.
What would be the best way to develop/debug this application?
By "built-in webserver" you mean cassini?
If so just deploy the site on the machine's IIS the website project properties.
IIS Express is also an option but I prefer to develop on an environment closest as possible to the one I have in production and IIS is the key service I want to make sure won't give me any deployment problems.
