Best way to develop web application with specific user rights -

I'm developing a web application wich needs access to a specific directory on one of our servers. When the application is deployed it will run as a specific 'user' (configured in the IIS Application Pool) with access permissions to the given directory.
While developing/debugging the application with Visual Studio 2010's built-in webserver, the application has no permissions to the directory.
What would be the best way to develop/debug this application?

By "built-in webserver" you mean cassini?
If so just deploy the site on the machine's IIS the website project properties.
IIS Express is also an option but I prefer to develop on an environment closest as possible to the one I have in production and IIS is the key service I want to make sure won't give me any deployment problems.


Configure Visual Studio Azure cloud service project

I'm looking to host a CMS-driven ASP.NET web application using Azure cloud services.
I'm new to Azure but have successfully managed to configure a basic Visual Studio project and publish it to an Azure web role from Visual Studio.
The application I'm building will have a very specific configuration where the IIS default web site will itself contain multiple IIS applications, each configured with physical path pointing to the same directory as the main website.
So what I'd like to know is, can this kind of setup be configured within the Visual Studio project. If so, can anyone explain how? If not, how can I ensure that my auto-scaling web roles all adopt the correct IIS configfuration?
By using the Sites element within the service definition file, ServiceDefinition.csdef, you can configure your web role to support multiple websites and web applications. This is accomplished using the sites, applications, and virtual directories features in Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0. These features enable each web role in Azure to support configuration for multiple websites and applications.
Hope this helps.

Migrate a ASP.Net application from one server to another server

I have developed a ASP.Net MVC 4 application with Visual Web Developer Express 2010. It was successfully published/deployed to a remote server A (development server) using the Web Developer's built-in publishing tool and it works perfectly on it IIS 7.0 with the web deployment component.
Now I want to deploy it to another remote server B (production server). This one sits in an isolated environment and does not have Internet access! Even if server B is a replica of server A, its IIS 7.0 does not have the web deployment tool component installed. So the built-in publishing tool does not work for the web deployment option.
I then tried to publish it using the File System option. I copied the exported files to a new folder on IIS on server B. The folder was configured the same way as its counterpart on server A. I tried the URL on server B and it just gave me directory/files listing on the browser instead of the welcome page of the application.
Has anybody got the experience or tips to solve the issue? Thanks.
because it a MVC site, the default document doesn't apply. check the following steps:
IIS Extension Less URLs are enabled and allowed.
ASP.NET 4.0 is installed and registered. C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\<version> and then aspnet_regiis -i (this will typically force IIS to use the MVC infrastructure instead of using the default document methodology)
Ensure App Pool is in 4.0 Integrated mode.
Ensue that the IIS Advanced Settings for the website are showing the right root folder path.

Starting .Net web service on the same port as the ASP.Net application

We have a simple Visual Studio solution containing 2 projects:
A.) Simple ASP.Net website
B.) RESTful web service hosted in another ASP.Net application
We want to simply start the projects in Debug mode (F5) and have A consume data from B through Ajax. We do not have the possibility to configure IIS on all development machines (because some of them are on the client's side). The problem might be that JavaScript needs to be in the same domain as the URL it posts to.
Is there any way we can use Visual Studio 2010 Development Server to start both applications simultaneously in debug mode on the same port?
If this is not possible, what is the next best thing you can recommend?
We solved this problem by installing IIS on the development workstation.
In each Visual Studio project, on the Web property page, select Use Local IIS Web server.
Do not check Use IIS Express. The Project URLs will be set to http:localhost/<projectname> (note: in the same domain). You’ll be prompted to Create a Virtual Directory for each. Each will be assigned to the default IIS app pool. Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. Click Application Pools on the left pane. On the right pane add another integrated application pool. For one of the applications, open the Advanced Settings... In the properties view select the app pool you just created as the application pool. The applications should be debuggable in parallel because each Application Pool spawns a new operating system process to which a separate debugger can be attached.
Yo won't be able to host different apps on the same port within a Cassini instance, there are tools that might be useful but I would leave Cassini host them on different ports which is its regular behavior.
Options are (not tested):
Cassini Extesion
By the way, not sure if you know this, but to start both projects go to Set startup projects, there's an option on the Solution context menu.

IIS 7 w/ MVC 3 Permissions Issue

I currently am in the process of deploying a MVC 3 Web App to an IIS 7 server. When I work on the web app from visual studio and deploy through development server, the web app has no problem using a custom .dll that interacts with a local server. However, when I deploy onto IIS 7, the same dll fails to pull data from the server through the dll. I am assuming this is permissions related. I have assigned the AppPool to use an account I created that is a member of the local 'Adminstrators' account. No Success. My account is a member of this group. One quirk I noticed was when I tried to modify security setting in the %WINDIR%\inetsvr folder, which holds the process that runs web server for IIS, I was unable to modify these setting even tho I am a member of the 'administrator' account. Confused about this, and have been running around in circles trying to figure this one out. Any help would be appreciated.
Your web app's associated user definitely don't need to have access permission to %WINDIR%\inetsvr.
Assuming that your website runs on C:\interpub\myWebsite and .Net 4.0, your web app's user needs to have at least reader access to following folders :
%windir%\Microsoft.NET\FrameWork\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files
If you don't grant those access to those folder then it is so likely that your app won't run.
Also, visit your site with a browser inside your production server and see the detailed IIS error. That might help to narrow the problem down.
Also, be sure that your app pool is in integrated mode because ASP.NET
MVC won't work properly under classic mode if you have extensionless
Urls. It is highly likely that you will get 404.

Deploying on IIS in windows 7

I've never actually used IIS, and I'm pretty new to the whole thing too.
Basically, I've created a RESTful service using a VS2010 project.
I'm not sure how you get that application (which runs great on Visual Studio) to run on an IIS server.
It's pretty easy with a Java dynamic web project and Tomcat, but here I'm not sure how to begin.
Do I simply deploy the binaries to a directory?
ther are some possibilities
the easy one
create under c:\inetpub\wwwroot\ a new directory for your app
in the iis manager, configure this directory (create an application, set the right .net version, ... ). than everything you need is to copy all your files into that directory and thats it.
but you can also create a msi file, if you don't have the direct access to the server.
For best testing you application use IIS 7.5 express on you development machine and set this:
project->Properties->Web->Use Local IIS Web Server
After testing under local IIS you can deploy you project to real IIS by using Build->Publish 'Your project'
Simplest way is deploying to File System in some folder and copy its content to created site folder, associated with IIS Virtual directory. To create Sites and virtual directories, see this:
