eBot Setup Fontend and Backend - symfony

I was trying to setup ebot for the one that don't know is a programs that allows you to manage multiple servers and games in csgo but Im stuck when trying to install it. Could some one please help I have tried to follow the guide but cant get it to work. I get an error saying "# You can find more information about this file on the symfony website: # http://www.symfony-project.org/reference/1_4/en/11-App # default values all:"
Where is the website with the install guide: http://www.esport-tools.net/ebot/install

Please check the guide at:
Follow all the steps and should work.


Google Cloud WordPress click to deploy fails to deploy - Waiter time out

I am having trouble setting up a WordPress from the GCP marketplace. Following the 15 min tutorial, when I click deploy, it times out with the error message:
After some research I found this discussion where it is suggested to enable the VPC private access to solve the issue. It did not work. So I tried creating a new VPC with only one subnet configured as suggested. Same error.
I've tried other options in the marketplace, and any of them using the Waiter time out. That tells me it's probably something I am missing in my configuration, but I can't see what could be.
Can anyone see anything I am missing here? Thanks in advance.

really new to meteor, and trying to deploy website to galaxy, but its not working

So I just got into meteor like a month ago, and I just finished my first website after about 2 weeks. Its a social media website kinda like twitter. I also downloaded accounts-ui and accounts-password packages, and I implemented them in the website pretty loosely. But heres the thing, I wanna deploy the website to galaxy using the subdomain .meteorapp.com, and it just doesn't seem to work. I keep getting the same error in the logs which is: "Error: MONGO_URL must be set in environment". I looked it up, and I just dont know what to do. from what I read online you need to make a settings.json file, then add this code:
"galaxy.meteor.com": {
"env": {
"ROOT_URL": "http://blueslipgang.meteorapp.com/",
so thats what I did, and i added this file to the client file, the server file, and even inside no file. I just cant seem to get the website to deploy. I really wanna deploy this website so me and my friend's can use it, but its just not deploying.
so what am I doing wrong, and what do I need to do to fix it. Any help would be really, really appreciated, I worked pretty hard to make this app, and it would really suck if I cant even deploy it.
Thank you
Galaxy doesn't provide a MongoDB service, so you will need to sign up for a MongoDB account (Atlas has a free tier) and use that. Setting the MONGO_URL to localhost/ will throw an error on launch.
Also, to use the settings.json when deploying, you will need to make sure you have the --settings flag set in your deploy command:
DEPLOY_HOSTNAME=galaxy.meteor.com meteor deploy [hostname] --settings settings.json
Also have a read through the official galaxy guide
If you have ongoing problems, I suggest posting on the Meteor forums and the community can help step by step with each issue you run into

The package "apppxbundle" is taking a long time to process. Unable to push update to windows store [UWP] [ Xamarin.Forms]

I've been at this for past 2 days and I'm getting weird errors from the store.
I'm trying to upload an update to my application "CoManga" via the store and it's not working out.
I'm working on Xamarin.Forms (UWP) and before making the appxbundle, I made sure and "associated my app with CoManga" from my developer account. All the information over there matches and should work fine without any issues.
Then I made a release of my UWP app, got the bundle and I tried to upload it to UWP.
It said that the Publisher info is different, so it couldn't upload. This is weird because I tried signing the bundle with my developer account itself.
Now, I tried building and signing the app bundle from app center. I got the appxbundle and that I tried to upload. But, since today it's giving me weird error :
The package comic_dl.UWP_2.1.15.0_ARM_x86_x64.appxbundle is taking a
long time to process. If this isn’t completed soon, try refreshing the
page, or remove the package and then upload it again. If you continue
to see this issue, contact support.
This package I tried to build from my system manually : https://drive.google.com/open?id=1VVvF6IB70R2DKNUgBJcqw-HryL1LIwgo
This is what I got from App center : https://drive.google.com/open?id=1o0sGKU2AKVgrcTelIoRFz7QCe8Do0WJ3
This is the Store ID : 9N81F8B5WW93
Can someone guide me what I might be doing wrong/missing something.
EDIT Update : So, I followed the suggestion and contacted Microsoft's Team for help on this issue. After 3 months of multiple contacts, I was able to get someone to reply back and follow the case. Even they tried things on their end and I tried by deleting all the certificate files I had in my current project and tried to manually build the manifest file and then it worked. I'm not entirely sure what worked out in the end. But, you can try these things if you run into this issue.
1.) Clean your project.
2.) Delete .vs directory.
3.) Look for any certificate files in your project. Back them up somewhere else and then delete them from the project (Don't exclude from project, just delete them entirely). Clean and rebuild your solution.
4.) Check if the application is already installed on your system (When you debug, VS will install your UWP app on your machine to run it). If it's installed, uninstall it completely.
5.) Make a backup of your manifest file and try to create a new manifest file.
These are the links I received from Microsoft Help:
PFN and package publisher name must match values here: https://partner.microsoft.com/en-us/dashboard/products/{YourAppID}/identity
Update manually: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/uwp/schemas/appxpackage/how-to-create-a-package-manifest-manually
Update in VS: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/uwp/schemas/appxpackage/uapmanifestschema/generate-package-manifest
If these values were pulled from test certificate, partner needs to update their test cert: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/msix/package/create-certificate-package-signing
I think this problem is not caused by anything code related, but rather it is a problem on the Store side. I would suggest contacting the Store support, they should be able to investigate if there is something wrong with your app package or the problem is on their side.
For support go to the official website, click the Contact Us tab and fill out the form accordingly.
The team should be able to advise even for the first error with different publisher info. If your app was always associated with the same account, there is no reason it should give you such an error message.
I had this issue gazillion of times. It is so frustrating. That error message isn't useful at all.
Anyway - I think it is something in Package.appxmanifest, something in Identity tag.
Retrieving some necessary info from store helped me.
Click right on your project -> Publish -> Associate App with the Store. This will update Package Display Name,Package Name,Publisher ID,Publisher Display Name and Version with correct values (within Package.appxmanifes).
Also be careful with version number. The last from numbers must be zero. is fine, while is not.

Adding Application Insights to Ghost

I'm trying to add Application Insights to my Ghost blog running in Azure.
I have read the generic documentation about adding App Insights to a Node.js application, so I know how to do that.
What I have zero idea about is where exactly should I do that for Ghost? I've seen a lot of examples and tutorials out there, but they are all for older versions and I can't use any for the version that I have set up (1.21.3).
No matter where I tried to initialize App Insights, I either got some kind of error or just no data appeared in App Insights.
Can someone point me into the right direction? First step would be to know for sure where to put initialization code. Once I'm sure that the code is at the right place, I might have better chances tracking down the specific error.
Turns out I was overthinking this.
The solution is to put the initialization code right at the top of the root index.js.
var appInsights = require('applicationinsights');

Phabricator: Setup issue

I am having a issue in setting up phabricator. I getting an the following error when I navigate to the site URL -"Bad getter Call: getTranslation". I am not able to ascertain if the cause of the issue with the phabricator code or APC.
I'm guessing your are missing some requirements.
If you are not sure of what you are doing, I strongly advise going for an installer such as the Bitnami one, I've been using their stacks for a while and my company' Phabricator is installed that way.
see https://bitnami.com/stack/phabricator
